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“Day Without a Woman Strike” Statement

March 8, 2017

by political prisoner Jaan K. Laaman

A salute of Solidarity and Support on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2017 from political prisoner Jaan Laaman

Allow me to send warm, positive, hopeful and militant solidarity and revolutionary support to all the women leading, pushing, planning and participating in the very necessary ongoing freedom and justice struggles all across the US and around the world.

From the dynamic and historic marches of January 21 to the “Day Without a Woman Strike” today, March 8, women have been leading and advancing the overall freedom struggle just when this has been most needed.

Even behind these prison walls, the insight, fighting spirit, and direction you sisters are providing is seen and felt. We need this, and all of you, more than ever.

Let me close with the words of a fierce revolutionary, Marilyn Buck: “I thank all of you who struggle for a day, for a year, for a lifetime.”

And I send this out in the spirit of Lynne Stewart, our fearless Peoples’ Attorney, and dear friend, who just yesterday passed away.


One Comment leave one →
  1. Susan Boswell permalink
    March 9, 2017 1:47 am

    I’m so sorry to hear that she died she was a wonderful woman how sad truly

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