

Tracey Kahn is raising her daughter Scarlet and expecting another girl at age 51.

Single, 51 and pregnant

Tracey Kahn didn't realise she wanted to become a mother until she was well into her 40s. Now 51, she is pregnant with her second child.

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Sarah Dingle who has been trying to find her genetic father who was a donor and all records from Royal North Shore ...

A daughter's search to find her sperm donor father

Sarah Dingle was in her late 20s when she learnt she had been conceived using a sperm donor. Shock gave way to disbelief when she discovered there's no way of finding out who her biological father really is.

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Many people believe there is still a stigma attached to using IVF to create a family.

Stigma still attached to IVF

Despite the fact 12,000 Australian babies are born thanks to IVF each year, many women still feel there is a social stigma attached to the fertility treatment. Experts say it is time for this attitude to change.

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IVF can be a blessing, but it's also a costly process. Now a new clinic is offering cut-price treatment.

IVF costs slashed at new clinic

For people struggling to become parents IVF can be a blessing, but it's also a costly process. Now a new clinic is offering cut-price treatment.

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couple letter baby

The IVF letter we dread

You can often never have a full understanding of what’s involved in certain situations until you're in them - like choosing when to let go of your frozen embryos.

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Choosing to be a solo parent

Two women share their stories of longing for a baby so much that they each decided not to wait for a partner before becoming a mum.

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