• Wednesday, February 8th, 2017

    Wednesday, February 8th, 2017

    Philippines: 21 Mining Firms Shut Down

    by James Konstantin / The PhilStar

    February 3, 2017: TWENTY-ONE mining firms, including four controversial miners operating in Zambales province, were ordered closed by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for continued violations of environmental laws.

    Environment Secretary Regina Paz “Gina” Lopez on Thursday said the firms were found to have been operating within functional watersheds, severely affecting host communities. She threatened to close seven other firms.

    “We have decided to close any kind of mining operation in functional watersheds. The DENR has rightfully decided to take on social justice. I am not against mining but I am against suffering,” Lopez said in a news conference in Quezon City.


  • Wednesday, February 8th, 2017

    Wednesday, February 8th, 2017

    Worldwide Call to Action Feb. 8: #NODAPL Last Stand

    from Sacred Stone Camp

    [Yesterday, Feb. 7, 2017]  the US Army Corps gave notice of intent to grant the final easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline to cross the Mni Sose (Missouri River).  They are skipping the EIS ordered in December, and skipping the congressional notification period required by law.  This is a response to President Trump’s Presidential Memorandum directing the Corps to expedite approval of the project.

    The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe will likely sue and ask for a temporary restraining order to halt construction while the legality of this decision is reviewed in court.  In the meantime, DAPL will likely start drilling immediately.  The media recently reported that DAPL says their “best case scenario” timeline is 83 days from easement to oil flow.

    The Indigenous Coalition at Standing Rock is calling for February 8th to be an international day of emergency actions to disrupt business as usual and unleash a global intersectional resistance to fossil fuels and fascism.  Connect with other struggles.  Think long-term movement building.  We are in this for the long haul.

    The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has consistently asked for people to go home, and we understand this.  Regardless, water protectors remain on the ground at the Sacred Stone Camp, determined to stop the black snake, and we support them.  If you go, expect police violence, mass arrests, felony charges for just about anything, abuse while in custody, targeted persecution and racial profiling while driving around the area, etc.

    We are calling for emergency actions all over the world. PLEASE, THIS IS OUR LAST STAND. Please visit everydayofaction.org to find or register an action wherever you are. Check out our world action map to join the mass distributed actions [TODAY], February 8th.


  • Tuesday, February 7th, 2017

    Tuesday, February 7th, 2017

    North Dakota House Approves DAPL Protest Bills

    from Bismarck Tribune

    North Dakota House lawmakers advanced four bills Monday aimed at giving law enforcement more tools for responding to Dakota Access Pipeline protests.

    The package of bills, which some opponents criticized as “knee-jerk legislation,” would double the penalties for some riot offenses and create a new felony offense for individuals who cause economic harm while committing a misdemeanor.

    The legislation, which still needs to be considered by the state Senate, also would make it a misdemeanor to wear a mask while committing a crime.

    Rep. Terry Jones, R-New Town, said he and other members of the House Judiciary Committee carefully considered the proposals with the goal of protecting citizens’ rights.

    “The Judiciary Committee is working really hard to balance the rights of North Dakota citizens to protest and the rights of North Dakota citizens to live under rule of law and conduct their day-to-day activities,” Jones said.

    Legislators voted 72-19 to approve House Bill 1193, which creates a new Class C felony offense for causing $1,000 or more in economic harm while committing a misdemeanor.

    The new charge would apply to situations such as pipeline protesters who attach themselves to equipment to stall construction of the pipeline.


  • Tuesday, February 7th, 2017

    Tuesday, February 7th, 2017

    Dakota Access Pipeline: Final Phase to Be Approved

    from The Guardian

    The US government is set to allow the final phase of construction of the Dakota Access pipeline to begin as early as Wednesday, dealing a major blow to the Standing Rock Sioux tribe.

    The decision sets the stage for a tense showdown at the site of the drilling, where indigenous and environmental activists have been camped for nearly a year.

    The army corps of engineers provided notice of its intention to grant a permit for the oil pipeline to cross the Missouri river in North Dakota in a letter to congressman Raúl Grijalva, the ranking member on the House committee on natural resources. The decision follows Donald Trump’s executive order in his first week in office to expedite the project.

    The letter, revealed in court filings, states that the easement will be issued “no earlier than 24 hours” after the delivery of the letter, which is dated 7 February. The letter also states that the army corps intends to waive the usual 14-day waiting period after congressional notification, meaning drilling could begin as early as Wednesday. (more…)

  • Monday, February 6th, 2017

    Monday, February 6th, 2017

    Fox Saved From Curre and Llangibby Hunt

    from Bristol Hunt Saboteurs

    Yesterday, we paid an overdue visit to The Curre & Llangibby Hunt with our friends from South Wales Hunt Saboteurs & Bath Hunt Saboteurs.

    We arrived late at the meet but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise as the hunt had left and thought their murderous activities would go unnoticed; sadly for them, we were soon close on their tails.

    We worked relentlessly to keep the hunt in our sights. The first half of the day saw the huntsman on foot attempting to work his hounds through thick coverts with us making sure he didn’t get up to any mischief. Despite the fact they would maintain that they were simply trail hunting, trails cannot be effectively laid through thick covert. And whilst they were following ‘trails’ and we were following them, a helicopter was following us as the hunt felt they needed protecting and at the taxpayers expense no less (a pricey sum of more than £1000 an hour to be in the air).

    After managing to keep close to the hunt, we soon watched as they started pushing their hounds through a large area of woodland. The terriermen were close by keeping an eye on us but also waiting incase any fox was to break. Sure enough, within a few minutes a fox shot out from the covert and the hounds had soon caught it’s scent. With our hearts in our throats, we managed to get in a great position. The fox sped straight past us and we were able to ‘rate’ the hounds back to the huntsman and cover the fox’s trail with citronella spray. We, therefore, gave the fox valuable time to get away to safety. In all the years that our group has been sabbing, we have never come this close to seeing a kill first hand.

    As a result of us spoiling their bloody fun, the terriermen tried throwing their weight around but we stood our ground and pushed on back in pursuit of the hunt.

    For the rest of the afternoon we continued to intervene and kept the hounds from effectively hunting foxes. The stubborn hunt stayed out way past their bedtime but we were there every step of the way, but we were very much relieved when they finally packed up their exhausted hounds.

  • Monday, February 6th, 2017

    Monday, February 6th, 2017

    Update: Journal House (Almost Definitely) Saved Thanks to Our Supporters!

    Last month we published an urgent Newswire post asking for donations to help save our home and office, which had been sold under our noses to some random yuppies.

    Well, thanks to your donations and the support of some caring investors, the house is now secure!

    We won’t absolutely know for sure that we got the house for at least a few weeks—there is still some paperwork to go through, and this whole experience has been a roller coaster of uncertainty—but it is essentially certain, and many of us will be out of contact for the next week while we’re at the Earth First! Organizers Conference, so we wanted to make sure folks knew that your efforts were indeed appreciated, and effective. All of the money raised from the call for donations will either go towards the purchase of the property or to repairs on the house and office itself so that it can continue to be lived in. Once the process is complete, the EF! Journal will have a more secure base of operations that will allow us to expand the work we are doing without the fear of having to relocate a 36-year-old business at the drop of a hat. We are extremely excited about the possibilities for this space moving forward, and thank all of you who donated, spread the word, or sent us messages of support.

    Thank you!

    One more note: Securing this house does not mean that the Journal Collective has to stay in South Florida for the foreseeable future. We anticipate the day when a new crew of wild Earth First!ers decides to take this project on for themselves, to move the Earth First! Journal to their bioregion, and to keep the tradition alive of passing this important project on to new generations of eco-warriors!

    For the Wild,
    The EF!J Collective

  • Sunday, February 5th, 2017

    Sunday, February 5th, 2017

    To Save the Water, We Must Break the Cycle of Colonial Trauma


    by Ladonna Bravebull Allard / Sacred Stone Camp image credits Red Hawk

    The police came to Last Child Camp in broad daylight, with armored vehicles and guns drawn, to rip our people from our land.  Many water protectors were on prayer walks and in ceremony. We watched from the top of the hill at Oceti Oyate Camp as the troops moved in against them. We sent our prayers to those innocent and brave warriors who came to stand with the people of Standing Rock, and to protect the sacred waters of Unci Maka (Mother Earth).

    Then they came for our Sacred Stone Camp, the original spirit camp we built to lay our prayers and our water from the Dakota Access Pipeline.  But this time, they were accompanied by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council.  They had no warrant, but they forced their way onto my private land, my family’s land, where I grew up on the banks of the Cannonball River.  It was our own council members together with the Standing Rock Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and the US Army Corps, all seeking to evict me from my homeland.

    The world wants to stand with Standing Rock, but Standing Rock stands against us.  Chairman Dave Archambault threw our people to the dogs when he said the camps’ actions “…do not represent the tribe nor the original intent of the water protectors.”  He forgets that we at Sacred Stone Camp were the first to stand up for the water, and that we stand with all the camps who have joined our struggle.

    This movement was started by the people, and led by our youth. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s decision to negotiate with the State and disown the people who came to fight for our water is what could ultimately be our downfall.  We have had many thousands of people ready to stand together in front of those machines.  The Indigenous nations of Turtle Island had united as never before.   But as division grows, it is very difficult to see a path forward.


  • Sunday, February 5th, 2017

    Sunday, February 5th, 2017

    Front Line at Standing Rock Call to Action

    This is a video directly from the Water Protectors on the Front Line at Standing Rock. This is a Call To Action to all Strong Hearts to come to the front line. The lawlessness and militarization of the police has increased since Trump has taken office. The non-violent Protectors are being attacked and arrested. Their rights are being violated. (more…)

  • Sunday, February 5th, 2017

    Sunday, February 5th, 2017

    In Chile the Forest Industry is Behind the Fires

    by Pablo Torres / Desinformémonos

    translated by Earth First! Journal

    A man stands amid the remains of a burnt down house after a forest fire devastated Santa Olga, 240 kilometres south of Santiago, on January 26, 2017.

    During the worst forest crisis in [Chile’s] history, according to the government, south and central Chile have spent the last two weeks [as of January 30] living through immense devastation and tragedy in their homes. With over 100 active points spread across 7 of the 15 regions in the country, the uncontrollable fires have destroyed over 519,000 hectares [over 2,000 square miles]. Currently [as of January 29] there are 51 fires that have been controlled, 59 are being fought, and 8 have been extinguished. These fires razed through an area of [more than 1,529 square miles].

    Chile’s Ministry of the Interior and Public Security (ONEMI) reported that the forest fires have left 1,343 people in shelters, 2,970 evacuees, 1,061 homes destroyed, and 11 people dead. The state of emergency remains in effect in Valparaíso, and in the provinces of Colchagua and Cardenal Caro, O’Higgins, Maule, Biobío, and the Araucanía. President Bachelet said “we are doing what is possible.”


    The wave of fires is affecting the south-central zone of the country and is rooted in the productive structures and social formations serving two large monopolies. They are not natural: the big forest business has transformed native humid forests into plantations that dry them out, like pine and eucalyptus.


  • Friday, February 3rd, 2017

    Friday, February 3rd, 2017

    #NoDAPL Prisoner Support Updates

    from Water Protector Anti-Repression Crew via It’s Going Down

    Rattler is a Water Protector who is currently being held pre-trial on federal felony charges produced through a grand jury indictment. Rattler’s home is at Pine Ridge and he comes from a long legacy of struggle that he continued at Standing Rock against the Dakota Access Pipeline and it’s world. Please support Rattler as he fights these charges brought against him by the federal government. Rattler would love to receive your letters and cards of support.

    Rattler loves fantasy fiction, Dungeons and Dragons and has a really great book list set up. He’d appreciate something to read while he is inside.

    Michael Markus
    Box 1416 
    Bismarck, ND 58502-1416

    Red Fawn Fallis is still being held pre-trial on federal charges as well. Red Fawn has shown her dedication to the water, the earth and all that is sacred. Her spirits remain high despite the ways in which the state hopes to squash her. Please send your support to Red Fawn through letters!

    Legal Fund

    Red Fawn Fallis
    Stutsman County Correctional Center
    205 6th st. SE, Ste 201
    Jamestown, ND 58401 (more…)

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