Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI



Crisis for imperialism and a fight-back from below By Per-Ãke Westerlund Ethiopia has in recent years experienced perhaps the strongest economic growth in the …


Struggle for free education now! Statement of the Socialist Youth Movement, South Africa – Demand 0% increases! Demand free education! – Down with police …


More than 1000 people have died in West Africa since February, during the worst epidemic of Ebola since the appearance of the disease in …


On August 16, the anniversary of the police massacre of striking workers at the Lonmin platinum mine in Marikana, over 5000 mineworkers gathered on …


In late January, more than 50 representatives from miners’ strike committees, community groups, trade unions and left political organisations met at the invitation of …


To fully succeed, revolutions need to go beyond framework of capitalism “Ten days that shook the world” (Guardian). From Tunisia, to Egypt, to Bahrain, …


On Wednesday 20 October, the workers of the Mine Line/TAP Engineering factory in Krugersdorp, just outside Soweto, started an occupation of their workplace to …


But Zuma government unable to address basic needs of the working class On 22 APRIL, in a record turnout that reversed falls in voter …


The original version of this article commemorated the tenth anniversary of the Soweto uprising, appearing in the September 1986 edition of Inqaba Ya Basebenzi …


Despite concerted attempts by the leadership of the ANC-led Tripartite Alliance (with the South African Communist Party (SACP) and the Congress of South African …


African AIDS crisis: Dying for profit


9 July 2003. First published in the April-May edition of Izwi La Basebenzi (Voice of the workers), the newspaper of the Democratic Socialist Movement, …