Leningrad Affair

Soviet history

Leningrad Affair, (1948–50), in the history of the Soviet Union, a sudden and sweeping purge of Communist Party and government officials in Leningrad and the surrounding region. The purge occurred several months after the sudden death of Andrey A. Zhdanov (Aug. 31, 1948), who had been the Leningrad party boss as well as one of Joseph Stalin’s most powerful lieutenants in the postwar period. The purge, which also affected the leadership of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, resulted in the execution and imprisonment in labour camps of thousands of party officials, managers, and technical personnel, most of whom were associates and followers of Zhdanov. Although the actual motivation for the purge is still unknown, it probably climaxed a struggle for power within the party between the Georgy M. Malenkov–Lavrenty P. Beria faction on the one hand and the by-then leaderless Zhdanov faction on the other.

Among those executed during the Leningrad Affair were Nikolay A. Voznesensky (Politburo member and head of the State Planning Commission), his brother Aleksandr A. Voznesensky (minister of education of the Russian S.F.S.R.), Aleksey A. Kuznetsov (Central Committee secretary responsible for state security organs), Pyotr S. Popkov (first secretary of the party organization in Leningrad), and Mikhail N. Rodionov (chairman of the Russian S.F.S.R. Council of Ministers).

Though never officially announced or acknowledged, the purge was mentioned by Nikita S. Khrushchev in his secret speech to the party’s Central Committee in February 1956. At that time, Khrushchev noted that the charges of treason and conspiracy levied against the victims of the purge had been fabrications. He charged that Lavrenty P. Beria, the late chief of security police, and V.S. Abakumov, minister of state security (1947–51), had been responsible for making up the cases against Zhdanov and his followers and for convincing Stalin of the authenticity of the accusations. In July 1957, Khrushchev further identified Malenkov as “one of the chief organizers” of the purge. Abakumov was executed in December 1954 for his role in the affair, and Khrushchev effectively exploited Malenkov’s involvement to consolidate his own hold on the party leadership. There is some creditable speculation that Stalin himself not only sanctioned the purge but actively participated in it because of his paranoid suspicion and jealousy of the rising young leaders of the Leningrad party faction.

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