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New pictures of Jeremy!

Pictures of Jeremy are a rare treat, as they take precious money from his commissary, and are often dependent on the kindness and availability of guards to take. So when I get pictures in the mail that I can share with everyone, it’s a super exciting thing!

And, this batch is even more exciting because it features pictures of Connor Stevens of the Cleveland 4! If you have not heard of the Cleveland 4, I encourage you to check out their website. Much like Jeremy, the Cleveland 4 were entrapped by an agent of the state in 2012. However, instead of hacking websites, this agent formulated a plan to blow up a bridge, even going so far as to provide fake “explosives” to carry out the plot. Each of the 4 are currently serving sentences between 8 and 11 years. While solidarity and mutual aid to prisoners is crucial, it is even more crucial when the prisoners have been victims of state entrapment.

I encourage everyone to write to Connor at the following address:

Connor Stevens, #57978-060
FCI Manchester
P.O. Box 4000
Manchester, KY40962

You can also send Connor a book, and donate to the Cleveland 4’s commissary fund, and the visitation fund, used so the boys can receive visits from friends and family.

Make sure to check out all the past pictures of Jeremy from March 2014, Christmas 2014, and January 2016!