Old town Alexandria gets another protest against Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer

On the 11th of March, DC area antifacists assembled at Market Square in Alexandria, VA to protest neo-Nazi leader Richard Spencer. He runs a headquarters for area neo-Nazis from his nearby home. One participant reported Spencer’s neighbors as “very supportive” of the protest after the march arrived at his house. This the latest in a string of demonstrations that have been taking place at least once a week at Richard Spencer’s house/Nazi and alt-right HQ.

The building in question contains a chocolate shop on the first floor, Richard Spencer has the second and third floors, which serve both as his home and as a headquarters for area alt-right/neo-Nazis.

This march and rally was organized by the DC Resistance Coalition. The flags of Socialist Alternative and of the IWW were visible, and some chants related to socialist/working class issues. Many different groups have been trading off protests against Richard Spencer, with church groups protesting at his house on many Sundays, generally at 12:30PM.

Video assembled from “Resistance Wing” Ustream

Gathering at Market Square before marching to Richard Spencer’s home/Nazi headquarters-Scott Thompson photo

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Native Nations Rising march erects tipi at Trump Hotel, marches on White House

On the 10th of March, the Standing Rock Sioux backed by thousands of Native Americans and allies from all over Turtle Island marched from the US Army Corps of Engineers to the White House. The youth led the march, carrying tipi poles. At Trump Hotel they advanced onto the sidewalk and set up a full size, traditional tipi right in front of the hotel.

At the White House, Standing Rock Sioux tribal chairman Dave Archimbault II gave this speech in front of the White House. The core of the speech was these three paragraphs concerning the threat that menaces us all:

“From the very beginning, those seeking to build an empire described our ancestors as “limited owners” or mere occupants of the land. They were free to do as they willed. Centuries later, we still see this happening. We see the alleged minority community interests of Bismarck, North Dakota outweighing the interests of our entire tribe. We see corporations being allowed to take shortcuts with the federal government that bypass regulations put in place to protect basic human health.

“We see this everywhere. Many tribes across this country and Indigenous Nations around the world are struggling with this very same problem—the imperialistic, conquistador spirit is so deeply embedded in Western and capitalistic society that hundreds of years later, our government is using the exact same arguments to disavow the safety and well-being of entire populations. Not only do they disrespect people of a different origin, they disrespect the treaty rights retained by the original Americans.

“We are in dark and unknown territory. Very real threats to our way of life and our freedom are being issued daily, and we are facing a realistic dismantling of our country as we know it.

“Fellow Americans; allies—I stand with you. I hope that you understand that this is the way my fellow Native Americans have felt for centuries. Now we are all in the same boat. We are facing a regime that has no regard for American values, and does not hesitate to fly in the face of the law to benefit the immature antics of an unhinged leader and his moneyed friends.”

Video of the march featuring the tipi raising at Trump Hotel(4 min 10 sec)

Raising the tipi at Trump Hotel

Stepping off at the US Army Corps of Engineers

A Trump “MAGAt” hat pierced by Lakota arrows

The march spread out on Penn Ave. When this was shot the march also stretched far up 15th st

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FOX News runs vicious hatchet job on Native Nations Rising encampment against DAPL on Mall

On the 8th of March, FOX 5 News ran a slanderous hatchet job of a story about the Native Nations Rising camp on the Mall behind the White House. They mixed the story about Tipis behind the White House and the Dakota Access Pipeline with old B-roll from the Inauguration showing burning trash cans and riot cops, then ran interviews where protesters were criticized for not knowing irrelevant facts, like states other than North Dakota where the Dakota Access Pipeline passes or its exact length (1172 miles).

Tipis are being set up on the Mall for Native Nations Rising, which will culminate at 10AM on Friday, March 9 with a march to the White House from the US Army Corps of Engineers at 441 G st NW.

FOX whined about a male cameraman being denied access to a Tipi designated explicitly as a women’s space, and tried to imply the entire camp was women only before finally admitting that it was this single tipi from which men were excluded. They stopped just short of legally actionable slander on this point.

Exactly how long the pipe is from the fracking fields of North Dakota to the tank farm at Patoka, Illinois is of little relevance beyond the possibilty that more miles of pipe are more opportunities for a spill. Even the now-routine alt-right/Trump lie about “paid protesters” was raised at the end of the story. Seemingly everyone in the activist community wonders where this mythical money is.

There are several possible reasons for a pro-Trump, pro pipeline TV station to freely mix DisruptJ20 clips with footage of tipis standing behind the White House. Maybe they are not satisfied with calling anticapitalists and anti-Fascists “thugs and terrorists,” and now want to expand that label to anyone who threatens their oil profits? This sort of thing has been seen before, and Fascists in general make a point of accusing their enemies of that which they themselves are guilty of, such as terrorism and thug behavior. The amount of flat-out terrorism and thuggery on the part of the resource extraction firms against Indigneous people is just totally off the scale.

Alternately, maybe someone is trying to get a nasty faction fight going on a “good protesters, bad protesters” split and drive a wedge between anticapitalists and environmentalists. It could also be between white environmentalists and Native American activists that they are trying to set the wedge, and this would be consistant with some of the other parts of the FOX News coverage, notably questioning people who look white until they find someone who cannot answer some irrelevant question like the exact length of the pipeline.

FOX’s DisruptJ20 clips wern’t even good ones. FOX just showed riot cops in a line and burning trash cans. They did not show the protester charging directly into a blast of pepper spray to rescue an elderly Native woman and a protester on crutches pepper sprayed by police. FOX did not show half of the marchers trapped in a blatantly illegal mass arrest charging the police lines with an umbrella as a shield against pepper spray and escaping. They just focussed on a burning trash can probably meant as a barricade to stop police vehicles that ended up accumulating a huge crowd of photographers instead.

Riot cops were in fact been a major part of the events at Standing Rock-as agressors brutalizing peaceful water protectors who generally were on Lakota land praying as police opened fire with water cannon, pepper spray, rubber bullets, grenades, and attack dogs. FOX News could have showed plenty of relevant footage of shocking police brutality in N Dakota, but instead showed marchers months later in DC who could well have concluded that if they were going to be beaten and gassed for praying, they may as well get beaten and gassed for giving Big Business and Trump’s “MAGATs” a headache to remember them by.

FOX News yakked about “out of state protesters,” even though DC is the home of the Federal government and the capital of the entire US. Again they brought up the Counterinaugural, forgetting that an inauguration is a national event and that most of the Trumpers were also from out of town.

Now for the facts you won’t get from FOX about the pipeline itself. The DAPL originates in North Dakota, where oil fracking has led to displacement of Native people to make way for “man camps.” Rape and sexual assault have soared around the camps. The oil is fracked from shale. For Native Americans near the fracking fields this has been a disaster. The climate aspects of unconventional fossil fuel extraction have pulled in environmental activists from all over Turtle Island, but the fight over the DAPL is not about climate, it’s about water. If the pipeline breaks where it crosses under Lake Oahe, the entire water supply for the Standing Rock Sioux reservation will be permanently contaminated. The pipeline was rerouted away from Bismarck, N Dakota for the exact same reason, as a pipeline break at the original river crossing would have destroyed that city’s water supply.

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Women strike from all labor, march against Trump and abortion gag rule

On the 8th of march, women all over the US staged a general strike known as the “Day without women.” In this area the strike closed among the PG County school system and a DC chain of charter schools. Some of the strikers marched on the White House against Trump’s re-imposition of the “Mexico City” global gag rule against global health providers who accept US funds ever discussing abortion with patients.

Later in the day, a second march issued forth from the Department of Labor, taking over Penn Ave before staging a rally in the space between the Canadian Embassy and the Federal courthouse. Speakers there condemned Trump as the “Predator in Chief” before getting down to business with specific demands. The first of these was that the minimum wage for tipped workers be raised to equal that everyone else qualifies for. This is because tipped workers are routinely forced to endure groping and worse-or risk recieving no tips and only a base wage as little as $2.13 an hour in places like Texas. Maine was cited as having already passed the “One Fair Wage” proposal to do away with subminimum wages for tipped employees.

The Day Without Women was the second general strike against Donald Trump in little more than a month, the first being the Day Without immigrants. The traffic on DC streets in the noon range was unusually light because of the strike on the 8th of March.

Video of the march on the White House against the abortion gag rule

Video from the second march, from Dept of Labor demanding fair wages for women and tipped workers

The start at Freedom Plaza of the march against the gag rule

Marching up 15th st against Trump’s abortion gag rule

Marchers arrive at the White House

Round II: DC’s International Women’s Day March leaves the Dept of Labor

Big march on Penn Ave quite a contrast to Saturday’s fizzled “March4Trump!”

Rally near the Federal courthouse focusses on fair wages for women workers, who often face sexual harassment and worse

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Second protest of Muslim Ban at CPB, five arrests reported

On the 7th of March, protesters assembled at the Ronald Reagan Building for a second protest against Trump’s “Muslim Ban 2.0.” There is a report on the DisruptJ20 Twitter feed of five arrests. Presumably those were in a civil disobedience, but those cases should be watched closely due to current aggressive prosecution of protesters against Trump’s fascism.

Photo by Katie Egan

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Muslim Ban 2.0 draws protesters to White House in spite of police interference

On the 6th of March, Trump signed “Muslim Ban 2.0” which is mostly the same as the first Muslim ban except for not exempting Middle Eastern Christians overtly and exempting Iraq due to threats to mirror-image the ban against US mercenaries. Protesters responded by gathering at the White House. In response, police closed Penn Ave and then about 2/3 of Lafayette Park, forcing protesters to march back. Later yet a journalist was detained and harassed by Secret Service, only to be released without charges.

Collin Rees reports a rabbi at the protest said “Jews must stand w/ Muslims, immigrants, & refugees – b/c we’ve seen this kind of hate before. #NoBanNoWall!” Indeed we have-the hatred and bigotry spewing from Donald Trump are entirely consistant with historical Fascist governmental behavior, as are the repeated attempts over the past two months to use detainments on false pretenses, unlawful arrests, and abuses of the legal process to suppress dissent. This is what Fascists do, and Trump is a Fascist. That has been obvious since the first beatings of peaceful protesters at Trump rallies in late 2015.

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DC antifascists confront puny “March4Trump” that never filled its permit zone

On the 4th of March, Trump supporters held a national series of “March4Trump” events all over the US, but the DC march was supposed to be the focal point. Instead, DC turnout fizzled with one twitter poster estimating perhaps 50 Trump supporters on site. DC area antifascists converged on their location for a disruptive game of anarchist soccer.

US Park Police stole at least one soccer ball that had been kicked through the area occupied by both sides. All the soccer balls stayed down at ground level, none were kicked high so no public hazard ever existed. Police also confronted the alleged owner of the sound system, demanding it be turned off with the threat that the owner would be arrested if anyone turned it back on. After some tense moments, the police set up a front line separating the two sides and from then on were much less confrontational.

There was a second racist, anti-immigrant event held at the White House complaining about H1B visas, unknown what its connections were to the March4Trump. There were reports that the Trumpers on the Mall were planning to march somewhere, but well over an hour after they had planned to march they were still on the Mall with antifascists standing in the way of the intended route. There were both one on one shouting matches and competing chants between the two sides.
Video-anarchist soccer and confronting the Maerch4Trump Correction to video commentary: the permit for the site was presumably held by the March4Trump, not Trump himself

Antifascist and Rainbow flags set up as a game of anarchist soccer gets going

A standard bearer with the Antifa flag

A soccer goal set up for anarchist soccer against the March4Trump

Everything is in the area circled in red. The March4Trump had a permit for this entire area but came nowhere near filling it

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