
The IGDCAST is a weekly podcast of It's Going Down which features interviews with participants in social movements, struggles, rebellions, projects, and organizations. If you want to be on the show, please contact us. Subscribe to our Podcast

IGDCAST: Interview with Rhyd Wildermuth of Gods and Radicals

The pagan anarchist website Gods and Radicals is growing, and is putting out a stream of original content everyday along with hard-hitting podcasts and publications. Wanting to know more about the project and how it's expanding, we...

IGDCAST: Service Workers Revolt!

Across the US, mainstream unions are looking to cuts tens of millions of dollars from their budgets in the face of feared attacks under the new regime, as some of the heads of big...

IGDCAST: Bobby London on Defeating Liberalism and the Possibilities of Black Insurgency

With our first podcast since the inauguration of Steve Bannon and Donald Trump as President, we wanted to speak with someone who could look forward at the path ahead and towards the potentials for...

IGDCAST: Matthew Lyons On the Insurgent Far-Right, Trump, and #DisruptJ20

With #DisruptJ20 actions taking place in only a few days, many are wondering both what far-Right forces will do in response to massive protests that are planned in Washington DC and across the country,...

IGDCAST: Civilization, Climate Change, Resistance, Hope

Everyday seems to bring a new sign of the coming apocalypse, as even mainstream and government institutions proclaim that human caused climate change now seems inevitable and we must prepare to suffer the consequences....

IGDCAST: #DisruptJ20 in DC and Beyond

No one knows what will on happen on Friday, January 20th; but people can agree on one thing, there's is going to be about 1 million people in Washington DC and shit will probably...

IGDCAST: When the Smoke Clears, Reflections on the J26 Antifa Mobilization

The anti-fascist convergence in Sacramento, CA on June 26th was only one of many recent large scale mobilizations against the far-Right, but is remembered because it was also one of the most violent. The...

IGDCAST: Scott Campbell on the Narco State, Eco-Extremism, and Popular Resistance from Below in...

We recently caught up with Scott Campbell, a reoccurring translator and writer for It's Going Down, as well as the author of the column Insumision, which details and analyzes unfolding social movements, struggles, as well...

IGDCAST: Anarchist Organizing and Solidarity Inside and Outside of Mexican Prisons

This is a special IGDCAST with Sofi, an anarchist compañera from Mexico City who is deeply involved in a variety of solidarity and organizing efforts with anarchist prisoners in Mexico. The audio interview is...

IGDCAST: Building An Anti-Fascist Force in Prisons and in Labor

The Pacific Northwest Anti-Fascist Workers Collective is an inspiring group of people who are organizing both on the inside of prisons and in active labor unions to popularize anti-fascist ideas while also creating capacity...