Cartoon: Treadmill


If you like these cartoons, please support my Patreon!


Panel 1
A toddler runs on a full-sized treadmill, carrying a teddy bear in one hand. A woman in a tight black dress squats, smiling, to address the toddler.
WOMAN: A teddy bear? You need better toys! Or else the other kids won’t like you!

Panel 2
The same scene, but the toddler is now a child, and no longer holding a teddy bear. The woman, who is now standing and facing away from the child with a dismissive air, has not aged.
WOMAN: If you don’t have cool clothes and a cool phone, then you’re a loser!

Panel 3
Same scene. The runner is now a young woman. The other woman exhorts the runner on.
WOMAN: You’ve got a mountain of college debt! Run! RUN!

Panel 4
The runner is now a bit older – 40s? – and a desk has been set up on the treadmill, with a laptop. The woman types on the laptop with one hand; her other arm is holding an infant. The woman has gotten more intense, waving her arms and yelling.
WOMAN: Your kid is DOOMED if you don’t get a big house near a good school!

Panel 5
The runner is now considerably older, her hair turning white. She’s running hard, sweating, both hands typing on the laptop.
WOMAN: Now pay for a decent college, or your kid will be POOR her whole life!

Panel 6
The runner, now older still, has collapsed and lies dead on the treadmill. The woman in the black dress leans over the treadmill, cheerily addressing the corpse.
WOMAN: You should invest in the deluxe casket.

Posted in Capitalism, Cartooning & comics, Class, poverty, labor, & related issues, Economics and the like | Leave a comment  

Christian Teen-Torture Camps And Republican’s Reality-Denying Bubble


A new 20/20 report has put the issue of Christian teen-torture camps back in the news, but this has been going on for decades. From the Mother Jones report:

When another girl snitched, Roxy said, McNamara locked some girls in makeshift isolation cells, tiled closets without furniture or windows. Roxy got “the redshirt treatment”: For a solid week, 10 hours a day, she had to stand facing a wall, with breaks only for worship or twice-daily bathroom trips.

She was monitored day and night by two “buddies,” girls who’d been there awhile and knew the drill. They accompanied her to the shower and toilet, and introduced her to a life of communal isolation and rigid discipline. Girls were not allowed to converse except from 6 to 9 p.m. each Friday. They were not allowed contact with their families during their first month, or with anyone else for six months.

And that’s far from the most shocking treatment teens have received.

Although the people who run these camps are extremists, the reason the problem continues is that mainstream Republicans politicians protect the torture camps, and mainstream Republican voters do not object or pressure their politicians to change.

Congress has tried, and so far failed, to rein in the schools. In 2007, a spate of deaths at teen residential programs prompted a nationwide investigation by the Government Accountability Office. Its findings—which detailed the use of extended stress positions, days of seclusion, strenuous labor, denial of bathroom access, and deaths—came out in a series of dramatic congressional hearings over two years. The result was House Resolution 911 (PDF), which proposed giving residents access to child-abuse hotlines and creating a national database of programs that would document reports of abuse and keep tabs on abusive staff members.

Hephzibah House’s Ron Williams and Reclamation Ranch’s Jack Patterson urged supporters to fight the bill. In an open letter, Williams argued that it would “effectively close all Christian ministries helping troubled youth because of its onerous provisions.” They were joined by a group called the National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs, which opposed HR 911 on the grounds that states—despite all evidence to the contrary—are best situated to oversee the homes. The bill passed in the House, but stalled in a Senate committee.*

In March 2010, the House passed the Keeping All Students Safe Act, a bill that would have banned the use of seclusion and physical or chemical restraints by any school that benefits from federal education money. (It, too, died in the Senate.) Andy Kopsa, who covers abusive homes in her blog, Off the Record, noted that GOP members whose districts host tough-love schools rallied against the act.

House Resolution 911 passed with the votes of 231 Democrats and 64 Republicans. 1 Democrat and 101 Republicans voted against the bill. The Keeping All Students Safe Act was voted for by 238 Democrats and only 24 Republicans; 8 Democrats and 145 Republicans voted against the bill.

I think the problem here isn’t that ordinary conservatives favor torturing teens. Rather, it’s that the conservative leadership and media has spent decades teaching conservatives to assume that all criticism of conservatives are lies told by mainstream media, and that all evidence, no matter how strong, is a conspiracy used by liberal elites to keep down the poor oppressed Christians. The people who run these torture camps move from state to state, seeking out states like Texas and Mississippi, where Christians control the legislature and make sure that no regulations intended to protect teens from being tortured by Christians ever passes.

“It’s hard to understand it, but faith-based is just taboo for regulation,” says Matthew Franck, an editor at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, who authored an investigative series on the state’s homes in the mid-2000s. “It took decades of work to get just the most minimal standards of regulation at faith-based child-care centers,” he adds. “I just knew that when certain lobbyists would stand up to say, ‘We have a concern about how this affects faith-based institutions,’ the bill was immediately amended—it was a very Republican legislature—or it would immediately die. That’s still true.” (Missouri isn’t alone. In April, Montana state Rep. Christy Clark, who campaigned on a “faith and family” platform, joined 11 other Republicans in scuttling a bill that would have regulated religious teen homes; a mother of three, she cast the homes’ residents as unreliable witnesses who “struggle with truthfulness.”)

This is the same anti-truth impulse that convinces conservatives that global warming is a myth, that Obama is a secret Muslim, and that elections are being stolen by undetectable illegal voters. They live inside a paranoid bubble that tells them that no evidence, no expert, no contrary worldview is ever to be trusted.

Things may be about to get worse. Briarwood Presbyterian Church is working with Alabama’s compliant conservative legislature to pass a law allowing them to create the country’s first Church-owned police force. If they succeed and other churches follow suit – I would think it’s unconstitutional, but with Trump selecting justices, who knows? – then Christian torture camps may face an even lower risk of interference by authorities.

Posted in Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer issues | 1 Comment  

On Wedding Cakes, Gay Weddings, And Free Speech

wedding cake

This is a reply to a comment left by MJJ on the Muslim Ban thread. I’m putting my response here, and hopefully further discussion of this issue will move to this thread.

I didn’t think Melissa’s cakes has gone bankrupt? They were fined $135,000, but they also received over $500,000 in donations to help them pay the fine, so if they really did go bankrupt it’s hard not to suspect that it wasn’t because of the fine.

Personally, I’m iffy about that case – both the size of the fine, and the ruling itself. But it’s a complex issue. IF we say that wedding cake makers can discriminate, how about grocers and hotels? How about doctors, pharmacists, and lawyers? Many of the same people arguing that Melissa’s Cakes should have been able to discriminate against a gay wedding say the same thing about city clerks – but it seems REALLY dubious to say that government employees should be able to pick and choose who to provide government services to.

This sort of discrimination has, in the past, been a cudgel for bigots to punish marginalized groups with, by making some basic necessities of life unavailable on the market to disfavored people. Everyone has a right to say and think whatever they want; but businesses the provide public accommodations (like selling to people) are more limited. What if the Kleins had refused to provide a cake for a wedding of two Asian customers – should that be legal, in your view?

Regarding two other arguments you made, I’m going to quote from the Judge’s ruling in the Colorado case. Regarding the idea that they weren’t discriminating against lgb people:

Respondents deny that they hold any animus toward homosexuals or gay couples, and would willingly provide other types of baked goods to Complainants or any other gay customer. On the other hand, Respondents would refuse to provide a wedding cake to a heterosexual customer if it was for a same-sex wedding. The ALJ rejects Respondents’ argument as a distinction without a difference.

The salient feature distinguishing same-sex weddings from heterosexual ones is the sexual orientation of its participants. Only same-sex couples engage in same-sex weddings. Therefore, it makes little sense to argue that refusal to provide a cake to a same-sex couple for use at their wedding is not “because of” their sexual orientation.

And regarding the idea that baking a cake is an act of speech (which might therefore receive first amendment protection):

The undisputed evidence is that Phillips categorically refused to prepare a cake for Complainants’ same-sex wedding before there was any discussion about what the cake would look like. Phillips was not asked to apply any message or symbol to the cake, or to construct the cake in any fashion that could be reasonably understood as advocating same-sex marriage. After being refused, Complainants immediately left the shop. For all Phillips knew at the time, Complainants might have wanted a nondescript cake that would have been suitable for consumption at any wedding. Therefore, Respondents’ claim that they refused to provide a cake because it would convey a message supporting same-sex marriage is specious. The act of preparing a cake is simply not “speech” warranting First Amendment protection.

The same thing is true of Melissa Klein; she refuses to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding, regardless of what message the cake conveys or what the content of the cake is. I don’t see how her speech is infringed by a generic wedding cake with no words or figures on it, for example. And if providing a generic good is an infringement on speech, then who else can claim that providing goods to a wedding is speech? The company that sells the aisle runner? The company that sells the disposable plates?

Posted in Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc., Same-Sex Marriage | 51 Comments  

Cartoon: Muslim Ban


IF you like these cartoons, please support them at my Patreon.

This is another one inspired by current events (as I’m sure you’ve already figured out). The point being made – that folks favoring the Muslim ban because of terrorist attacks would never hold Christians, white people, or men to the same standard – is obvious, but sometimes it’s important to make these obvious points. (And make them again, and again, and again….)

In my first draft script, two of the panels referred to Christianity. I changed that because many Christians have been advocating for the US’s duty to help refugees, and in light of that I didn’t want to seem to be picking on Christians. So I changed one of the panels to be talking about men and mass-murder, instead. And having three different topics (four including the last panel) improves the cartoon.

Artwise, I felt it was important to get this strip out promptly, so some of the things I sometimes do (full backgrounds, nine-panel strips, etc) weren’t right for this strip. Instead, I focused on keeping the drawings loose and lively (as best as I can, anyhow – my drawings usually come out stiffer than I’d prefer). I also worked on making each of the characters from the first three panels very distinct and clear, so that they’d be recognizable as the same characters when they reappeared in the final panel.

Related: Why Trump EO is Still a Racist Muslim Ban | Informed Comment

We’ll See You in Court, 2.0: Once a Muslim Ban, Still a Muslim Ban | American Civil Liberties Union


Panel 1
A woman with cat’s-eye glasses is anxiously explaining something.
GLASSES WOMAN: The people who murder abortion doctors don’t represent Christianity.

Panel 2
A man in a suit and tie is explaining something, looking very concerned and raising his arms for emphasis.
SUIT MAN: The white guy who shot up a Sikh temple was just one guy. We can’t tar all white people with that brush!

Panel 3
A balding man in a black t-shirt is speaking calmly, his arms crossed.
BLACK TEE MAN: Sure, about 98% of mass murders are committed by men. But the vast majority of men are nothing like that!

Panel 4
A new character, a woman with black hair and reading from a smartphone, has entered. The three characters from the first three panels are reacting with panic and yelling.
NEW WOMAN: “Police speculate that the attacker may have been Muslim–”

Posted in Bigotry & Prejudice, Cartooning & comics, Immigration, Migrant Rights, etc, In the news | 32 Comments  

Cartoon: The Two Party System


In my youth, I was very tempted by third parties. Not so much nowadays.

But this cartoon isn’t about that; it’s about the ridiculous choice between two major parties, one of which is a bit technocratic and complacent, the other of which is both ridiculous and vile. This isn’t how things are supposed to work, but it feels like we have no viable alternatives.

I’m rather pleased with the art for this one, and have left it in black and white on purpose. I think most of my cartoons from now on will have color of some sort, though.

If you like this cartoon, you can read a bunch more for free at my Patreon! And please consider supporting these cartoons. The support I get from readers on Patreon enables me to do many more political cartoons.

Transcript of cartoon

Title at the top of the cartoon: The Two Party System

Panel 1
A woman is standing in front of a little booth with a sign that says “DEMOCRATS.” The booth is in the style of Lucy’s psychiatry booth from the comic strip “Peanuts.” Seated behind the booth is an older white man, leaning his face on his hands; he doesn’t look very energetic.

WOMAN: Poverty is a national disgrace!

Panel 2
A close-up of the Democrat dude.
DEMOCRAT: That’s why we Democrats want to expand the earned income tax credit.
WOMAN: Okay, good. And?

Panel 3
A shot of the two of them. His head is still leaning on his hands; she’s waving her arms angrily.
DEMOCRAT: And there’s some other technical fixes we could do…
WOMAN: Tiny technical changes aren’t enough!

Panel 4
A close-up of the woman. She’s talking angrily and checking off things on her fingers.
WOMAN: What’s needed is single payer! Or free child care! Or a real game-changer, like a universal basic income!

Panel 5
The woman stomps away from the booth. The Democrat doesn’t even lift his head out of his hands.
WOMAN: Forget it! I’m out of here!
DEMOCRAT: You’ll be back.

Panel 6
The woman angrily walks to the right; in the background there’s a stone wall, and beyond that a hillside with trees on it.

Panel 7
The woman has arrived at a similar booth to the Democrat’s booth, but this one is labeled “GOP.” She talks to the middle-aged white an at the booth. The man behind the booth reacts angrily, grabbing the booth with one hand and leaning very far forward, thrusting his other hand out in a “STOP!” gesture.
WOMAN: I’m concerned about poverty. What will Republicans do for-
GOP MAN (very large letters): NO!

Panel 8
A close-up on the GOP man. He is yelling, eyes bulging, spittle flying.
GOP MAN: Not MY fault you’re a lazy welfare queen DEPENDENT wallowing in false victimhood! Take responsibility for your own life, LOSER!

Panel 9
The woman, visibly deflated and shaken, hugging herself, is stumbling back to the Democrat’s booth.
DEMOCRAT: Told ya.

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Economics and the like, Elections and politics | 37 Comments  

Cartoon: Think of the Children!


This cartoon was written and colored by Barry Deutsch, and drawn by Becky Hawkins.


Panel 1
A man in a suit and hat is speaking loudly to a crowd of people watching him. He is holding out a book called “The Talmud Unmasked.”
MAN: We can’t allow Jews in our club! They’re perverts and deviants! Think of the children!

Panel 2
A woman and man stand in front of a suburban home. Behind them, on the lawn, two adorable children are playing catch. The man has his arm around the woman’s shoulder, and the woman is holding a baby in her arms.
WOMAN: Blacks integrating into our neighborhood? No! Think of the children!

Panel 3
Several protesters are marching in front of a school building. One protester, a woman holding a child (who is struggling to get away) with one arm and a sign saying “FIRE HER!” with the other hand, is speaking.
WOMAN: A lesbian can’t be a teacher! Think of the children!

Panel 4
A man in a suit stands on the steps of what looks like a government building. Many reporters are holding out microphones to record what he’s saying. He has a small girl with him, patting her on the head with one hand while pointing at her with the other.
MAN: We need to keep transsexuals out of public bathrooms! Think of the children!

Kicker panel.
The small girl has turned to face the man with the suit. He speaks to her sternly, holding up an admonishing finger.
GIRL: But I’m trans.
MAN: Don’t confuse me!

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Homophobic zaniness/more LGBTQ issues, Transsexual and Transgender related issues | 6 Comments  

Eight new SuperButch Pages Since I Last Posted About It

So, the last time I remembered to post a SuperButch update here, we had just posted page 8. Now we’ve just posted page 16. Oy.

I’ll try to do better – honest. But if you want reliable SuperButch updates, I’d suggest going to the SuperButch site and using the “subscribe” options in the sidebar.


Posted in SuperButch | Leave a comment  

Open Thread and Link Farm, No I Said She Was A PEPSI Head Edition


  1. Long-running baboon war at Toronto Zoo comes to an end –
  2. California Farmers Backed Trump, but Now Fear Losing Field Workers – The New York Times
    Reminds me of the people who depend on Obamacare and voted for Trump. (And not all of them failed to realize that Obamacare and the ACA are the same thing.)
  3. How President Trump Could Seize More Power After a Terrorist Attack – The New Yorker
  4. DHS analysis found no evidence of extra threat posed by travel-ban nations: report | TheHill
    Americans are willing to accept big losses of freedom to a man claiming to be protecting us from terrorism.
  5. I Was a Muslim in the Trump White House—and I Lasted Eight Days – The Atlantic
  6. Poll: One-Third Don’t Know Obamacare and Affordable Care Act Are the Same – The New York Times
  7. Republican Members of Congress Are Hiding From Their Constituents – Slog – The Stranger
    They want to take away their constituents’ health care, but can’t actually work up the guts to talk to their constituents about it.
  8. Experience: I accidentally bought a giant pig | Life and style | The Guardian
  9. The Prisoner’s Dilemma: Why Democrats Should Block Gorsuch | Alternet
  10. Discussion of Nazi-punching on Tumblr.
    The people who most favor punching Nazis, are not people who keep careful, tight bounds on who counts as a Nazi.
  11. Income share for the bottom 50% of Americans is ‘collapsing,’ new Piketty research finds – MarketWatch
    The graph is impressive looking.
  12. Dutch Get Creative to Solve a Prison Problem: Too Many Empty Cells –
  13. This economist taught monkeys to use money.
    It’s really a pretty neat experiment – Ben told me about it. Eventually, the monkeys invented prostitution.
  14. It Takes A Village To Bully A Transgender Kindergartner
    Parents at a charter school band together – and invite in a hate group – to harass a trans child, including doxing the child on a major right-wing website (The Daily Signal). Ugh, ugh, ugh.
  15. Transplant patient holds her own heart after life-saving operation | The Independent
    I mean, you can click through and read it if you want, she sounds really cool actually, but basically I’ve put it on the link farm because I’m really into that headline.
  16. The Trouble With Anti-Antiracism | Jacobin
    Referring to left anti-antiracism, not right anti-antiracism.
  17. Article: Florida’s Shenanigans Make a Great Case for (Re-)Separation of Ballot and State | OpEdNews
    Ballot rules are used to keep third parties down. And that sucks. Not that I’m feeling like a big fan of third parties these days, but it’s anti-democratic to keep them off the ballot for trumped-up reasons.
  18. Did George Washington’s false teeth come from his slaves?: A look at the evidence, the responses to that evidence, and the limitations of history – The Washington Papers
    His dentures were definitely made of human teeth, not wooden as the myth has it. We can’t know for sure if the teeth came from his slaves, but it seems likely, given how far below market value he paid for the teeth.
  19. Speaking of our founding fathers, according to this, Jefferson began his “relationship” with Sally Hennings in 1787, when Hennings was 14. Jefferson would have been 44 at that time.
  20. Removals vs returns: how to think about Obama’s deportation record – Vox
  21. The Complicated Racial Politics of Going “Undercover” to Report on the Jim Crow South | History | Smithsonian
  22. Senator Mark Chelgren Aims To Purge Democrats From Iowa Universities – Iowa Starting Line
    “The Secretary of State’s office would be directed to provide voter registration lists to the colleges so that new job applicants’ party affiliation could be checked before the hiring process gets underway.” But remember, it’s liberals who want to crush free speech at universities.
  23. The Story Of Henry ‘Box’ Brown, The Slave Who Mailed Himself To Freedom | GOOD
  24. Weakened Democrats Bow to Voters, Opting for Total War on Trump – The New York Times
  25. Listening to Trump Voters with ACA Coverage: What They Want in a Health Care Plan | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
    Mainly, they want lower deductibles. Which is reasonable, but there is no way to lower deductibles without either 1) making the insurance cheap and useless in other ways, which would be unacceptable to these same voters, or 2) having the government cover more of the cost, which is unacceptable to the politicians these voters put in office.
  26. Trump’s Budget Proposal Threatens Democratic and Republican Ambitions
    An interesting look at the budget as a competition for resources between generations.
  27. Tom Perez Announces Plan to Drastically Expand Voter Protections at the DNC — Tom Perez
    Good. Perez has a lot of background in fighting for voting rights; that may be exactly what’s needed.
  28. I’ve been arguing on Tumblr about why Democrats shouldn’t offer a compromise on Roe v Wade.


Posted in Link farms | 17 Comments  

Global Warming Discussion Thread (moved from the “Six Kinds of Republican” thread


There is now a significant discussion of global warming and denialism going on in the “Six Kinds of Republican” thread. I’m creating this post to move those comments to.

Posted in Environmental issues | 17 Comments  

I Just Learned About the Equal Justice Initiative – If You Don’t Know About It, You Should

In “The Lines That Antisemitism and Racism Draw,” a series of letters I composed during the summer of 2016 that were published in December of that year, I wrote about the stolpersteine, an art project started by the German artist Gunter Demnig in 1992. According to Wikipedia, the project “aims at commemorating individual persons at exactly the last place of residency—or, sometimes, work—which was freely chosen by the person before he or she fell victim to Nazi terror, euthanasia, eugenics, was deported to a concentration or extermination camp, or escaped persecution by emigration or suicide.” I was astonished to learn that more than 50,000 stolpersteine have been laid in 20 European countries. “I don’t want to romanticize what the stolpersteine represent or over-celebrate their scope,” I wrote, “but it speaks volumes to me that so many communities across Europe have agreed to bear witness to, and in that way hold themselves accountable for, what the Nazis did [primarily to the Jews].” Then I wondered about whether a similar kind of project focused on slavery would even be possible in the United States:

Consider a white artist—as far as I know, Denmig is not Jewish—trying to pursue a similar project regarding slavery in the United States. Even setting aside the differing circumstances and practical considerations that might make a project like that impossible, it’s hard for me to imagine white America saying yes in the same way that those European communities have. We are, after all, a nation in which someone like Bill O’Reilly feels authorized to “fact check” on national TV First Lady Michelle Obama’s statement about the White House having been built by slaves; in which it took the mass murder Dylan Roof committed in Charleston’s Emanuel AME Church, with the explicit intention of starting a race war, for legislators finally to vote the Confederate flag off of South Carolina’s state house; in which far too many white people cannot accept the simple assertion that Black lives matter as anything other than the at least implicit claim that other lives don’t.

In such a nation, how many communities would be willing to be reminded daily, as they walked to work or school, or down the block for a quart of milk or a sandwich from the deli, or to take out the garbage or go to the movies, or church, or shul, or to meet a lover for a date—how many communities in the United States do you think would say yes to a memorial that asked them to confront not slavery in the aggregate, difficult and meaningful and necessary as that is, but the names and dates, the lived lives of the particular enslaved Black people who played a role in that community’s history? There’s no way to answer this question, of course, but I can, as I am sure you can, picture the kind of resistance such a project would run into across wide swaths of the country, not to mention in the right wing media. To put it simply, we are a nation in which white people tend to work very hard not only not to take responsibility for the historical fact of slavery, but also not to be held accountable for the ways in which we continue to benefit from its aftermath.

At the time I wrote those words, I did not know about Equal Justice Initiative (EJI), an organization in Montgomery, Alabama founded by Bryan Stevenson. In February 2015, as part of a project that resembles Demnig’s stolpersteine to a remarkable degree, EJI released a report on the history of lynchings in the United States. “Lynching and the terror era,” Stevenson is quoted in The New York Times as saying, “shaped the geography, politics, economics and social characteristics of being black in America during the 20th century.” The part of the project that most closely mirrors the stolpersteine involves erecting markers and memorials on specific lynching sites “to force people to reckon with the narrative through-line of the country’s vicious racial history, rather than thinking of that history in a short-range, piecemeal way.” Stevenson is expecting resistance and controversy not unlike what he experienced when his organization tried to place historical markers at the cites of the slave markets in Montgomery, Alabama, where, The Timessaid, in what feels like ironic understatement, “city and state governments were not welcoming…despite the abundance of Civil War and civil rights movement memorials” in the city.

We need this kind of memorial in the United States. I plan to start following EJI’s work.

Posted in anti-racism, Anti-Semitism, antiracism, Race, racism and related issues, Racism | 6 Comments