Eco-Prisoner List

The focus of the Earth First! Prisoner Support Project is on eco-prisoners, caged animal liberationists and prisoners of indigenous land struggles, who share an Earth First! bio-centric viewpoint, either in the actions which led to their arrest or in their general activism.  We also stand in solidarity with people facing imprisonment for their beliefs and actions reflecting a broader vision towards liberation from the oppressive systems.  Check out a broader list of prisoners from allied struggles, and EF! PSP suggestions for supporting prisoners.

The following are people targeted or imprisoned for their involvement in explicitly bio-centric struggle. While we do not make any assumptions of guilt for the state’s allegations not accepted openly by individual prisoners, our position is not to pass judgment on the chosen tactics of those who have accepted political responsibility for their actions. If they are listed on this site, it is because we respect the urgency reflected in their actions, or their ideas (as some prisoners are guilty only of thought-crime). Whether or not we condone specific tactics does not change our feeling that the listed prisoners reflect a level of courage and commitment that so many dream of and long for.

EF! prisoner support is ONLY for those who refuse to cooperate with law enforcement. Cooperation entails the passing of any information to law enforcement which can be used to subpoena, arrest or prosecute another person. This includes (but is not limited to) giving agents the names, locations, activities or associations of other individuals, whether before, during or after trial. There is never an excuse to aid law enforcement.  Snitches also often receive the same or higher sentences, regardless of their cooperation. Anyone with evidence of cooperation have an obligation to make that information public. If an individual cooperates with the government, our support will end immediately. People that accept plea agreements but do not provide information or agree to provide information about other people still deserve and will receive support. Visit the Informant Tracking section for details and updates about government informants, many of whom are cooperating co-defendants of prisoners we support.

To update the information listed here, please email us at efpris [at] with ‘PRISONER PAGE CORRECTION’ in the subject line.

Last Updated: 1/13/2017


U.S.-held Earth & Animal Liberation Prisoners


Joseph Buddenberg
#12746-111, FCI Victorville Medium I, PO Box 3725, Adelanto, CA 92301, USA

Joseph was arrested along with Nicole Kissane (see entry below) on July 24, 2015, and federally indicted for Conspiracy to Violate the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act for conspiring to release thousands of animals from fur farms and destroy breeding records in Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania in the summer of 2013. The indictment also alleges that he caused economic damage to various retail and distribution businesses and individuals associated with the fur industry. On May 2, 2016, Joseph was sentenced to 2 years in prison (until 01-25-2018), two years supervised release, and $400,000 restitution.

Birthday: April 6
Support Fund
Book Wish List
Wiki Profile

Walter Bond Walter Bond
#37096-013, FCI Greenville, P.O. Box 5000, Greenville IL, 62246, USA

Walter is serving 12 years and 4 months (until 3-21-2021) for the “ALF Lonewolf” arsons of the sheepskin factory in  Denver, Colorado, the Tandy Leather Factory in Salt Lake City, Utah, and the Tiburon restaurant (which sold foie gras) in Sandy, Utah. Walter was also charged and convicted under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. Walter remains a militant voice for the vegan straightedge way of life and is the author of the book Always Looking Forward.

Birthday: April 16
Diet: Vegan
Book Wish List
Wiki Profile

Nicole Kissane
#20651-111, FCI Dublin, 5701 8th Street – Camp Parks, Dublin, CA 94568

Nicole was arrested along with Joseph Buddenberg (see entry above) on July 24, 2015, and federally indicted for Conspiracy to Violate the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act for conspiring to release thousands of animals from fur farms and to destroy breeding records in Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. The indictment also alleges that she caused economic damage to various retail and distribution businesses and individuals associated with the fur industry. Nicole’s trial is scheduled to start in September 2016.

Birthday: August 18
Support Fund
Wiki Profile

mariusMarius Mason (address envelope to M. Mason)
#04672-061, FMC Carswell, P.O. Box 27137, Fort Worth, TX 76127, USA

Serving 21 years and 10 months (until 09-18-2027) for his involvement in an ELF arson at a University building carrying out genetically modified crop tests. Marius also pleaded guilty to conspiring to carry out ELF actions and admitted involvement in 12 other ELF actions.

Birthday: January 26, 1962
Diet: Vegan
Book Wish List
Wiki Profile


Tyler Lang
11112 Barclay Drive, Garden Grove, CA 92841 (halfway house)

Arrested with Kevin Olliff (see listing above as he is incarcerated) and originally released after three months in jail. However, he was reindicted under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, and he and Kevin both signed non-cooperating plea agreements pleading guilty to a violation of the AETA for freeing about 2,000 mink from a fur farm, which permanently closed down as a result. On March 23, 2016, Tyler was sentenced to time served plus 6 months of house arrest (until 09-23-16), 6 months of community confinement and 1 year of supervised release plus a $200,000 restitution. He is currently on house arrest, and is accepting donations for support during house arrest, and also for his cat Precious’ hospital and treatment bills.

Kevin Olliff 1Kevin Olliff (address envelope to Kevin Johnson)
c/o Beit T’Shuvah, 8831 Venice Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90034, USA (halfway house)

Kevin (arrested with Tyler Lang) is an animal liberation activist who was imprisoned in Illinois from August 2013 to May 2016 for “possession of burglary tools,” an Illinois state charge, as well as conspiracy to violate the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, a federal felony charge. The charges were related to the release of 2,000 mink from an Illinois fur farm, which permanently closed down as a result of the action. He was released to a halfway house on May 25, 2016.

Birthday: March 27
Wiki Profile

Rebecca Rubin
Transferred to a halfway house

Rebecca is serving 5 years (until  04/07/2017) for arson and conspiracy charges stemming from Earth Liberation Front actions that occurred between 1996 and 2001. She accepted a non-cooperating plea agreement. She was released to a halfway house on April 11, 2016.

Birthday: April 18, 1973
Wiki Profile

Justin SolondzJustin Solondz
Transferred to a halfway house

Serving 7 years (until 08-31-2017) for a 2001 firebombing of the University of Washington’s Center for Urban Horticulture.

Birthday: October 3
Book Wish List
Wiki Profile

Brian VaillancourtBrian Vaillancourt
#M42889, Robinson Correctional, 13423 East 1150th Ave, Robinson, IL 62454, USA

Arrested on February 9, 2013 in Chicago for an alleged attempted arson at a McDonalds.  He is serving a 9 year sentence.

Birthday: September 5, 1964
Diet: Vegan
Book Wish List
Wiki Profile

Self-defense Eco-prisoners

Fran-ThompsonFran Thompson
#1090915, CCC, 3151 Litton Drive, Chillicothe, MO 64601, USA

Serving life plus 10 years for killing a man in self-defense after he violently entered her home. Before her imprisonment, Fran was an eco, animal & anti-nuke campaigner and it is believed this biased the court against her.

Birthday: January 4
Diet: Vegan
Wiki Profile

International Earth & Animal Liberation Prisoners

Lucio Alberti, Francesco Sala and Graziano Mazzarelli

The No TAV campaign against the building of the Turin-Lyon high speed rail link has been running for 20+ years and regularly produces new arrests as the Italian State tries to suppress resistance. Three anarchists, Lucio Alberti, Francesco Sala and Graziano Mazzarelli, were arrested on July 11, 2014, in connection with the action at the Chiomonte TAV site between May 13 & 14, 2013. On February 9, 2016, Lucio and Francesco were sentenced to 2 years and 2 months, and Graziano was sentenced to 2 years and 10 months.

Marco CamenischMarco Camenisch
PF 1, CH – 9465, Salez, Switzerland

Currently serving 8 years (until 05-2018) for the alleged murder of a Customs policeman.  This is his latest sentence from a lifelong commitment to ecological resistance movements.  In 1980, Marco was sentenced to ten years for damaging electricity pylons and transformers from nuclear power stations in Switzerland, however, he escaped prison in 1981.  In 1991, he was sentenced to 12 years for injuring the carabiniere during capture and for an attack against power lines that transported energy produced by French nuclear plants.  More information on Marco

Birthday: January 21, 1952
Wiki Profile

ccfAlfredo Cospito
Nicola Gai

both at: Casa Circondariale Ferrara, Via Arginone 327, ΙΤ-44122 Ferrara, Italy

Nicola and Alfredo were arrested on September 14th, 2012 and accused of shooting Ansaldo Nucleare manager and Finmeccanica affiliate, Roberto Adinolfi, in the knees – an action carried out by Olga/FAI/FRI nucleus in May 2012.  In May of 2015, their sentences were reduced; Alfredo’s to 9 years and 5 months (until February 2022), and Nicola’s to 8 years and 8 months (until May of 2020).

ladislav-kucLadislav Kuc
Florianska 18, PS-C12, Kosice, Slovakia 04142

Ladislav is an animal rights activist originally sentenced to 25 years on charges of illegal possession of arms, manufacturing of explosives, and terrorism for bombing in front of a McDonald’s in 2011 in which there were no injuries. He was traced after almost a year via the producer of a timer found at the crime scene and mail communications between Ladislav and the manufacturer. During a house search police found materials related to ALF and components for another bomb. In May of 2016, the terrorism charge was overturned and he is awaiting resentencing.

Birthday: November 4, 1975
Diet: Vegan
Wiki Profile

Debbie-VincentDebbie Vincent
A5819DE, HMP SEND, Ripley Road, Woking, Surrey, GU23 7LJ, UK

On May 17th, 2014, Debbie was sentenced to 6 years in prison for campaigning against Huntingdon Life Sciences, Europe’s largest animal testing laboratory. Make sure to include your name and address at the top of the letter and on the back of the envelope.

Birthday: January 12, 1962
Diet: Vegan
Wiki Profile

Arrestees facing charges

Krow (address envelope to Katie Kloth)
Morton County Correctional Center, 205 1st Ave. NW, Mandan, ND 58554

Krow was assaulted and arrested on February 4, 2017, by a Bureau of Indian Affairs officer while supporting the struggle against the Dakota Access pipeline in North Dakota. She is charged with violation of felony probation and is being held at Morton County Correctional Center. The probation is from previous charges stemming from an environmental protest in Wisconsin against mining in the Penokee Hills in 2013, for which she served nine months in jail. After a recent bail reduction hearing, Krow was assigned a cash-only bail of $100,000.

Donate here.

Red Fawn Fallis
Red Fawn Fallis, HACTC, 110 Industrial Rd, Rugby, ND 58368

An indictment filed Jan. 5 charges Red Fawn with felony counts of civil disorder and discharging a firearm in relation to a felony crime of violence — which, in this case, is civil disorder. These charges are in addition to an earlier charge of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Fallis has pleaded not guilty to federal charges in connection to an incident at a Dakota Access Pipeline protest. Fallis remains in federal custody and her trial date is scheduled for March 7. If convicted of discharging the firearm, Fallis faces a minimum of 10 years in prison.

Donate here.

Michael Markus, Box 1416 Bismarck, ND 58502-1416

A NoDAPL Water Protector who is currently being held pre-trial on federal felony charges produced through a grand jury indictment. Rattler’s home is at Pine Ridge and he comes from a long legacy of struggle that he continued at Standing Rock against the Dakota Access Pipeline and it’s world. Please support Rattler as he fights these charges stemming from the October 27, 2016 eviction of “Frontline/Sacred Grounds Camp” brought against him by the federal government. Rattler would love to receive your letters and cards of support.

Rattler loves fantasy fiction, Dungeons and Dragons and has a really great book list set up. He’d appreciate something to read while he is inside.

Gianluca Gaudenzi


Gianluca is currently facing charges in Sweden for damaging at least 121 hunting towers and spray-painting slogans causing roughly 670,000 SKE in damages. He reportedly stated, “For me it is not a crime… It is a crime to destroy nature and other species.” The trial was supposed to begin in November 2015, but seems to have been delayed indefinitely.


natasha-svenNatasha and Sven

Awaiting extradition from the Netherlands to the UK for charges that could carry 14 years in prison, as part of the Blackmail 3 case with Debbie Vincent (see above).

Prisoner information changes frequently as people are shuffled through different facilities. The location of any federal prisoner may be confirmed using the BOP inmate locator. To update the information listed here, please email us at efpris [at] with ‘PRISONER PAGE CORRECTION’ in the subject line.

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