Disha, undp, march 8, IWD
Disha Call to Action: Sign Up Now

Women are critical to India’s development story. Over the last decade, women’s participation in India’s workforce has declined. But India’s GDP could leapfrog 27% if as many women as men participated. Now more than ever, women need your support. Find out how each of you can become agents of change and support women to become the protagonists of India’s development story.

niti, IWD, women transforming India
NITI Aayog presents the 2nd edition of Women Transforming India – celebrating women who are breaking the glass ceiling

On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2017, NITI Aayog, in partnership with the UN in India and MyGov, presents the second edition of Women Transforming India, an online contest to celebrate women achievers, leaders and change makers from across the country. Read more to find out how to participate.

evin, gavi, vaccine, IWD
Women's Day: Skilling Women Vaccine Managers for Digital Health Care

Women health workers in India are adopting and using technology at last mile health centres to perform their daily tasks of vaccine management in a smarter way. Find out how

Disha, IWD, March 8, women, work
Women's Day: Ten Women Working Around the World

Whether it’s on farms, in businesses or in the home, women make remarkable contributions to their community. From South Sudan to Syria, Ecuador to India— see what "work" looks like for women around the world.

ganga, toilets, IWD
Women's Day: Towards a Healthier Future

Read about how the Ganga Rejuvenation partnership is helping change women's lives -- by building new toilets.

Opinion piece by Jaco Cilliers, UNDP India Country Director
Jaco Cilliers in the Indian Express: Lending a Hand; Filling a Gap

Governments, philanthropists and business can forge partnerships and blend financial models to achieve the sustainable development goals.

GEF, small grants, UNDP
Event: Mainstreaming Grassroots Innovations

As UNDP-GEF's Small Grants Programme (SGP) completes 25 years in India, A three-day SGP India Meet beginning 15 March 2017 aims to discuss and define strategies for mainstreaming, replicating and scaling-up innovations piloted and supported under the programme.

report, SDGs, goals
UNRC Yuri Afanasiev: 'India is internationalizing its SDGs agenda by prioritizing its needs and policies.'

Read about the plenary session of the South Asian Speakers' Summit in Indore, where UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative Yuri Afanasiev spoke alongside the Vice Chairperson of NITI Aayog, Prof. Arvind Panagariya, on how the SDGs could be achieved, and India's leadership role.

equator prize, nominations, undp
Equator Prize: Call for Nominations

The UNDP Equator Initiative has launched its global call for nominations for the Equator Prize 2017. The nomination deadline is 8 March 2017. The prize will be awarded to outstanding community and indigenous initiatives that are advancing nature-based solutions for local sustainable development. Each winning group will receive USD 10,000 and be invited to participate in a series of policy dialogues and special events during the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

news, Financial Express, media, Ease of Doing Business
In the News: UNDP to help government sensitize stakeholders on reform initiatives

Read a report on UNDP's efforts to support the government in improving its Ease of Doing Business rank in The Financial Express.

UNDP in India on Twitter

UNDP_India Help even out the gender ratio! Become an agent of change and support women #DishaSkills…

9 minutes ago

UNV survey
Get Involved: Take Our New Survey on Volunteerism

Take part in the survey on youth volunteerism! Your voice will help us understand the perception and motivation of youth volunteers in India.

UNRC Yuri Afanasiev on Imagining India in 2030 | Business Worl
UNRC Yuri Afanasiev on Imagining India in 2030 | Business World

India will have six megacities with over 10 million residents each, and will witness an urban explosion never seen before