Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI

Latin America


Since the 9th of April 1948 when the leader of the Partido Liberal, Jorge Eliezer Gaitan, was assassinated in Bogota, the struggle between the …


Strong, intelligent, passionate and creative. There are many adjectives that are used today to describe the figure of Frida Kahlo, the Mexican artist who …


Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff was removed from office by a majority vote (61-20) in the Senate on 31 August, having been found guilty of …


Venezuela is being battered by a social and economic catastrophe. With inflation at more than 500% (the world’s highest) and estimated to soar to …


By Kate Kennedy Brazil is facing intense economic and political turmoil. The current President Dilma Rousseff is accused of fraudulently misrepresenting the budget in …


Victory for the right wing reflects popular discontent Johan Rivas, Socialismo Revolucionario (CWI in Venezuela) These elections took place in the midst of a …


Long-time social and political activist, and Venezuelan government secretary, Alcedo Mora has been missing since February 27. By Mark Poore, Socialist Party In the …


Last month, several factories taken under worker’s control and management in Lara State came under attack from the former owners. In some cases the …


In re-building a socialist movement, lessons of coup need to be learnt By Tony Saunois, Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) The terrorist attack …


Mass demonstrations against the increase of bus fares in all major cities In São Paulo, on the night of 13 June, the military police …


In the last weeks of 2009 Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez announced that the government would be nationalising eight banks. These banks represented 8% of …


Which way forward? The coming to power of Hugo Chávez in 1998 represented an important change in the world situation. This was the first …


Former president of the US Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan has described the economic situation we are living through today as a: “once in a …


On Sunday 5 July Manuel Zelaya, the President of Honduras who was overthrown in a coup a week earlier, attempted to return to Honduras. …


The reading of the poem “Vamos juntos” (Going together) by the recently deceased Uruguayan writer Mario Benedetti, set the tone to the opening rally …


But opposition makes serious gains On Sunday 23 November, more than 14 million people in Venezuela came out early in the morning to elect …


Socialist Party member Denise Dudley has recently returned from a trip to Venezuela. During the visit she attended a forum organised by Socialismo Revolucionario, …


Conlutas – new trade union organisation under attack Joint Declaration by Socialismo Revolucionario (CWI) and Collectivo Socialismo y Liberdade. We condemn the brutal attack …