
ideas & action is the publication of Workers Solidarity Alliance, an anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian organization of activists who believe that working people can build a new society and a better world based on the principles of solidarity and self-management. For a much more in-depth look at our politics and ideas, please read Where We Stand.

The current online format was launched on May 1st, 2010.

The Current Editorial Committee consists of: Steve Fake (coordinator; DC), Mike Harris (New York Metro Area), Mike Kolhoff (Lansing, MI), Klas Batalo (Providence, RI), Fransec Lopart (Charlottesville, VA)

Along with numerous stand-alone pieces ideas & action currently features three regular series:

  • Labor Shorts is a regular column digesting recent labor news
  • International Profiles is an occasional series looking at groups, organizations and revolutionary unions outside North America. It is hoped that the series will help the reader develop a deeper appreciation of political currents and revolutionary unions worldwide
  • Organizing Stories is a semi-regular series collecting experiences and examining organizing efforts in the hope of providing some lessons for the future


ideas & action was created in July, 1981 as an independent anarcho-syndicalist semi-annual print magazine. After Workers Solidarity Alliance was founded in November, 1984, ideas & action became the magazine of WSA (with issue #5), and continuing through the publication of issue #17 in 1997.