Federal Politics

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull speaks to the media at Parliament House ahead of a meeting with gas executives on Wednesday.

Real Malcolm muscles up on gas

Perhaps voters are more awake to it after the bizarre "real Julia" declaration, but when a leader suddenly promises "leadership," it grates.

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Love in the time of measles

There were few excuses for staying home from school that carried weight with my mother. Mention an outbreak of measles among classmates, however, and sleep-ins were ours.

Tip of the hat: Malcolm Turnbull joined WA Premier Colin Barnett on Barrow Island in Western Australia last year.

Malcolm Turnbull's Pauline Hanson problem

Malcolm Turnbull is not travelling west this week for the final gruelling days of the Western Australian state election, but his government's low standing and the taint of a resurgent Hansonism are playing their roles in the local contest.

Summonsed home: DFAT is trying to wrangle 113 Very Important Diplomats back to Australia.

$1.1m to fly diplomats home? Wouldn't cover a night at Monte Carlo

The Ad Hoc Ways and Means Committee at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is suffering the vapours as it attempts to wrangle 113 Very Important Diplomats, 113 cross-the-world business-class return flights, 113 hotel suites, an unknown number of splendid dining occasions, cigars, champagne, cognac and, naturally, limousines on demand, into a paltry $1.1 million.