Soapy's blog

Lessons in leftism: Pete Seeger and the black power movement

Roger Johnson and Pete Seeger singing "We shall overcome"

The rise of “black power” led Pete Seeger to realize he had become a towering figure in a movement he didn't fully understand. The way he dealt with criticisms of him and his friends holds lessons for today.

Media, Clinton supporters offer frenzied support for Syria intervention, refuse to learn from Libyan disaster

Ruins in Libya

Cheerleaders for Syrian intervention refuse to learn lessons from recent history

Thoughts on Mark Fisher and the “slow cancellation of the future”

Mark Fisher's Ghosts of My Past shows the world through Fisher’s eyes, a beautifully depressing elegy for cultural progress and passion in a world dominated by cheap stimulation and the marketplace

Hillary Clinton’s complaints about the spread of “fake news” belie her contributions to it

Picture of Barack Obama dressed as a Somali elder leaked by the Clinton campaign

The 2008 Clinton campaign played an instrumental role in spreading rumors that Barack Obama was a Muslim not born in America

Critics respond to Trump’s comments on Putin with surreal hypocrisy

USS Vincennes launching a missile

Critics attacked Trump after he drew a moral equivalency between the actions of Putin and the U.S.

Barack Obama and the triumph of neoliberalism

Barack Obama with economic advisor Robert Rubin (right)

Democratic Party icon Robert Rubin's evasion of prosecution for criminal activities related to the housing bubble represents a notable triumph in the history of neoliberalism.

Looking back on Obama's deportation regime

The Obama administration's approach to illegal immigration was to severely enforce penalties for immigration related crimes. This approach led to record deportation numbers and an unprecedented explosion in the immigrant prisoner population.

Looking back at Obama’s bailouts: HAMP

Former Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner

As Obama leaves office, a quick look back at a little known chapter in his administration reveals much about his presidency.

Consigned to the memory hole: the content of the DNC leaks

Hidden from the media narrative of Russian cyber sabotage is the content of the DNC leaks, and how the leaks revealed the arrogance and corruption of the Democratic Party elite.

Liberal commentators respond to election catastrophe by lashing out

The catastrophic election results have left Democratic Party hacks lashing out at, well, pretty much everyone for failing to support their miserable candidate.

Simpsonwave: Nostalgia and sentiment in dystopia

Simpsonwave is a video remix series whose success lies in its ability to connect between its source material on a deep level. The Simpsons has its origins in a deep social critique and a groundbreaking willingness to touch on emotionally realistic situations. This ties in well with the music of vaporwave, which is an uncompromisingly subversive and cathartic form of social criticism.

Alfred Olango and the hatred of solidarity

Sending the police to deal with mental health crises is bad for everyone, so why does it continue to happen?

Syrian and Latin American refugees, “worthy” and “unworthy” victims

children imprisoned at a facility in Dilley Texas

Obama speechifies about the plight of Syrian refugees, but his administration’s treatment of refugees from Latin and South America says more than anything.

Careerists and Corporate Interest: Why despite endless failure the drug war will continue indefinitely

A look at why drug war policies continue despite totally failing to achieve their stated objectives.

Recent interview with Clinton aide contains disturbing hints of the wars to come

A recent interview shows Clinton's determination to push Russia into an increasingly desperate and isolated position, one hesitates to think of the consequences.

So this is how it ends: Obama spends his last months in office shilling for the TPP

Obama pushing the TPP on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

The “hope and change” candidate will go out with a whimper. After nearly eight years of consistent support for neoliberalism, Obama will spend the freest months of his presidency shilling for the likes of Pfizer and Comcast.

It’s more than just the killings and the racism, it’s the extortion too

The media is full of stories regarding the tragic murder of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, missing from the discourse is a discussion of how resentment of the police stems not only from police killings and racism, but also from their role as enforcers of the government's extortionist practices.

On July 3rd remember Iran Air 655 and the true meaning of "American Exceptionalism"

Iranian children throw flowers into the sea as they commemorate the 24th anniver

Every July 3rd we pass over a notable chapter in our history of "American Exceptionalism". This year marks 28 years since the US downing of Iran Air 655 killing all 290 people on board.

GM and Harry Wilson: Corporate raiding in the 21st century

The collapse of GM meant disaster for thousands of auto workers, it also meant opportunity for corporate raiders like Harry Wilson.

Recent cases highlight the farcical nature of America's "justice" system

Tokens of mourning at the Upper Big Branch Mine memorial in West Virginia

Two recent court sentences highlight America's two forms of justice. One for the rich and white, and one for everyone else.