
GOOG: 845.62

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Google today has announced an update to its Home app on Android and iOS that makes it easy to stream music from a variety of different music streaming services. Google made the announcement in a blog post, saying that the new feature offers a “dedicated space for all your favorite music.”

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In today’s world, we have so many different entertainment options to choose from when we want to watch something on TV. The stress of deciding on what to binge watch is only made worse when trying to decide how you will watch it. Google has two great offerings that allow you easily stream almost anything out there: the Chromecast and Android TV. Which do you think is better?

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Last year, Google Ventures founder and CEO Bill Maris left the firm. Maris went on to start his own venture capital fund, raising $230 million in debt before abruptly pulling the plug. Now, according to a new report from Axios, Maris is trying again, this time launching a new, smaller-scale venture capital firm with a broader focus…

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As it continues to expand its reach, Snapchat today is rolling out a new widget to its iOS and Android applications. The new widget allows users to instantly start chatting with a Snapchat fried by simply tapping on their Bitmoji. The move comes as Snapchat puts an increased focus on private messaging, as noted by TechCrunch.

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Yesterday we got our first look at Uptime, a Googler-created application that allows you to watch YouTube videos with your friends. The biggest downside was that one of the first apps coming out of Google’s Area 120 business incubator was an iPhone exclusive. Today, we are getting a look at the first app from Area 120 to hit the Play Store, called Supersonic Fun Voice Messenger

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