London: City trader gets shot in the legs

from the capitalist press (24 Jan):

A 44-year-old City trader who was shot in the leg at Shenfield Station on his way to work has been named locally as Robin Clark.

The euro derivatives worker at RP Martin, a brokerage firm in the City of London, suffered serious leg injuries after a masked gunman “deliberately targeted” him as he got out his car at Shenfield railway station this morning.

Detectives are now hunting for the gunman, who fled in a vehicle that was parked nearby.

The 44-year-old victim, whose previously worked as a trader at BGC Partners was with a male friend at the time of the attack.

🙂 2014s looking up already!

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Somerset: Jesus takes one in the head

from the Daily Heil (23 Jan):

Vandals have caused thousands of pounds worth of damage to a church after they attacked stained glass windows – shooting out the face of Jesus Christ.

The damage is just the latest in a two-month spell of vandalism attacks on St Bartholomew’s Church in Crewkerne, near Yeovil in Somerset.

Five stunning windows at the Grade I-listed Anglican church have been smashed by the air rifle-wielding thugs – each set to cost more than £2,300 to repair.

Great stuff.

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Newport: Banner drop against NATO, in solidarity with arrested anarchists in USA

From Indymedia UK:

Today several banners were dropped at various locations around Newport, south Wales as an act of solidarity with the NATO 3 and to launch the statement below [see link] which was handed out in the city centre.

click link above to see and read more

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HMP Birmingham: Attack on guards

From ze press (20 Jan):

A prisoner injured three HMP Birmingham officers in a “frenzied” attack with broken glass after they came to his cell to given him his lunch, a court heard.

One of the slashing blows cut through the tendons and nerves down to the bone of one of the officers’ arms, Birmingham Crown Court was told.

Ahmed Al-Sharif, 53, of no fixed address, denied two charges of wounding with intent and three of assault. Jason Pegg, prosecuting, said Al-Sharif was being kept on the jail’s hospital wing and, in early November 2012, had embarked on a “dirty protest” and was regularly abusive to staff.

Mr Pegg said the prisoner armed himself with a shard of glass, wrapped in a piece of fabric, and attacked officer Robert Belcham as soon as he came through the door.

“The defendant then started a flailing attack, waving his arms around,” Mr Pegg said. “He was in a frenzy.”

Mr Pegg said Al-Sharif slashed the same officer again on his arm and also injured his two colleagues when they came to help. A fourth officer who came in to the cell after the alarm was sounded was also hurt, the court heard.

Mr Pegg said Al-Sharif punched and scratched another officer three days earlier after being found “ranting and raving” as he was served a meal.

On that occasion, Al-Sharif punched the guard using “all of his might,” it was claimed.

Mr Pegg said the defendant then grabbed the officer and scratched his face. After that, he said, Al-Sharif had smashed up his TV.


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Bolton: house of god set on fire

From the press (18 Jan):

TWO arsonists admitted causing a blaze at a derelict church.

Scott Withington, aged 26, of Barfield Road, Salford, and a 17-year-old boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, set fire to the former United Reformed Anglican Church in Beta Street, School Hill, at about 3pm on March 19, 2012.

Police officers doused the flames with a fire extinguisher from their car before firefighters arrived. Police were called after receiving information about two men acting suspiciously.

When they drove along Beta Street, they saw the former church on fire.

Too bad they got nicked – fuck religion.

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Hastings: Solidarity to anarchist comrades captured by the Mexican State

From indymedia uk:

Banner reads: “End State Terror! Torture and Murder. Eng.-Mex. Free Carlos, Amelia, Fallon, G. Rodriguez

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Cars fucked up (Portsmouth)

the media report (13 Jan):

A 31-year-old man has been arrested after more than 50 cars were damaged in Hampshire in the space of around seven hours, police said. Many cars parked in Watts Road, Turner Road and Wingfield Street in Portsmouth had their tyres slashed between midnight and around 7am on Saturday.

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What a novel idea….

from the Daily Heil:

A crime novelist’s Porsche was destroyed by arsonists in an attack that was similar to one of his storylines.

Andrew Towning believes the offender was inspired to set fire to his £18,000 Porsche Carrera outside his Dorset home after reading one of his crime-thriller novels.

The blaze caused a small explosion and sent flames 10ft into the air.

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‘Perennial Resistance ELF-FAI Bristol’ claim arson of Kia showroom, Bath

from Actforfreedomnow!:

8th of January – Incendiary device on delay left at Kia car showroom, Lower Bristol Road, Bath. Damage to the building facade. A brand new 4-x-4 and three cars also consumed by the flames. A direct attack on exploitative manufacturing industries who profit from choking our world, who also make status symbols for our class enemies. This section of the Earth Liberation Front and Informal Anarchist Federation has them in our sights.

With the cops cleared of the execution of Mark Duggan that started the riots of 2011, as good a time as ever to re-ignite the streets.

Unfortunately for the enemy, the 32 year old arrested for the action has no relation to our group.

Active solidarity with:
– the stirrings of new struggle against road building programs in the UK (traces of which we saw in Combe Haven), specifically with the ones who won’t take the path of liberals and pacifists next time
– Swiss anarchist Marco Camenish (who is on hunger strike and refusing work since the 30th of December) and informal anarchist prisoners Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai in Italy
Henry Zegarrundo (who we recognise as a kindred spirit through his letters) targeted by the Bolivian prosecutors, those on the run, and the anarchist and indigenous peoples still fighting the highway development

Perennial Resistance ELF-FAI Bristol

– Toluca – Jakarta – Moscow – Buenos Aires – Melbourne – keep the fires burning

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Cardiff: Solidarity with HMP Oakwood prisoners resistance

we recieve & transmit:



Banner says: SOLIDARITY 2 HMP OAKWOOD REVOLT. We hung it in downtown Cardiff at rush hour. Fire to the prisons!!


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‘F.A.I./Insurgents: Bristol North’ bomb Vinci corporate offices

from Actforfreedomnow!:

We think that anyone serious about confronting domination as it stands today will sooner or later come to the questions of science and technology. It’s clear how both have an increasingly vital role to the ruling order by creating, managing and spreading control within society and over the rest of an earth we’re falsely separated from. By investigating the development of these powers in the region and who makes it possible, we came to Vinci.

In the U.K, the French multinational energy and construction giant Vinci carry out specialist construction services for the police, Ministry of Defence and prisons, earthworks for motorways, railways and quarrying, power stations, offshore rigs and nuclear new-builds, as well as shopping centres and the like.

Worldwide this corporation and its subsidiaries are active in many fields: dam building, private security, airports, uranium mines; these scum have no problem with inflicting carnage on the earth and us as part of it, raising an industrial cage around us both figuratively and literally, and feeding off the labours of their workforce while the bosses line their pockets and move on to the next contract. In these respects we attack Vinci anyway, but one of our main motives for targeting them is because they’re responsible for building the new Biological Life Sciences Centre soon to open at the University of Bristol. We set off an explosive at Vinci’s offices at Vantage business park, north of Bristol, at approximately 3:45 yesterday morning (6th January). It was placed with the aim of cutting off power lines, scorching the exterior and starting a fire inside. Continue reading

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Fire to the porsches (Dorset)

Wimborne, Dorset. [link]

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Sabotage of rail lines (Warwickshire)

from the mainstream media:

Vandals who sliced through live electric cables caused trains to be disrupted in north Warwickshire.

The damage was reported last Friday night when signals failed on a section of track near Quarry Lane, Mancetter, on the main West Coast route.

British Transport Police officers, who discovered 13 cables had been cut and disturbed but not stolen, are now appealing for information as they try to track down the offenders.

Pc Phil Whitehouse, from BTP’s Op Leopard team which is dedicated to fighting cable crime on the railways, said: “These cuts caused the signalling equipment in the area to fail, resulting in all train services scheduled through that section of line being delayed as two of the four railway lines could not be used.”

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Uprising at HMP Oakwood: wing occupied, fighting with G4S screws

On Sunday 5th inmates at HMP Oakwood near Wolverhampton rose up and occupied a wing of the UKs largest jail, barricading and smashing windows, which previously has seen rooftop protests against the shit conditions men are subjected to. Solidarity against the prison system and the capitalist society that creates it!!!

from the mainstream media:

Up to 60 inmates, and possibly some weapons, may have been involved in the trouble at Oakwood jail, near Wolverhampton.

Serious disorder reportedly broke out overnight in a wing of a jail near Wolverhampton run by security firm G4S.

Up to 60 inmates are believed to have been involved in the five-hour incident at HMP Oakwood, which a company spokesperson said had now been resolved.

Sky’s Home Affairs Correspondent Mark White said: “We understand it was a serious incident.”

He added that weapons may have been involved.

Extra resources were brought in to try to contain the disorder, including “tornado” squads of prison officers wearing riot gear who are specially trained in public order.

and from another media report:

The full extent of violent disturbances at Britain’s biggest prison is being “covered up” by ministers and G4S, the private firm that runs it, it has been claimed.

The allegations follow a nine-hour stand-off between staff and inmates at so-called “super prison” HMP Oakwood that ended in the early hours of Monday morning.

It has emerged the violent outbreak was not an isolated incident but one of a string of disturbances at the prison, which houses 1,600 criminals.

Labour’s shadow justice secretary Sadiq Khan said the prison, which only opened in April 2012, had been “plagued” by protests and disturbances.

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Plymouth: sabotage against woodland clearance project

from the corporate press (jan 4):

POLICE are investigating whether two arson and vandalism attacks in woodlands are linked.

Vandals have caused tens of thousands of pounds worth of damage to plant gear at Blackies wood, next to the incinerator, close to Savage Road leading to Barne Road and Wolseley Road.

On Thursday night arsonists went on a rampage with a digger before setting it on fire.
Continue reading

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Happy 2014: prison riot at HMP Nottingham

from the corporate press (4 jan):

SECURITY staff have spent six hours dealing with a “disturbance” at Nottingham Prison.

A Ministry of Justice spokeswoman said the trouble broke out at 4.30pm on Thursday. A number of prison staff suffered “minor injuries”.

The spokeswoman declined to say how many prisoners were involved but said normal prison routine was established by 10.30pm.

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Scottish borders: another speed camera arson

from the lamestream media [13 dec 2013]:

A speed camera in the Borders has been set on fire in the early hours of the morning.

The camera at Hiltonshill on the A68 near St Boswells was set alight at 1.45am on Friday.

It has been badly damaged in the attack and officers are appealing for information to track down the vandals.


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Bristol: ‘Queers gone wild’ strike catholic church in solidarity with Barcelona 5

from Indymedia UK:

Early morning mass was blackened this Christmas eve for the catholic Cathedral in Bristol’s wealthy Clifton neighborhood. Overnight we glued locks on their doors, spraypainted “without god”, “without law”, and anarchy symbols on the grand exterior and signed “queers x”.

We hate the many forms of churches and priests who work to instill subservience and patriarchy with their wretched morals, when not still with the whip. The Catholic Church, especially, dug one of the deepest foundations of authority in the Western(ized) world, as well as ascribing strict gender roles and turning ‘heterosexuality’ from one possibility into an obligation. All in the interests of power, mass economic productivity and future reproduction of the oppressive social order, making our individual bodies and desires evermore alien to us. Neither do we forget the indigenous peoples put to the torch or converted at gunpoint once their lifeways were eroded by the marauding civilization, a missionary-aided genocide still underway today.
Continue reading

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Prison resistor John Bowden Refused Parole Again. Statement from John about recent Parole Board.

from Bristol ABC:

On November 6th 2013 the Parole Board for England and Wales carried out its statutory obligation to review my continued detention after more than three decades in prison and many years beyond what the judiciary originally recommended I should serve in jail. Following an earlier parole hearing in May 2011 the board had recommended my transfer to an open prison in preparation for my release 12 months hence. Continue reading

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‘International Solidarity Fraction – FAI’ claim vandalism of Barnardos shop (Glasgow).

We recieve and publish:

We claim responsibility for the spontaneous attack on the Barnardos store located in Broomhill shopping centre, Glasgow on the night of 28/10/13.  Two rocks were thrown, smashing the windows of the shop.  
Solidarity to all held prisoner by the state and its tools of racist oppression.  
We call for an increase in attacks against all responsible and affiliated with the detention, deportation and racist immigration policies carried out by the UKBA, private security firms such as G4S, and anyone, like Barnardos who in any way make possible the kidnap and torture of innocent people.  
International Solidarity Fraction. FAI


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