Man found naked in supermarket chimney denies trying to burgle store

A naked man rescued from inside a supermarket chimney has denied he was trying to burgle the store, a court was told today.

Daniel Davies was found after police heard cries for help coming from the chimney at the Tesco Express store in Ormskirk Road, Wigan.

They investigated and called firefighters, who dismantled the chimney breast and found the unemployed 20-year-old naked inside it, Wigan magistrates court head.

Davies, from Wigan, pleaded not guilty to attempted burglary.

He told police he fell down the chimney while trying to escape some men he owed money.

Rupert Davies, prosecuting, told the court police were alerted at 5.30am yesterday after cries for help were heard "seemingly emanating" from the chimney of the building, a converted Victorian house.

"Police arrived and heard shouting, essentially saying 'Help, get me out, I'm stuck,'" Davies said.

"Emergency services were called ... they removed the chimney breast and found inside a naked man, now known to be this defendant, who was stuck inside."

Davies told the court the man had shed his clothes during attempts to wriggle free.

He said the only access to the shop was through a door and the chimney was blocked off on the first floor.

Andrew Stock, defending, said his client had fallen down the chimney and had no criminal intentions.

"Whichever way you look at this case, it is perhaps unique," he said. "He had no intention at all of stealing any property."

Dennis Dunn, the chairman of the bench, remanded Davies in custody until October 29 for the case to be committed to Liverpool crown court for trial.