Federal Politics

PM to confront gas companies at crunch energy meeting

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce during a meeting of the government's Regional ...

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will confront some of the nation's biggest gas companies on Wednesday and ask the energy giants to supply gas locally to ease household cost pressures and avoid future blackouts.

Work fewer hours and be happier: Greens

Richard Di Natale is urging Australian society to seek a better life-work balance for the sake of everyone.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale believes many Australians would be better off with a four day working week or a six hour working day even if it meant less money. This would allow people to spend more time on the things that make life worth living, such as family, sport, and volunteering.

Letting first home buyers raid super could work: minister

Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar in his electorate of Deakin in the outer east of Melbourne.

The minister charged with pulling together the Turnbull government's looming housing affordability package is open to allowing Australians to raid their superannuation when buying their first home, but only as part of broader policy changes.

Bishop calls for US to do more in Asia as China rises

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop wants the United States to be more deeply involved in the region.

The Trump administration must step up and play a great role in our region, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said on Monday evening, as the rise of China and disputes over maritime boundaries present fresh challenges in the Indo-Pacific.

Women, students exploited due to super threshold

Low-paid workers are worst impacted by an old law that applies a $450 threshold for compulsory super.

The ability of employers to exploit casual workforces made up mainly of women and students would be reduced if the Turnbull government removes a $450 minimum income level for superannuation guarantee payments, a federal inquiry has been told.

Landmark $230m solar deal taps government and CBA

solar panels

The backers of three large solar farms have locked in the final piece of their funding puzzle after securing debt financing from a group including the federal government and Commonwealth Bank of Australia.