Counter Olympics Network


Solidarity with Carpenters – UCL students sit in

Solidarity with Carpenters – UCL students sit in

UCL has plans to build a new campus in Stratford – on top of 318 families’ homes.

Stratford already has one of London’s highest waiting lists for a council house – with an average of ten years for a two bedroom flat.

UCL is only fuelling this already serious housing crisis, not to mention destroying an entire community and potentially setting an example for other institutions to do the same.

Come to UCL’s Wilkins Garden Room to find out more

Filed under: Uncategorized

Counter Olympics Network meeting on 12th November

The Counter Olympics Network will be holding its next meeting at the London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES on Monday 12th November at 7pm.

All are welcome!


Filed under: Uncategorized

Save Leyton Marsh looks to the future – Meeting 4th November

Sunday 4th November – Save Leyton Marsh will be hosting a ‘Marshes Unite’ strategy day for all individuals and groups to discuss protecting the future of the marshes long-term.

in the former St. James Library, Coppermill Lane, Walthamstow
from 1.00 – 4.00 p.m.

Getting there: The Mill is very close to Blackhorse Road and St. James Street, at the eastern end of Coppermill Lane.

St. James Street Station (national rail) on the Chingford – Liverpool Street line (via Hackney Downs and Clapton) is about a two-minute walk away.

The Victoria underground line and the Barking – Gospel Oak Line (London Over-ground, between South Tottenham and Queen’s Road Walthamstow stations) serve Blackhorse Road station, which is about a nine-minute walk away from The Mill.

Walthamstow Central station (Victoria line) is about a fifteen-minute walk away.

Bus W12 – only every half-hour, no timetables available – runs from Walthamstow Central bus station via the High Street (market) and stops on request outside The Mill.

Buses 230 and W15 run between Blackhorse Road and Walthamstow Central stations via St. James Street.

Bus 158 runs between Blackhorse Road station and Stratford via St James Street station, Markhouse Road (which crosses Lea Bridge Road) and Church Road Leyton.

Bus 58 runs from Walthamstow Central bus station to Leyton via Markhouse Road – nearest stop is about a five-minute walk away from Coppermill Lane.

Buses 212 and 275 run between Walthamstow Central bus station and the St. James Street Station bus terminus (beside the station)

Filed under: Uncategorized

UCL Stratford: Bulldozing a Community?

31 Oct 2012 – 18:00 – 20:00

Public event · By UCL Union

On the 24th of October, Newham Council approved UCL’s proposal to build a new campus on the Carpenter’s Estate, despite opposition from residents, leading UCL academics, and UCLU. If UCL doesn’t pull out now or radically revise its plans, this would mean destroying hundreds of people’s homes, their community, and their history. There is still time to save the Carpenters Estate.

Is this how a university should behave? Come hear from Carpenters residents, housing experts, UCL staff and students and make up your own mind – is UCL bulldozing a community?

Food & refreshments will be provided. Invite your friends & lecturers!

AV Hill Lecture Theatre, UCL Bloomsbury Main Campus — coming soon!

Filed under: Uncategorized

Save Leyton Marsh – Marshroots Celebration – October 21st



Sunday 21st October – Marshroots Celebration: Reclamation of Leyton Marsh. We will be celebrating the return of Leyton Marsh to the people who have fought so hard for it!

This will be a joyous family event to also celebrate the end of the punitive injunctions ruled against the people in order for the unwanted monstrosity to be built.

We will have the Albion Kids’ Show – circus skills and a talent show for children of all ages; Art Action – artists and amateurs to join us for painting, sculpting and drawing the spirit of the marsh; and Ranters’ Corner – an open mic stage for poets, radicals and historians to air their views.

We have a Facebook Page for the day for you to like and share with others 

Filed under: events

Next CON meeting Saturday 22nd September, 3 p.m.

Saturday 22nd September, 3 p.m – 6 p.m.

LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES.  (This is a small street parallel to Whitechapel Road, and is directly behind the East London Mosque; nearest tube Whitechapel.)


In the face of considerable hostility, CON ran a very successful campaign, which helped to fight against many different aspects of the Olympics and Paralympics.  In the process we drew together groups and individuals with varying interests and political perspectives, and helped put the issues on the map.

Now that the London Olympics and Paralympics are over, CON has to move forward to build on the energy and campaigning strengths generated, and to make sure the lessons we learnt are not wasted. Simply put, there are two main strands to ongoing campaigning on Olympic issues (and obviously there is overlap between them):

* Legacy, what legacy?  Here in London, we have been told that there will be substantial legacy.  Even people who believed in it before can see that the promises are already crumbling.  Some members of CON want to prioritise monitoring and campaigning around legacy issues, sometimes with local groups and sometimes with other interest groups.

* ICON – the International Counter Olympic Network.  Even though the Games have now left London, it is an ongoing concern that most of the problems that afflicted us will also affect the places that will be hosting future Winter Olympics, Summer Olympics and Paralympics, and the now being widely promoted Youth Olympics. We envisage that ICON will grow from the work that we have already done in London, and will focus on campaigning around the multinational companies who are majorly involved with the Olympics as sponsors and suppliers, doing research into the IOC and other transnational issues, and providing a focus for groups who have already been saddled with Olympics or who want to campaign against them coming.

We intend that next Saturday’s meeting will consist of brief presentations about both these strands, and we hope that we can also hear updates from any groups and individuals who would like to fill us in about ongoing campaigning they are already doing or they would like to move forward with.

Filed under: campaigns, events

Whose Games? Whose City?


12 noon, Saturday 28 July
Assemble Mile End Park, East London.

March to Wennington Green for People's Games for All (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF FINAL DESTINATION)

A family-friendly protest. More details and press release

@counterOlympics twitter action

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London Takes Gold

A struggle to survive: dedicated to Leyton Marsh

LONDON OLYMPICS Lost Opportunities

Olympics: This Is Not A War Zone

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Solidarity T-shirts! Sold in support of the Save Leyton Marsh Campaign. Different colours and sizes. Contact us if you would like some/one.

From the Anti-Olympics poster competition!

Don’t Buy It, by Regime

‘Out damn logo!’ The Reclaim Shakespeare Company