Sixth anniversary of Walter Bond’s sentencing in Denver Colorado on Feb 11, 2011

Sheepskin Factory
1/12/2017 12:35:24 PM
Feb. 11

At the time I wrote this statement it’s really impossible to convey accurately what life was like for me at the time. Although before my incarceration I was an activist for Animal Rights and Veganism I was never a visible person within the movement. I worked in a local health food store. on the weekends I worked for an Animal sanctuary and I tabled events in my spare time teaching people about the Animal’s plight and the ethics behind Veganism (not just about the food).

In late April of 2010 I burned down the sheepskin factory in Denver and never again would my life be the same…. I don’t feel the same. It no longer matters to me if I can change the world, I don’t spend long hours ranting and raving about how terrible my non-Vegan family or friends are or how they just don’t get it. I don’t waste my time or emotional energy crying over the cruelties of this world. And I don’t give up on, or compromise Animal Liberation because I can’t change things single handedly. These are the unfortunate phases that many who come into this movement go through. A kind of activist burnout ritual that is both superficial and selfish.

It’s not about crying all the time for Animals, Being angry on their behalf, or inventing a new line of feel good Vegan crap to make consumers and companies feel the activist fever. It’s not about me in this prison, or how you, I, or we feel about anything! It’s about positive action that saves Animal’s lives today! that stop their exploitation and enslavement today! no matter what we feel like or think about it!

In this statement that I made to the court I sat down a few months in advance staring at a blank page in my notebook in the county jail and said to myself. “what would you say in defense of Animals if you didn’t care what the media, your supporters, your detractors or the judge thought about it?” It took me 8 minutes to write it. My hand could barely keep pace with my thoughts, it literally pored out of me.

When my sentencing day came I all but had it memorized. I remember the smugness of those in the court relishing my demise and the judges serious and intimidating tone. And then I deliver my statement and by the time I was finished all faces in the room had changed, despite it being my dooms day. It was the truth I had to say for the Animals and on my own behalf, that held sway that day.

And as my sentence was being read in the court room I remember thinking to myself about the statement I made as if I didn’t care what anybody thought and I smiled to myself because I think, maybe for the first time ever, I didn’t give a fuck! And years later in my prison cell……. Well. “prison is no great hardship to me”.


Walter Bond

Before he was sentenced by the judge on that day 6 years ago, Walter Bond said this …

Statement to the court in Denver, Colorado, February 11, 2011

I’m here today because I burnt down the Sheepskin Factory in Glendale, CO, a business that sells pelts, furs and other dead Animal skins.

I know many people think I should feel remorse for what I’ve done. I guess this is the customary time where I’m suppose to grovel and beg for mercy. I assure you if that’s how I felt I would.

But, I am not sorry for anything I have done. Nor am I frightened by this court’s authority. Because any system of law that values the rights of the oppressor over the down trodden is an unjust system.

And though this court has real and actual power, I question its morality.

I doubt the court is interested in the precautions that I took to not harm any person or by-stander and even less concerned with the miserable lives that sheep, cows and mink had to endure, unto death, so that a Colorado business could profit from their confinement, enslavement, and murder.

Obviously, the owners and employees of the sheepskin factory do not care either or they would not be involved in such a sinister and macabre blood trade.  So I will not waste my breath where it will only fall on deaf ears.

That’s why I turned to illegal direct action to begin with, because you do not care. No matter how much we Animal Rights activists talk or reason with you, you do not care. Well, Mr. Livaditis (owner of the Sheepskin Factory), I don’t care about you.

There is no common ground between people like you and me. I want you to know that no matter what this court sentences me to today, you have won nothing!

Prison is no great hardship to me. In a society that values money over life, I consider it an honor to be a prisoner of war, the war against inter-species slavery and objectification! I also want you to know that I will never willingly pay you one dollar, not one! I hope your business fails and you choke to death on every penny you profit from Animal murder! I hope you choke on it and burn in hell!

To my supporters, I wish to say thank you for standing behind me and showing this court and these Animal exploiters that we support our own and that we as a movement are not going to apologize for having a sense of urgency.

We are not going to put the interests of commerce over sentience! And we will never stop educating, agitating and confronting those responsible for the death of our Mother Earth and her Animal Nations.

My Vegan sisters and brothers our lives are not our own. Selfishness is the way of gluttons, perverts and purveyors of injustice. It has been said all it takes for evil to conquer is for good people to do nothing. Conversely, all it takes to stop the enslavement, use, abuse and murder of other than human Animals is the resolve to fight on their behalf!

Do what you can, do what you must, be Vegan warriors and true Animal defenders and never compromise with their murderers and profiteers.

The Animal Liberation Front is the answer.

Seldom has there been such a personally powerful and internationally effective movement in human history. You cannot join the A.L.F. but you can become the A.L.F. And it was the proudest and most powerful thing I have ever done.

When you leave this courtroom today don’t be dismayed by my incarceration. All the ferocity and love in my heart still lives on.

Every time someone liberates an Animal and smashes their cage, it lives on! Every time an activist refuses to bow down to laws that protect murder, it lives on! And it lives on every time the night sky lights up ablaze with the ruins of another Animal exploiters’ business!

The Sheepskin Factory, Glendale, Colorado, April 30, 2010
The Sheepskin Factory, Glendale, Colorado, April 30, 2010

That’s all Your Honor, I am ready to go to prison.


Walter Bond is currently incarcerated, due to be released April 2021.

Walter Bond
FCI Greenville
PO Box 5000
Greenville IL 62246

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Five Years Ago On October 13, 2011


(photo used by Columbian Magazine, Cartel Urbano, for story starting on page 45 of Edicion 41… website link at bottom of post)

In a Corrlink’s email, Walter Bond recently commented on his sentencing 5 years ago on October 13, 2011 in Federal District Court, Salt Lake City, Utah:

9/26/2016 3:53:00 PM
A Reminder

I remember October 13th, 2011 well. I had already been in county jail for a year and a half and had already been sentenced to 5 years in federal prison for burning down the Sheepskin factory in Colorado. my lawyer had spent the last 8 months trying to talk me out of making any statement because the reverberations of my last speech in Colorado were still fresh and the court in Utah was already pissed off that I had the audacity to question their morality and to not equivocate in the faces of the judge, so-called victims and the media.

And I paid a very real price for this Utah statement. had the judge decided to show me mercy he could have ran my sentence together with Colorado instead of consecutive. In essence this statement turned my sentence into 12 years 4 months instead of 7 years 4 months.

6 years and some months later I sit in prison with a few more years to go before I see freedom but I still do not regret anything I have done. In fact, sometimes when I feel the drift of time, or I feel as if I’m losing sight of who I am, or when the happenings of the outside world seem so distant from me that I struggle to see there relevance. I read these statements and I remember. Continue reading

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New interview of WB



7/14/2016 11:42:39 AM

Here It Is

Anthony Nocella– Hello Walter it is great talking to you and getting to know your life story and complex politics beyond Animal Rights and Environmentalism. It’s a breath of fresh air when someone that is Vegan and involved in Animal Rights does not need to talk about those issues 24/7, but can speak to other injustices as well. what would you say are some of the other issues that you are deeply concerned and care about and why?

WB– More and more, I find the problems of technologically advanced civilization to be at the root of most of the injustices and oppressions we face today, including those against Animals and the Earth. It’s not something that most people currently recognize because we are so saturated with it’s effects that it has become completely ambient in our culture. But the fact is that whether we are looking at the prison industrial complex, Animal farming, oil and coal production or police brutality etc. we are talking about oppressions that are only as methodically capable as technology can provide. Prison for example employs the latest in surveillance, confinement architecture and design, depravation and punishment, it really would not be feasible to keep millions of people incarcerated otherwise. Just as the slaughterhouse industry and so-called Animal research industry employs everything from genetic engineering to the thumbscrew and rack.

Technology creates a capacity, and without absolving those capacities they will always become used. just like a canal. you can stop the water flow making the canal of no effect, and it sits there doing nothing, however it’s capacity is not diminished, once water is applied it is directed in exactly the same way.

The same can be said for all technology. Every new innovation opens up a Pandora’s’ box of unforeseeable capacities, some good and some bad, but most wholly unforeseeable and seemingly unstoppable once employed. today everyone is wrapped up in combating or protesting the effects but not the cause. not the capacity. And it’s not a political problem, that is to say that politics won’t solve it, only the collapse of industrial civilization will restore the balance. not capitalism, socialism, anarchism or any other futile, jargon laden, political ideology invented by a bunch of dead white guys with overheated brains.

A much more personal injustice that I am attached to outside of Animal rights is the struggles against racism and for the restoration of people of color. as well as those below the poverty line. Continue reading

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Prisoner Support Defined


8/15/2012 2:04:44 PM

Prisoner Support Defined

In this technological era of instant communication its easy for the internet activist (oxymoron intended) to lose line of sight with what is, and what is not, support for imprisoned activists. Here is a brief explanation of good prisoner support and why it’s important to the convict and the movement of Total Liberation.


As a prisoner there are four things that make all the difference in our lives. These are: money, letters, pictures and books/magazines and print media.

1. MONEY- While we are given the bare minimum in prison and jail to survive, funds make all the difference. Just as in the world outside of the walls and razor wire personal clothing like shorts, sweatshirts and even quality underwear cost money. decent hygiene costs money. Food (other than that given to you at meal time, which is not adequate, no matter what your diet, but especially on a Vegan one) costs money. As do stamps, sending and receiving emails, downloading music, phone calls etc. But unlike the outside world prisoners have no way to make money. Even with a prison job which if you have a good one might pay 50 dollars a month (maximum) the prison system gets to take up to 100% of that if we owe any restitution or fines. Therefore a few bucks is always appreciated by prisoners.

2. LETTERS- Prisoners have no way to stay in the loop, keep current on events, or know that anyone cares at all unless we get a letter. In this day and age thousands of people may visit a support sight or face book page. But in places like the CMU (communications Management Unit) for political prisoners we are not even allowed to receive printouts of those nice blurbs of support in our snail mail. Ask yourself, am I posting this to be part of an online community or because I support this person in reality? If so then send it in a letter. Remember while federal inmates have limited accesses to email we have NO accesses to the internet.

3. PICTURES- As a prisoner our world is visually depressing. Gray paint, concrete, doors, walls, bars, cages and razor wire. We see the same people everyday, no changes. Pictures of Animals, Nature, cities, yourself definitely are appreciated. I have a photo album and two cork boards in my cell. I pin pictures of nature to them to have some makeshift scenery on my walls and from time to time I flip through my photo album to remember what Vegans and Animals look like.

BOOKS/MAGAZINES AND PRINT MEDIA- prisoners have more time to focus on books than anyone else on the planet! But if they don’t get sent in there is nothing of interest to read. most jails and prison libraries stock used romance and fiction novels nothing of substance. A book or magazine will not only get read by the person you send it to but every prisoner that can get their hands on it! Books have a captive audience in prison. I remember when I was going to court in Salt Lake City books that I read and placed on the book cart quickly made the rounds and were read by hundreds of inmates. Most of these books are still circulating in that jail long after I have left.

This ‘Big 4’ is what you can do to support those of us that have lost our freedom, fighting for the freedom of the Earth and Animals. Prisoner support is vital for the P.O.W. that receives it but more importantly for the future of resistance. The reality is that jail and prison is simply the occupational hazard of Earth and Animal warriors. It’s important that would be and future liberators know that if, or when they face government oppression they will be supported and remembered as long as they spoke or fought for Mother earth and the Animal Nations and NEVER INFORMED ON OTHER ACTIVISTS. This is the circle that keeps Liberation a living struggle and not merely an idea or ideal. we’re in here for the Earth and Animals, you’re out there for us!

Animal Liberation, Whatever It May Take!

Walter Bond behind bars at Jefferson County Jail, Golden Colorado, Aug 2010


Walter Bond

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El Incendiario de la Revolucion Animal por Paula Ricciulli


6/20/2014 7:53:09 AM

Re:  A mis amigos en el mundo hispanico esta dedicado a Pablo Perez Arroyo


Por Paula Ricciulli (

A Walter Bond lo sentenciaron a diez años de prisión por incendiar fábricas de lana y pieles, en protesta por el maltrato a los animales. desde una cárcel en Marion (Illinois), insiste en que no se arrepiente de lo que hizo. Entrevistamos a este activista del frente de liberación animal.

Mr. Whirly, el profesor de kínder de Walter Bond, le dijo una vez a la mamá de éste: “Su hijo es un niño muy brillante, pero tiene problemas con la autoridad y eso le causará inconvenientes algún día”. Y así fue. Hoy, Bond cumple una sentencia de diez años por los cargos de incendio en segundo grado y ofensa criminal. Continue reading

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I Am the ALF “Lone Wolf”

VFL flyer

I Am the ALF “Lone Wolf”

On April 30, 2010 at 3:30 am I burned the Sheepskin Factory in Denver, Colorado to the ground. I did so strictly following Animal Liberation Front (ALF) guidelines to harm no life while at the same time maximizing damage to a business of Animal exploitation.  I used the nickname “Lone Wolf” in my communications to the media, even though I knew that using such a moniker made my actions easier for the authorities to link together.  I did it for a specific reason that I will get to a little later in this article, but for now, let me back up and explain how and why I came to join the Animal Liberation Front. Continue reading

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Always Looking Forward

Raised fists

by Walter Bond

Since my arrest I have been asked a couple of questions frequently by supporters. The two most asked questions are, “What was it like being in the Animal Liberation Front / Underground?” and, “What’s it like to be in jail or prison?” In this article I will answer both of these questions to the best of my ability.

But first, I must admit certain experiences in life are initiatory and as such cannot truly be conveyed accurately through the medium of words. This has its good and bad points. For me, as an individual, I am very grateful that this is the case, for it has shown me that certain things are sacred and secret. I am reminded that sometimes word jugglery is simply inadequate no matter how elegantly stated. Continue reading

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Interview by Paula Ricciulli for the Columbian magazine Cartel Urbano

Do you think there will be a time when mankind stops relying on Animals?

I think there will come a time when humanity either stops using Animals’ dead bodies for food, research, clothing and all other reasons or humanity will reap the consequences of environmental destruction due in large part to Animal agriculture and industrialized civilization.  In either event, it’s a certainty that Animals and the Earth will once again live free from human tyranny and exploitation.  So the only real question is will our species ever wise up and become part of the ecosystem instead of a cancer to it?  Currently it does not look like we will.  We are nowhere near treating ourselves with respect, let alone Animals.

You have said a lot of times that you don’t regret the arson you caused. Why don’t you regret it?

I don’t regret my arsons first and foremost because they were justified.  Animals lives are snuffed out by the billions every year because of human greed, gluttony, bloodlust and psychopathology.  All I did was destroy some property.  My arsons were in fact a meek and passive action in retaliation for all the innocent Animals that have died cruelly at the hands of human oppressors.  It’s unfortunate that people are so easily focused on my response (arsons) to these atrocities, but not the Animals’ plight.  This is because human society purposefully sets the context for these issues to be from the perspective of a business owner’s ability to profit from an Animal’s slavery and death and never from the perspective of what the Animals suffer because of human injustices.  I think arson was a great way for me to address these problems. Continue reading

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