Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI

New South Wales


A two-month long student occupation was broken up by the police in late October. Despite the setback the students have pledged to continue the …


The NSW government has refused to grant heritage protection to the iconic Sirius public housing building next to the Sydney Harbour Bridge. This is …


Greyhound racing is set to be banned in NSW, with the state Liberal Party fast-tracking legislation to shut down the industry. Under the new …


Sydney University’s art school (The Sydney College of the Arts) was slated to merge with the University of NSW Art and Design school and …


Australia is in the midst of a housing affordability crisis. Rents in Australian cities are either “severely unaffordable” or “extremely unaffordable” for low-income earners …


Sydney streets were filled by thousands of protesters for the March against Mike demonstration on May 29. Liberal premier Mike Baird has enraged layers …


In April, steel manufacturer Arrium went into voluntary administration, potentially threatening 8,000 jobs – 3,000 in Whyalla, South Australia, where the steelworks are. Arrium …


By Meredith Jacka In March new laws were passed in New South Wales that make it illegal to effectively protest against environmentally destructive mining …


By Dane Letcher The University of Sydney’s highest governing body – the Senate – has voted in a secret meeting to “restructure” its faculties. …


By Jorden Griggs In late February over 15,000 people rallied in Sydney against late night lockout laws. The laws are supposed to combat alcohol …


The NSW High Court recently upheld the appeal of the oil and gas company Metgasco against the suspension of its mining licence at Bentley. …


Remembering Australian working class history 70 years on The following two articles were published in Labour History in May and November 1972. They are …


The recent defeat of the East-West toll road in Melbourne has important lessons for those fighting against the disastrous WestConnex toll road project in …


Protesters at the Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy (RATE) stood their ground after being issued with an eviction notice in late February. RATE is occupying …


Last month’s NSW state election saw a significant swing against the incumbent Liberal/National Party Coalition government, but not enough for it to lose power. …


A state election will be held on March 28 in New South Wales. At the moment the Liberal government holds a significant majority although …


The NSW government has pressed ahead with its $460 million plan to allegedly ‘revitalise’ Newcastle’s CBD. They have stopped trains travelling into the city …


Around 5000 people attended a rally in Newcastle on Sunday December 14 calling for the Liberal state government to halt their plans to truncate …