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Trump diversity head talks at CPAC about Trump grabbing America by the…

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The executive director of the Diversity Coalition for Trump, Bruce Levell, was just speaking to MSNBC from CPAC when he had a bit of a verbal hiccup. Levell was talking about how Trump ...

Trump tried to influence FBI investigation of Russia ties

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CNN is reporting that the Trump White House violated federal rules by attempting to influence an ongoing investigation by the FBI (and other agencies) into contacts between Donald ...

These GOP town hall crowds are pretty remarkable. Anger works.

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When I worked for a Republican US Senator, a lifetime ago, the most effective way for a constituent to get the boss’s attention was to yell at him in public. It drove him crazy. ...

Will Donald Trump, Jr. denounce Milo following pedophilia imbroglio?

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Donald Trump Jr. was roundly criticized last September for posting an alt-right-themed image to Instagram in which he appears with Milo Yiannopoulos, among other far-right leaders. ...

It’s moving day, I’m leaving NYC

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Today is moving day. After two incredibly interesting years in New York City, I’m moving back to Washington, DC to take the fight directly to Donald Trump. I love New York. I ...

I strongly oppose Donald Trump using 100,000 National Guard troops to round up undocumented immigrants

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Trump may mobilize 100,000 National Guard troops to round up undocumented immigrants. Tell him NO.

Trump flips out on Jewish reporter for asking about anti-semitism

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Donald Trump today flipped out on a Jewish reporter for asking a good question about the uptick in reported anti-Semitic attacks — including bomb threats — since Trump was ...

Fox News BLASTS Trump over Russia. You read that right.

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Fox News’ Shep Smith “demands” to know the answers about Team Trump’s ties to Russia.

Trump says Dems concocted Russia conspiracy, but he fired Flynn anyway

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In his latest tweetstorm, Donald Trump, furious over the ongoing leaks that are methodically building the case for treason against him, claimed that Democrats are responsible for creating ...

Trump smears NSA & FBI, says they’re “un-American,” act like Russians

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Donald Trump compared the NSA and FBI to “Russia” in a series of tweets complaining about compromising leaks.
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