Tag Archives: books

GOOD BOOKS: For LutherFest 500 and for the TLM

I get quite a few books for review. I can’t handle all of them, but this one, for sure, I will recommend even before I read it… and I will read it. This is timely. Luther and His Progeny: 500 … Continue reading

Posted in Our Catholic Identity, REVIEWS, The Campus Telephone Pole | Tagged , , , | 8 Comments

Books For Seminarians Project – COMPLETED!

I posted HERE about this year’s project to give a great book to all the seminarians of the Diocese of Madison, shepherded by the Extraordinary Ordinary, Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino.  At that post, I have some blunt things to say … Continue reading

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UPDATE – Book recommendations as things fall apart

UPDATE: Today I saw at First Things a review of three books along a common theme.  Guess which three books they were. Here is an interesting point (for links to the books, scroll down): All three of these books make reference … Continue reading

Posted in REVIEWS, The Campus Telephone Pole, The Coming Storm, The future and our choices | Tagged , , | 19 Comments

Good books for Lent

In another entry, the book The Heresy of Formlessness by Martin Mosebach came up.  I warmly recommend it.  I mentioned that book together with some others back in December. US HERE – UK HERE Some other books I’ve recently mentioned, … Continue reading

Posted in The Campus Telephone Pole | Tagged | 15 Comments

BOOKS Recently Received: Beautiful manuals for devotions

I have recently received some books from TAN. First, let me mention a couple of “manuals”. There is the Manual for Marian Devotion (US HERE – UK HERE) and the Manual for Eucharistic Devotion.  (US HERE – UK HERE) They are available on Kindle … Continue reading

Posted in REVIEWS, The Coming Storm | Tagged | 10 Comments


The other day I recommended Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism by Ronald Rychlak and Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa. Now I want to recommend it warmly.  (UK link HERE) Rychlak has written … Continue reading

Posted in REVIEWS, The Campus Telephone Pole | Tagged , , , | 10 Comments

Book recommendations

Today I received a copy of a new book by Anthony Esolen (Dante translator) called Defending Marriage: Twelve Arguments for Sanity. I have such regard for Prof. Esolen that I’ll recommend the book even before I read it! I would also … Continue reading

Posted in REVIEWS, The Campus Telephone Pole | Tagged , , , , , | 7 Comments

What I’m reading

I have received some material books and some digital, Kindle books recently.  Thank you to the kind people who sent them as gifts.  Thanks!  I am grateful.  Some of them came from publishers and the authors themselves. Here are a … Continue reading

Posted in The Campus Telephone Pole, What Fr. Z is up to | Tagged | 4 Comments

St. Ambrose read without moving his lips!

Sometimes when I am given a book of a certain length to read I’ll quip, “That ought to keep my lips moving for a while!” Today’s first entry in the Martyrologium Romanum says: 1. Memoria sancti Ambrosii, episcopi Mediolanensis et … Continue reading

Posted in Patristiblogging, Saints: Stories & Symbols | Tagged , , , , | 9 Comments

Some reading options… including a Chinese invasion of Seattle!

Not all my reading is spiritual these days. As I mentioned I am rereading Benedict XVI’s third volume of Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives.  A good Advent read. Also, on my Kindle right now, is John Allen’s, The Global War on Christians: … Continue reading

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, Semper Paratus, TEOTWAWKI, The Campus Telephone Pole | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

My present reading list

Someone wrote to ask what I am reading these days.   A while back all my sidebar widgets mysteriously disappeared and I haven’t gotten around to rebuilding the widget that had links to a few books and movies I have … Continue reading

Posted in What Fr. Z is up to | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

“I collect books just as others store grain….”

From the Laudator comes something with which I can sympathize: Yuan Mei (1716–1797), Book Storage, tr. J.D.Schmidt: I collect books just as others store grain, And bitterly complain I don’t have enough granaries. In order to make space for a … Continue reading

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, Just Too Cool, Poetry | Tagged , , , | 27 Comments

Wherein My Book Sorting Continueth: “How many branches of wax-candle light, How many drops of weary heart’s blood!

My book culling goes apace.   One of the things I went through today were books on China and on poetry.  On that note, I saw this on the site of the Laudator: A poem by Yuan Mei (1716–1797), tr. … Continue reading

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Of Darwinian Struggles and The De-Selection of Dear Friends

I think it was the comedian George Carlin who said that looking for happiness in possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches to your body. Have you ever wanted to turn the key and walk away from … Continue reading

Posted in What Fr. Z is up to | Tagged , , , | 83 Comments

“I am satisfied so long as I keep my books closed”

From the estimable Laudator: By Yuan Mei (1716–1797), tr. J.D.Schmidt: I am satisfied so long as I keep my books closed, But I start to worry, when I open their covers. The books are long, but the day is short; … Continue reading

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