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brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / gênero Thursday March 09, 2017 13:57 by Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira
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As mulheres da Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira aproveitam a data de 8 de março para lembrar uma vez mais que tal dia é um dia de luta e memória; assim como tem sido todo o tempo, mulheres se rebelam! Contra o patriarcado, contra o machismo, contra a falta de direitos, contra o Estado, contra o capitalismo, mulheres têm se revoltado sempre!

yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / cinsiyet Wednesday March 08, 2017 16:18 by Meydan
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Kadın ilk olarak, bedeni üzerinde başka herhangi birisinin hak iddia etmesini reddederek; istemedikçe çocuk doğurmayı reddederek; Tanrı’ya, devlete, topluma, kocaya, aileye ve benzeri şeylere hizmetkârlık yapmayı reddederek. Yaşamını daha basit, ancak daha derin ve daha zengin yaparak. Yani, kamuoyu görüşü ile halkın ayıplaması korkusundan kendisini kurtararak, yaşamın anlamını ve özünü tüm karmaşıklığıyla öğrenmeyi deneyerek. Kadınları oy sandığı değil, ancak bu özgürleştirecektir.


international / gender Wednesday March 08, 2017 02:58 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group
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This time around, let’s fight for workers’ control from the start. Let’s create structures with checks and balances that ensure workers keep control. Let us not hand over power to a state that can institute tyranny all over again. We want anarchist communist organisation. Workers' delegation. Equable procedures. Bottom up organisation. It is 100 years since women workers began the 1917 revolution. Let’s do it again! The time for global revolution is here!

north america / mexico / gender Tuesday February 07, 2017 14:31 by Romina Akemi and Bree Busk
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"When women rise, the people advance"

In the first week of Donald Trump’s presidency, there were two important mobilizations that expressed radically different views on reproductive rights. The Women’s March on Washington, which took place the day after Trump’s inauguration, has been hailed as one of the largest mobilizations in US history. What began as a spontaneous call quickly ballooned into a movement that tapped into growing anxieties over the intentions of the new administration. The march drew some 500,000 to rally in Washington DC while sister marches were held across the country and even worldwide. One week later, another mobilization took place: the annual March for Life. While significantly smaller, this march still drew many attendees who were energized by celebrity speakers from the Trump administration.

At this point, there is no certainty that the Women’s March will evolve into an actual social movement. This much is clear: the Women’s March represents a political opening to rebuild a revolutionary feminist movement (in conjunction with other developing struggles) that advances demands to improve the lives of working people and embraces conflict with the liberal, capitalist character of the feminist movement of the day.


bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / género Saturday January 21, 2017 13:49 by Mesa Feminista Solidaridad
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Durante el 14 y 15 de enero de 2017, en Valparaíso, se llevó a cabo el I Encuentro Feminista de Solidaridad – Federación Comunista Libertaria a nivel nacional.


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Sun 23 Apr, 18:33

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