Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI

North America


Late January saw a series of mass protests across the US in response to President Trump’s immigration bans. The executive order he signed banned …


Demonstrating the worldwide hatred of Donald Trump and his policies, millions of women occupied streets around the world in late January demanding an end …


Tensions between the United States and China, already high, are growing as the brash and unpredictable Trump moves into the White House. Australia’s ruling …


Donald Trump and his bigoted, billionaires-club administration have ignited a social explosion unlike any that has ever greeted an incoming US president. The White …


For the last eight months, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has led a historic campaign against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), uniting hundreds of …


People in the U.S. and around the world awoke today to one of the most shocking political upsets in living memory with the election …


The victory of Donald Trump is being met with shock, fear, and anger. Especially for immigrants, Muslims, people of colour, women, and other oppressed …


This year marks the 50th anniversary of an agreement reached between the governments of the United States and Australia to establish the Pine Gap …


Eight years ago, Wall Street bet against American families and caused the Great Recession, an economic collapse on a scale that hadn’t been seen …


When Colin Kaepernick began his protest against racial injustice by kneeling during the national anthem at NFL football games it is unlikely he realized …


When a people’s most sacred sites, land, and water, comes into the cross hairs of capitalist greed, we as human beings, as socialists are …


Seemingly out of nowhere, over the last few years, socialist ideas swept in from the ignored margins of American politics to compete for centre …


The presidential election campaign is heading into its final phase now that the Democratic and Republican conventions are over. The result was the anointing …


The idea of Hilary Clinton becoming the first woman President of the US has been hailed by some establishment feminists as being a progressive …


Since the June 7 California primary, the historic upheaval that coalesced around Bernie Sanders’ campaign has continued to defy the demands of the political …


“When you say raising taxes, you want your viewers who are crunched financially to feel that taxes are going to be raised on them. …


By Tony Saunois, CWI Secretary Bernie Sanders campaign – an opportunity to build a new party of the 99% The US Presidential election campaign …


Bernie Sanders’ victory in New Hampshire is a political earthquake that is rocking the U.S. presidential elections and the entire establishment. For the first …