Your Good News

Do you have good news to share with the readership?

We could all use some good news.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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18 Responses to Your Good News

  1. thecorcoran says:

    My family was received into the Holy Mother Church September 11th. This is our second Lenten season. It is a such a gift. It is difficult to put into words how generous and welcoming the Mercy and and Justice of the Body of Christ is and continues to be. The gates of hell are just that–hell. Hell always exposes itself and the light of the Truth cannot be hidden. Glory to God!

  2. R. Gregory says:

    After returning home from discerning monastic life in December I was finally able to find work. That’s certainly good news for this guy!

  3. frmh says:

    The girls in our Sodality of Mary group (ages 7-11) joyfully took up my initiative for them to form a Living Rosary.

    They all accepted decades and on of them has taken the responsibility to go round their school and recruit another few children to fill the gaps. I visited the school and the girls came up to me telling me that they have been faithful so far to their daily decade.

    The girls make rosaries as their main sodality activity but now they will be promoting the praying of the rosary at their school as well. Some of them, aged 9, have started a lunchtime group which they invite non Catholic girls to, they teach them to pray the rosary, it has been running about a month.

  4. Mike says:

    New TLM in Northern Virginia (9:40 am first Sunday of the month at St. Rita of Cascia) seems to be off to a very good start, with over 100 in attendance in each of its first two months.

  5. John Grammaticus says:

    with the help of God I’m firmly out of a rut that I’d been stuck in for a number of years

  6. Elizabeth R says:

    Saint Louis has a new Auxiliary Bishop-elect, Mark Rivituso. I think this is very good news!

  7. Amante de los Manuales says:

    When I received Holy Communion on Friday, I knelt at the communion rail since Father was standing so close to it this time.

    The good news: I was given no trouble for what I did and it was possibly the first time the communion rail was used at this parish for Holy Communion since the 1970s here in the L.A. Archdiocese.

  8. Nan says:

    I have quite irresponsibly extended the length of my upcoming pilgrimage to the Holy Land, . I leave in 3 wks for the formal pilgrimage, from which I separate a day early, return to Bethlehem to paint an icon of the Holy Face, which concludes Wed of Holy Week. As long as I’m in the neighborhood, I’m staying for Easter but will return to Bethlehem. It becomes three separate and distinct pilgrimages

    I was despondent at not being able to find a rosary center I wanted to use for Abp. and emailed the company I’d bought it from. They responded very quickly so I got the last two!

  9. joekstl says:

    Two pieces of good news. First- an alumnus of mine from the Jesuit Theological Faculty at the University of Innsbruck, Austria has been named Auxiliary Bishop of Milwaukee.

    Second, we have developed an outreach program in our parish to feed the homeless in our city and have encouraged our young students from our parish school to join this ministry. The first grammar school students to sign up were our Sunday altar girls! [A step in the right direction for them.]

  10. Father Z, Father W (you know which “W”) might remind you to use the utmost clarity in your writing. You meant to add “: Away from the sanctuary.” Right?

    I have fantastic news! I was recently proved to be the heir of my late fraternal grandfather. This was no small feat since my mother did not add my father’s name to my birth certificate. My grandfather was not a man of means. But my wife and I are happy because this process could lead to connections with other family members, which would be quite meaningful for me considering that I come from a multi-generational succession of only-children in the rest of my family. My grandfather, though, came from a solid Polish-Catholic family. I must have cousins in one form or another whom I can now hope to find. Ann and I are already celebrating since we have pictures that show my grandfather lined up with aunts, uncles, and cousins, on the steps of a Catholic Church.

  11. GypsyMom says:

    After almost exactly two years of unemployment, my husband finally has a job! It is a good position with good pay, and we will be able to get out of debt quickly. It is a small miracle that we managed to get through two years without real income and didn’t lose our home or deal with collections. Among other things, we have the generosity of family and friends to thank, and the intercession of Fr. Solanus Casey for finding the job. God is good!

  12. Charivari Rob says:

    Nice recent news from my childhood diocese of Trenton – they elevated a centrally-located parish church (Saint Robert Bellarmine) to the status of Co-Cathedral. Good pastor there, too – used to be in my home parish.

  13. JackG says:

    At my parish, Star of the Sea (San Francisco – Fr. Joseph Illo’s parish), we have a 3rd year seminarian, another who entered last year, three who will enter in a few months, and two who plan to enter next year. That’s seven from a very small parish.

  14. JonPatrick says:

    This coming Saturday I go for the hands-on portion of my NRA pistol shooting course, having completed the on-line portion last month. It is a 2 hour drive to the range (not many indoor ranges in this part of Maine and it’s too cold to shoot outside) but it will be worth it.

  15. baileymxd says:

    1. Looks like prospects are good here for a piece of land to build the new Seminary in Charlotte.
    2. 70 folks enrolled in the Angelic Warfare Confraternity last night, the Feast of St. Thomas.
    3. Bambino Bailey’s looking to make his appearance on planet Earth on Passion Sunday. Woo!

  16. monnica says:

    Our good news is that, in spite of a very extensive round of layoffs at his workplace yesterday, my husband still has a job (that he loves) with an immediate supervisor he gets along with.

  17. Vincent. says:

    My two twin sons John Damian and James Cosmas were born on 18 February 2017 at 33 weeks. They are in the Neonatal ICU and are doing very well. We expect them home in a few weeks.

    (Early in the pregnancy a complication was discovered that threatened one or both of them. We were sent to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for a consult and a battery of imaging to confirm the diagnosis. Of course they pushed a “reduction”. Once we returned home, my wife and the children were monitored closely a few times a week locally to make sure the condition did not worsen and my wife even had to stay in the hospital two weeks before they were born for daily monitoring.)

    I firmly believe we would not have had such a positive outcome without our trust in God and the prayers and intercession of many in the Church Militant and many in the Church Triumphant. Thank you.

  18. marthawrites says:

    Last night, Ember Wednesday, a young Harrisburg diocesan priest offered the TLM at his parish church in York, PA. His presentation on the history of the TLM along with various reasons why the TLM should be celebrated regularly and why Mass should be offered ad orientem was clear, non-judgmental, and persuasive. Between 150-180 were present from parishes all over York Co. and beyond. Later that night we received news that our 19th grandchild had just been born, our son’s seventh child.
    Couldn’t ask for a better night!

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