Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI



There is extreme abuse taking place in Australia’s privately run offshore refugee camps, especially on the Pacific island of Nauru. This is revealed in …


The Australia Institute conducted a poll of more than 1400 people last month and found that 63% of respondents were opposed to the policy …


Tents, garages and shipping containers without sewerage or heating are being lived in by hundreds of people across Auckland as the winter cold sets …


Both the Liberals and Labor are complicit and responsible for the ongoing abuse and violence perpetrated against asylum seekers at the Manus Island and …


By Thiago d’Leones Zero hour contracts let employers hire workers without guaranteeing of any hours of work. Often this means work at short notice …


By Kat Galea “The detention policy has failed as a deterrant and succeeded only as a punishment. How much longer will children and their …


In August two claims were filed with the High Court of New Zealand over gender discrimination in pay, on what appears to be a …


After a year-long dispute, the New Zealand Meat Workers’ Union (MWU) appears to have suffered a major defeat at the hands of the Talleys …


In May the National government opened New Zealand’s first privately owned prison in Auckland. At the same time the Health Minister announced the trial …


In May unionised fast food workers in New Zealand celebrated a comprehensive win over the major fast food companies. McDonalds, Burger King and Restaurant …


The New Zealand government is expanding oil and gas exploration into a number of new sites. These sites were previously either too difficult or …


Fast-food workers organised by the Unite Union have celebrated several victories in the fight against zero-hour contracts in New Zealand. Such contracts lock employees …


In late March workers at the Auckland warehouse of clothes retailer Cotton On defeated an attempt to remove rest and meal breaks from their …


Anzac Day 2015 marks the 100th anniversary of the attempted Allied invasion of Gallipoli during World War One. But why is the entire political …


Fast-food workers, organised in the Unite Union, have been at the forefront of a campaign against zero-hours work contracts. Such contracts lock employees into …


While working people in New Zealand face a housing crisis, with tens of thousands homeless and annual rent increases of up to 10%, the …


In November 2014, the Waitangi Tribunal delivered its first report on Treaty of Waitangi claims relating to TePaparahi o teRaki (the Great Land of …


Despite huge public opposition, the New Zealand government plans to send troops to Iraq to join the war against the Islamic State. By Joe …