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mitochondrially encoded tRNA phenylalanine
Symbol MT-TF
Alt. symbols MTTF
Entrez 4558
HUGO 7481
RefSeq NC_001807
Other data
Locus Chr. MT [1]

Mitochondrially encoded tRNA phenylalanine also known as MT-TF is a transfer RNA which in humans is encoded by the mitochondrial MT-TF gene.[1]

MT-TF is a small 71 nucleotide RNA (human mitochondrial map position 577-647) that transfers the amino acid phenylalanine to a growing polypeptide chain at the ribosome site of protein synthesis during translation.


  1. ^ Anderson S, Bankier AT, Barrell BG, de Bruijn MH, Coulson AR, Drouin J, Eperon IC, Nierlich DP, Roe BA, Sanger F, Schreier PH, Smith AJ, Staden R, Young IG (April 1981). "Sequence and organization of the human mitochondrial genome". Nature. 290 (5806): 457–65. doi:10.1038/290457a0. PMID 7219534.