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Advertising Impact
Big Data
Device Matching
Game Theory
In-App Behavior
Machine Learning
Natural language processing (NLP)
Predictive Modeling
Social Network analysis
Sparse Representation
Estimating The Effect Of Online Display Advertising On Browser Conversion
Bigger Is Better, But At What Cost?
Pleasing the advertising Oracle: Probabilistic Prediction From Sampled, Aggregated Ground Truth
Scalable Supervised Dimensionality Reduction Using Clustering
Considering Privacy in Predictive Modeling Applications
Using Co-Visitation Networks For Detecting Large Scale Online Display Advertising Exchange Fraud
Scalable Hands-Free Transfer Learning for Online Advertising
Causally Motivated Attribution For Online Advertising
Design Principles of Massive, Robust Prediction Systems
Bid Optimizing and Inventory Scoring in Targeted Online Advertising
Machine Learning for Targeted Display Advertising: Transfer Learning in Action
Hyperlocal: Inferring Location of IP Addresses in Real-time Bid Requests for Mobile Ads