Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI



Below we publish a translation of the Spanish School Students union, Sindicato de Estudiantes’s, first report of the historic general strike of students throughout …


We publish below a call for solidarity from the Spanish Students’ Union (Sindicato de Estudiantes), who have called a general strike of students for …


In Ireland, marriage equality for LGBTIQ people was won via a referendum in 2015. Below, we present an interview with Conor Payne, a member …


Three months ago 172 MPs – three quarters of the Parliamentary Labour Party – launched a coup against Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. They have …


International outrage has resulted from the decision of 30 town mayors in the south of France to ban from beaches the wearing of ‘burkini’ …


This year’s Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI – the socialist international organisation to which the Socialist Party is affiliated) summer school met in …


On the surface, one legacy of the last two years of Socialist Party (CWI) action in Ireland will be the suspension, once again, of …


An impressive movement has been spreading all across France since early March. The movement erupted in response to anti-worker legislation put forward by the …


“The referendum result may well go down in history as the pitchfork moment”, declared the Financial Times (FT), wailing the anger and despair of …


By Thiago d’Leones Under pressure from a section of conservative MPs during the 2015 election, Prime Minister Cameron reluctantly promised a referendum on the …


By Cillian Gillespie, Socialist Party (Ireland) This weekend marks the centenary of the Easter 1916 Rising against British rule in Ireland. For many working …


Establishment parties in crisis, as a new Left rises By Danny Byrne, CWI Ireland’s Fine Gael/Labour Party coalition government was routed in general elections …


By Emma Quinn (Socialist Party, CWI in Ireland) Millions of people internationally are joining the fight against the oppression of women and LGBTIQ people, opening up debates as …


Socialism is back. For decades the pro-capitalist establishment politicians that dominate parliament have told us that socialism is irrelevant and outmoded. By Hannah Sell, …


By Socialist Party (England & Wales) reporters This is a historic moment. Nothing will be the same again. For decades Westminster politics has meant …


As the British Labour Party prepares to send out ballot papers to the over 610,000 people registered to vote in its leadership contest, The …


Report from the CWI Summer School in Belgium The recent events in Greece provided the backdrop to the discussion on Europe at the 2015 …


A vast mass of people compressed into the streets of London on Saturday June 20 eager to show their anger and opposition to the …