Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI



The Liberal-Green deal to cut payments to 330,000 pensioners came into effect on January 1. These changes will knock 91,000 people off the old …


The Fair Work Commission’s (FWC) decision to slash penalty rates in the hospitality, retail and fast food sectors threatens the wages of more than …


Less than one third of Australians trust journalists, one of the lowest levels in the world. Low trust in journalists is understandable given big …


International Women’s Day (IWD) falls on March 8 every year. The first IWD was organised in 1909 by the Socialist Party of America, in …


The recent riots and escapes of inmates held in youth justice centres in Victoria has led to unprecedented action by the Andrews Labor government. …


The 2017 Midsumma Pride March was held in Melbourne during late January. The event had a huge turnout of over 45,000 spectators. The Socialist …


The first parliamentary exchanges of the year were yet more examples of the fake differences that exist between the major parties. Opposition leader Bill …


Penalty rates on Sundays and public holidays are set to be slashed in a decision by the mis-named “Fair Work Commission”. Workers in fast …


2016 set new global temperature records, showing that the Earth is continuing to warm as a result of the burning of fossil fuels for …


Tensions between the United States and China, already high, are growing as the brash and unpredictable Trump moves into the White House. Australia’s ruling …


The nature of work is undergoing a global shift. In late 2016, a report by the McKinsey Global Institute revealed that 30% of people …


In mid-December, coroner Ros Fogliani handed down her findings of the inquest into the death in custody of the 22-year-old Yamatji woman Ms Dhu. …


‘Jobs and growth’ were the words we could not escape in the lead up to the federal election of July last year. Six months …


With the end of the mining boom, the main sector propping up the Australian economy is property. It is becoming more likely however that …


The Rail Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) in Victoria has launched a new campaign calling for public transport services to be brought back into …


The Turnbull government is continuing its war on the poor with more attacks on welfare recipients. The government is now out to recoup $4 …


In recent months the Victorian Labor state government has cracked down on youth who are being kept in detention. In an unprecedented move, they …


After facing pressure from sections of the LGBTIQ community, the organisers of the annual Midsumma festival in Melbourne announced that they would not be …