Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI



An outage of the Basslink cable plunged Tasmania into a six-month long energy crisis. Industrial production at major producers had to be slowed, with …


In late March, ex-Palmer United Party (PUP) Senator Jacqui Lambie applied to register the ‘Jacqui Lambie Network’ (JLN) with the Electoral Commission. Party status …


While official unemployment sits above 7%, the new Tasmanian government’s first budget proposes to cut at least 1200 public sector jobs. This follows from …


New anti-protest laws were passed through the Tasmanian Lower House on June 26. These laws will allow the police to arrest anyone who ‘interrupts …


South Australia and Tasmania held state elections on Saturday March 15. South Australia has been governed by the ALP since 2002 while Tasmania had …


The Tasmanian Greens are pushing for the partial privatisation of the state-owned power industry. Their approach shows once again that the Greens have no …


The following article appeared in The Militant newspaper (predecessor of The Socialist) in June 1996. We are republishing it now for the first time …


The decade’s long struggle between environmentalists, the logging industry and the Tasmanian State Government is in the public eye once again. The latest chapter …


Working class alternative absent in both states Saturday March 20 saw State elections in Australia’s two least populated states, South Australia and Tasmania. South …


Labor State Governments have been re-elected in South Australia and Tasmania yesterday. The uneasy economic upturn (that a section of workers has benefited from …