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John Millea 2月24日
The Bowling Green Massacre. The Great Blizzard of 2017.
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Randy Sosa 2月24日
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Jedi Grace Windu 20 小時
Still waiting for to honor the victims and survivors of the Bowling Green Massacre with a t-shirt.
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Alt_Dept. of Labor 3月2日
Kislyak is really part of Men in Black and has that memory erasing pen. That's why Sessions and Flynn .
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Ondine Baird 2月26日
Paying my respects at 30k ft.
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Shanna Gilkeson 15 小時
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Peter G. Haamans 16 小時
oh yes, the Sweden attacks . In 2016 Sweden had 11 rape cases, 9 were Sweds 2 unidentified
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MaxTheZombie 18 小時
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Nick Walker 3月9日
In honor of the Bowling Green Massacre
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🔬Doctor Bill🔬 3月9日
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John Young 3月8日
He tried! The terrible night in Bowling Green and Sweden and of course Atlanta.
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Mister D. 3月8日
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Brenda Steinmetz 3月8日
Build your big beautiful wall with IKEA. All proceeds go to the victims of Bowling Green and Sweden.
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Sharon Almand 3月7日
Ben Carson just rewrote history. Apparently slaves that were chained, sold, beaten, & raped came here for the American dream.
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Alt_Dept. of Labor 3月7日
"Tasha" is still going on one ffs hahaha I already forgot about that
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Ed G 3月6日
We don't want another Bowling Green!
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ScienceRebellion 3月6日
Could Pres O have tapped Trump to find out what he knew of the ?
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🔬Doctor Bill🔬 3月5日
Diving to take a hail of gunfire meant for some toddlers holding kittens in shark outfits
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Mike Vatter 3月4日
wasn't fired from "The Apprentice." He was killed in the Bowling Green Massacre.
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Aoife 3月3日
It's been one month since the bowling green massacre
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