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Free the Snake - the necessary cornerstone of a lawful salmon plan In 2016, a federal judge rejected the government's latest Columbia Basin salmon plan - the fifth such plan to meet this fate. A new plan that finally protects our nation's iconic fish - and our communities - must include removal of the costly lower Snake River dams. Learn more...
Unsustainable: the new economics of the lower Snake River dams   A series of expensive, illegal federal salmon plans coupled with rapidly changing market forces in the energy and transportation sectors makes it increasingly difficult to justify further investment in the high-cost, low-value dams on the lower Snake. Learn more...  
Wild Salmon, Clean Energy and Climate Change   Survival of wild salmon depends on healthy rivers and a healthy climate. Rapidly advancing clean energy technologies offer effective, affordable solutions for replacing the lower Snake River dams’ ‘extinction energy’ with conservation and renewables. Learn more here.  
Columbia River Treaty Modernizing the 1964 Columbia River Treaty in 2014 will help Canada and the United States tackle our common climate challenge to healthy waters, wild salmon, clean energy, and river-based economies.    Learn more here...

Latest News

Solutions TableSolutions Table
Western salmon states, fishing businesses, conservation groups and Northwest tribes have been in litigation over federal dams and wild salmon protection in the Columbia Basin for almost two decades. Now is the time for all stakeholders to come together and create a new approach to salmon restoration.


Wind and Salmon ConnectionWind & Salmon Connection
Wild salmon and wind energy work together well in the Northwest, as sustainable resources and job creators.  But the Obama administration's present management of our Rivers doesn't reflect this natural partnership. We're working to change that.


Salmon Mean BusinessSalmon Mean Business
Salmon are a critical part of the northwest economy, supporting a diverse set of industries including fishing, tourism, renewable energy, and outdoor retailers that bring billions to the northwest and create thousands of jobs. A healthy environment means a healthy economy and the threats salmon face threaten us all.


One of a KindOne of a Kind
The wild salmon and steelhead of the Northwest are an incredible story of nature. When dinosaurs roamed the earth, salmon were swimming in our waters. Snake River salmon travel more than 900 miles inland and climb almost 7,000 feet to reach their spawning grounds – making them truly one of a kind.


Learn more about salmon, rivers, clean energy...
Featured Video

The Greatest Migration by EP Films

Save Our wild Salmon is a diverse, nationwide coalition working together to restore wild salmon and steelhead to the rivers, streams and marine waters of the Pacific Northwest for the benefit of our region's ecology, economy and culture.





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Idaho River Adventures

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Phone:  509-747-2030

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