Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

historical state, Eurasia
Alternative Titles: Russia, Sojuz Sovetskich Socialisticeskich Respublik, Sovetsky Soyuz, Soviet Union, Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik, U.S.S.R.

The U.S.S.R. from 1953 to 1991

The Khrushchev era

The transition

Stalin died a slow, angry, and painful death on March 5, 1953. He had suffered a stroke after retiring on the night of March 1–2, but this was not perceived until the morning because of his concern for personal security. The top leadership gathered around his bedside, but he could only move his little finger. Beria was delighted at his boss’s coming demise and showed it. This earned him the undying hostility of Svetlana Alliluyeva, Stalin’s daughter. Others in the entourage were more circumspect. They found themselves in a ... (100 of 38,012 words)

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