Couple documents IVF journey to rainbow baby with beautiful images

With a 95% chance of losing pregnancies, the road to having a baby was a tough one for the Hills.
With a 95% chance of losing pregnancies, the road to having a baby was a tough one for the Hills. Photo: Jennie Hill

John and Jennie Hill feared they may never fulfil their dream of becoming parents.

After five miscarriages, the US couple were told that Jennie has a chromosome disorder that makes it 95 per cent likely she'll lose any pregnancy. 

"Because I had lost five angels, my doctor decided to order a karyotype blood test, and it was then that we found out that I have a genetic chromosome disorder called balanced translocation," she told WSBTV

Their ray of hope was IVF, and they decided to take on the challenge.

Jennie endured many injections to stimulate her ovaries, and 65 eggs were harvested - of which only 13 made it to the genetic testing stage. Of those, only two embryos proved viable.

One of these embryos became their newborn daughter Harper Grace, who was born on January 25, and whose birth was celebrated in a rainbow baby photo shoot by photographer Thea DuBose.

Jennie saved the needles from her procedures to make an image with a simultaneously serious yet joyful message.

Photo: Naturally Posh Photography

​Sharing the photos with Love What Matters, Jennie wrote, "Meet Harper Grace, our rainbow we had hoped for after 5 miscarriages and then a year of multiple IVF treatments. People ask me how hard IVF is. This shows a fraction of what one endures. These are the actual shots from our IVF journey (the caps of clouds are needles too). The journey included an insane amount of shots (in the stomach/thigh/hip), not to mention the patches, pills, surgeries, doc appts, blood work, money, worry, concerns, tears and heartache.

"But it all eventually led to this moment, this overwhelming joy. It was all worth it in the end, every nervous moment."

Photo: Naturally Posh Photography

Jennie explained how they coped through such difficult times, saying, "We lived by the fact that God promises a rainbow after the storm.

"Babies born after a miscarriage are called rainbow [babies]. It signifies a promise after a storm ... We decided we would just learn to dance in the rain while waiting for our rainbow to come. Now our hope is for others to experience it, too."