Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI

Indigenous struggle


Right-wing politicians are campaigning to repeal Section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act (RDA) and make it legal to humiliate, insult, offend and intimidate …


In late August a 14-year-old indigenous boy called Elijah Doughty was killed when the motorbike he was riding was struck from behind by a …


Fifty years ago, 200 Gurindji stock workers, domestic servants and their families withdrew their labour and walked off Baron Vesteys’ Wave Hill cattle station …


The ongoing dispossession of Aboriginal people in Australia is driven by the needs of the capitalist system. Racism is used explicitly to justify attacks …


In July a damning 4 Corners report exposed numerous acts of abusive behaviour carried out by prison officers against inmates at the Northern Territory’s …


The Recognise campaign, to include more recognition of Aboriginal people in the Constitution, has been rejected by 75% of Aboriginal people in independent polls. …


By Mick Suter Outside the inquest into the death of the young aboriginal women Ms Dhu, Aunty Carol Roe told The Socialist “My granddaughter …


By Jeremy Trott The Turnbull government is trialling a new cashless welfare card in three rural towns in preparation for a planned national roll …


By Ben Convey Indigenous people’s scepticism towards the government-backed campaign to acknowledge Aboriginal people in the Australian constitution is developing into outright opposition. Recognise …


Many people will remember Tony Abbott as the prime minister who called living in a remote Aboriginal community a ‘lifestyle choice’. It was a …


The fallout from Adam Goodes’ ‘war-cry’ celebration continued last month when the two-time Brownlow medallist was forced from the field, citing stress leave. By …


For the past couple of months the Australian Football League (AFL) has been marred by racist attacks on Sydney star Adam Goodes. After slotting …


May Day saw significant mobilisations around Indigenous rights in many Australian cities. The International Day of Action Against the Forced Closures of Aboriginal Communities …


Over 700 protesters, mainly from the Aboriginal communities, marched on the West Australian Parliament in late March to protest against the planned closure of …


Protesters at the Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy (RATE) stood their ground after being issued with an eviction notice in late February. RATE is occupying …


March 19 saw protests in dozens of cities and towns across Australia. People came out to oppose the Western Australian Liberal Government’s plans to …


Rally Against ‘Reclaim Australia’ on April 4! Economic inequality is on the rise throughout the world. The global economic crisis has seen millions of …


The recent Queensland state election has received widespread attention. Most commentators have noted that the drubbing the Liberal National Party received was remarkable. Others …