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The case of Rafael Braga

category brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana | repression / prisoners | press release author Monday March 13, 2017 05:13author by farj Report this post to the editors

Rafael is a young poor Black man that until June 2013 used to work picking up material for recycling on the streets of Rio de Janeiro, Downtown. He used to sleep on the streets and only sometimes go back home, in favela Vila Cruzeiro, so that he would save up the transportation money. However, on June 20th, his routine changed.

Follow a short text and the interview with his mother, dona Adriana;


On that day, the biggest of the demonstrations that were happening at the time against the raise of the bus fare took place. In the end of the demonstration, at Lapa, Rafael, at the time 25 years old, was arrested when he was arriving in an abandoned house where he used to sleep sometimes. He didn’t participate in the demonstration and was carrying two plastic bottles, one with bleach and one with disinfectant. At the police station, the cops that arrested him presented the bottles opened and with clothes. He was charged for carrying explosive material that would be Molotov cocktails. He was sentenced to 5 years and 2 months. On December 1st, 2015, he got out of jail on probation with an ankle monitor.

Back to Cascatinha, Vila Cruzeiro, with his family, on January 12th2016, he went to buy breakfast in the morning as asked by Dona Adriana, his mother, and on the way he was stopped by the cops. They said that he was involved with drug dealers and were demanding information and that he said that he was a criminal. He was beat up on the way of the police station. The cops also threatened to rape him if he didn’t assumed participation on drug trafficking. The cops forged a flagrant kit with 0.6g of marijuana, 9.3g of cocaine and a firecracker. So, since January 2016, Rafael Braga faces charges of drug trafficking and trafficking association.

During the audiences, the defense lawyers demanded some diligences that could help to understand what happened that day. Things like the images of the camera of the police car, images of the camera of the police station, the GPS information of the ankle monitor, the GPS information of the police car. The judge denied the access of all this information.

One of the main issue raised by the Campaign is the motivation behind the arrest of Rafael Braga. He was arrested and condemned in 2013 even without being a protester. He was arrested because he is Black and poor. Because he is not an activist, no mobilizations were made at the time and he was tried and condemned very quickly. Even after his sentencing, the mobilization around his case never achieved the level of the mobilizations around the case of other arrests of militants in 2013 and 2014. Rafael is a symbol of the penal selectivity and structural racism of the justice system of Brazil. The most recent arrest reinforces this point of view. Living in a militarized area, Rafael was stopped and charged of drug trafficking. The flagrant kit forged by the cops is often used by the police in favelas. The war on Blacks camouflaged of war on drugs keeps on making new victims every day, exterminating Black people and sustaining mass incarceration.

Website of the campaign for the liberation of Rafael Braga

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International Campaign for the Freedom of Rafael Braga/Campaña Internacional por la Libertad de Rafael Braga

Brazil/Guyana/Suriname/FGuiana | Repression / prisoners | Press Release | en

Mon 13 Mar, 22:03

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manifportoalegre_2.jpg imageDo not be intimidated, do not demobilise! All our solidarity with comrade Vicente! 16:39 Mon 09 Feb by Federação Anarquista Gaúcha 0 comments

Comrade Vicente, like other militants and fighters from other organisations, collectives and ideologies was not the first and will not be the last black and anarchist youth to be sentenced in this racist Brazil. Thousands of black and poor men and women are exterminated and condemned daily by the military police and the racist and bourgeois justice system. It is to them that our militant solidarity is and will be directed alongside every worker with whom we raise our fists. We will not be intimidated and in every street march, picket, strike and occupation we will be shoulder to shoulder with all those who struggle! [Português] [Français]

farjsol.jpg imageSolidarity with those persecuted by State terrorism in Rio de Janeiro! 17:31 Mon 14 Oct by Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro 0 comments

We of the Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro vehemently repudiate the latest acts of political persecution promoted by the Brazilian State in Rio de Janeiro. We wish to show our solidarity with the companions of the Frente Independente Popular, the Organização Anarquista Terra e Liberdade and all the many comrades (17 warrants) who woke up to calls from the Federal Police and the Civil Police, banging on their doors. [Português]

460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_bandeira.jpg imageNote of Solidarity with the oppressed comrades 18:11 Sat 05 Oct by Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro 0 comments

On 1 October 2013, the Civil Police carried out an operation against militants and organizations campaigning in the Bloco de Lutas in Porto Alegre. The homes of PSOL and PSTU members, the Moinho Negro/Centro de Cultura Libertária da Azenha libertarian social centre, a dormitory of the MST (Landless Rural Workers' Movement), the premises of Via Campesina, an urban settlement of the Utopia e Luta autonomous movement and the public premises of the Federação Anarquista Gaúcha, the Ateneu Libertário Batalha de Várzea, were all raided by the police at the behest of the governor Genro (Workers' Party - PT) for the second time in less than four months. Moreover, the comrades of the Assentamento Madre Terra São Gabriel settlement in Rio Grande do Sul were manhandled by the Military Brigade at the headquarters of the settlement. [Português]

fag_1_1_2.jpg imageSolidarity Against the Persecution of the Gaucha Anarchist Federation in Brazil 02:47 Wed 26 Jun by International Anarchist Organisations 4 comments

In Porto Alegre, on June 20 past, about 15 agents from the Civil Police raided the Ateneo Batalha da Varzea, political and social premises where the Gaucha Anarchist Federation is located, without a warrant. [Castellano]

fag_1_1.jpg imageThe plot of a farce! The attempt to criminalise the Federação Anarquista Gaúcha 22:37 Tue 25 Jun by Federação Anarquista Gaúcha – FAG 0 comments

On Thursday afternoon (20/06/2013), preceding the already anticipated mass protest in the Gaucha capital, the forced entry invasion of the Ateneu Libertário A Batalha da Várzea took place, carried out by unidentified police agents. Owing to this, in the statement of Friday morning, June 21, we reported that the raid had been carried out by the Federal Police, after all this is how the agents of repression presented themselves. [Português]

fag.jpg imageFederal Police invade the premises of the Federação Anarquista Gaúcha - FAG 16:59 Fri 21 Jun by Federação Anarquista Gaúcha 1 comments

On the afternoon of Wednesday, 20 June 2013, between 12 and 15 plainclothes officers dressed in black waistcoats and blazers, claiming to be from the Federal Police broke into and raided the Ateneu Batalha da Várzea, the social and political premises of the Federação Anarquista Gaúcha, and took some of our material. The officers would not present any search and seizure warrant to standers-by who tried to find out what was happening. In addition to this, some officers, also in plainclothes, tried to take a comrade from her home this morning. [Português]

textLibertarian Solidarity with the MST 01:54 Mon 28 Jul by Federação Anarquista Gaúcha 0 comments

The report divulged in the last days, approved by the advice of the State Public Ministry made a sentence of the ruling class: the MST must be dissolved. The Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST - Movement of the Landless Agricultural Workers) was made target of a policy of criminalisation of poverty and of the social movements that is being led in the state of the Rio Grande do Sul. It is a policy of the police State, where executive government, devices of justice, media groups, transnational and latifundium corporations, concur with the police force fulfilling and make the law of the commander of the military brigade. [ Português]

imageFAG: The counter-attack Nov 11 by Federação Anarquista Gaúcha 0 comments

"Now is the time for Unity of Lines and of Struggle, the time for Yeda and her whole bunch to go, the time for Punishment and Judgement for those who killed landless peasant Eltom Brum da Silva and those who ordered the killing! Because this land and its people will not be sold to the World Bank! Neo-liberalism in Rio Grande do Sul will not succeed!" [Português]

imageProtest is not a crime - not one step back! Nov 08 by Federação Anarquista Gaúcha 0 comments

The Federação Anarquista Gaúcha (FAG) sends its fraternal thanks for all the solidarity that has been shown and re-states its principles with regard to what took place in Porto Alegre on 29th October. We are free men and women with ideals, sure in our right to express them politically and socially, and we will continue along our path. [Português] [Italiano]

imageDo not be intimidated, do not demobilise! All our solidarity with comrade Vicente! Feb 09 FAG 0 comments

Comrade Vicente, like other militants and fighters from other organisations, collectives and ideologies was not the first and will not be the last black and anarchist youth to be sentenced in this racist Brazil. Thousands of black and poor men and women are exterminated and condemned daily by the military police and the racist and bourgeois justice system. It is to them that our militant solidarity is and will be directed alongside every worker with whom we raise our fists. We will not be intimidated and in every street march, picket, strike and occupation we will be shoulder to shoulder with all those who struggle! [Português] [Français]

imageSolidarity with those persecuted by State terrorism in Rio de Janeiro! Oct 14 FARJ-CAB 0 comments

We of the Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro vehemently repudiate the latest acts of political persecution promoted by the Brazilian State in Rio de Janeiro. We wish to show our solidarity with the companions of the Frente Independente Popular, the Organização Anarquista Terra e Liberdade and all the many comrades (17 warrants) who woke up to calls from the Federal Police and the Civil Police, banging on their doors. [Português]

imageNote of Solidarity with the oppressed comrades Oct 05 Integrante da Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira 0 comments

On 1 October 2013, the Civil Police carried out an operation against militants and organizations campaigning in the Bloco de Lutas in Porto Alegre. The homes of PSOL and PSTU members, the Moinho Negro/Centro de Cultura Libertária da Azenha libertarian social centre, a dormitory of the MST (Landless Rural Workers' Movement), the premises of Via Campesina, an urban settlement of the Utopia e Luta autonomous movement and the public premises of the Federação Anarquista Gaúcha, the Ateneu Libertário Batalha de Várzea, were all raided by the police at the behest of the governor Genro (Workers' Party - PT) for the second time in less than four months. Moreover, the comrades of the Assentamento Madre Terra São Gabriel settlement in Rio Grande do Sul were manhandled by the Military Brigade at the headquarters of the settlement. [Português]

imageSolidarity Against the Persecution of the Gaucha Anarchist Federation in Brazil Jun 26 Various 4 comments

In Porto Alegre, on June 20 past, about 15 agents from the Civil Police raided the Ateneo Batalha da Varzea, political and social premises where the Gaucha Anarchist Federation is located, without a warrant. [Castellano]

imageThe plot of a farce! The attempt to criminalise the Federação Anarquista Gaúcha Jun 25 Member of the Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (CAB) 0 comments

On Thursday afternoon (20/06/2013), preceding the already anticipated mass protest in the Gaucha capital, the forced entry invasion of the Ateneu Libertário A Batalha da Várzea took place, carried out by unidentified police agents. Owing to this, in the statement of Friday morning, June 21, we reported that the raid had been carried out by the Federal Police, after all this is how the agents of repression presented themselves. [Português]

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