Teaching Revolution: What Role for “Direct Action Training”?

The variations are infinite, but certain elements are almost inevitable. Most of us have been exposed to some version of it. A two to...

Letter from Anarchist Prisoner Fernando Bárcenas about Attempt to transfer him...

Once again the prison institution tried to deter and dampen my rebellious convictions by arranging my transfer to the Center for the Execution of...

Donate to the Legal Fund for Ferguson Mart Protestors!

Donate Here Last night, March 12th, at a demonstration in response to a newly released video of Mike Brown that challenges the bullshit narrative the police...

Cleveland, OH: Counter ‘Spirit of America’ Protest

On March 4th, grassroots groups organized a counter protest against a 'Spirit of America' event held in Cleveland, OH including the IWW, Food Not Bombs,...

What’s at Stake in the Health Care Debate?

Our #healthseries was conceived and collected throughout 2016 at time when the Obama administration was winding down, and before the ascent of Trump or the...

Final Straw: Lucasville Uprising Hunger Strikers and Submedia

Listen and Download Here This episode contains two segments: In the first, Bursts spoke with Queen Tahiyrah about the hunger strike being engaged by Imam Siddique...

Solecast #36: Frank Lopez on Submedia’s New Documentary Series “Trouble”

Listen and Download Here Solecast 36 is an interview with Frank Lopez of  Frank is the founder of submedia and for 10 years was known...

Interview on Gender Strike ICE Action in SF

On March 8th, revolutionary anti-capitalist feminists and anarchists organized an autonomous action that drew hundreds of people together in San Francisco, CA. While groups...

Portland, OR: Anarchists Are Fixing Potholes On City Streets

Anarchists in Portland, Oregon have taken to the streets - to fix the roads! Proclaiming that "We Will Fix the Roads," anarchists are fixing...

Liberal Resistance Betrays the Revolution

Stray too far and you're labeled an "agitator" or "provocateur." Instead of taking any risks associated with confronting bigotry and fascism, these people want...

Call out: Protest Milo Yiannopoulos’ Nomination for Rector

We are organising a demonstration on the 16th March to coincide with the hustings taking place at the University of Glasgow for the position...

Putting Into Practice: Adding to the Conversation on Anarchist Activity in...

Download and Print Here We'd like to respond with our thoughts to a text Mise en Commun (Putting in Common) that has been circulated critiquing...

Call for Week of Solidarity Against Repression April 1st-7th

From Standing Rock, to Sacramento, to DC In cooperation with CrimethInc.,, and others, we are calling for a week of solidarity to support everyone...

Total War on Liberal Nationalism and its Tacky-Ass Yard Signs

While self-organized groups of oppressed folks and militants have been hitting the streets against deportations, the travel ban, and the alt-right since day one...

Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer gets Another Home Demo

On the 11th of March, DC area antifacists assembled at Market Square in Alexandria, VA before marching on the King St home of neo-Nazi...