A guide on how to disrupt and what it looks like


We thought it would be helpful if we created this space to talk about how we disrupted the inauguration of President Trump, what resourced we used, training’s we did, and structures we used.

We also really wanted to illustrate what happened on January 20th as an example of what is possible when we resist together.

This resource is intended to show others how #DisruptJ20 organized and what resources were used for others to learn from. The resources on this page are public and available for sharing (please credit all of the teachers and authors who made these resources possible.) Don’t forget to check out the map below for visuals from the mobilization of #DisruptJ20.

Structures and Vocabularies


#DisruptJ20 wanted to provide a framework for autonomous groups, organizations, and individuals to plug in to show a true diversity of tactics and to make resistance accessible to the widest group of people possible.

We invited organizations and others to bring action ideas to the mass public meetings we held throughout December and January and provided a platform for others to get involved in whichever ways they were comfortable. We figured a truly open, democratic, and organic resistance meant that groups had to have a role in making their own visions come to life.


Every few weeks starting in mid-December, we held public mass meetings in preparation for the big day. Meetings started off with about 175 people, and by our final Action Spokescouncil we were up to 300 or more. Each meeting was designed to prepare folks to use the Spokescouncil model.

A spokescouncil is a method for bringing together a large number of people who belong to specific working groups, affinity groups, or other clusters for the purpose of making decisions.

Each cluster sends forth a spokes person, and they meet on behalf of their group, which is clustered behind them. When a decision has to be made, the spokes person returns to their group to confer and bring forth any concerns or issues. After that conversation, the spokes reconvene and discuss and amend the proposal as needed until consensus is achieved.

Additional Resources
Agendas: Sample Spokescouncil Agenda used by DisruptJ20
Direct Actions

#DisruptJ20 had a stated goal of disrupting the inauguration, which we did using Direct Action. The checkpoint blockades were the centerpiece of the disruption, and we managed to permanently shut down 7 out of the 12 that were blockaded.

Additional Resources
Anaylsis: Reflections and Analysis on DA
Planning: Steps in a NVDA Campaign
Agendas: Mobile Street Tactics Training Agenda
Resources: Blockades Training Notes
Training Materials: WPC’s NVDA Training
Training Agendas: Prague NVDA Agenda
Training Agendas: Quebec NVDA Agenda
Training Notes: SWARMING Chart Notes
Affinity Groups (AGs)

Affinity groups are self-sufficient groups of about 5 to 15 people who come together with the intention of supporting one another and taking action together. A number of AGs may work together toward a common goal in a large action, or one affinity group might

Additional Resources
Resource: Affinity Groups Packet
Bedside reading: Affinity Groups Packet

Additional Resources

The following resources were also used during #DisruptJ20 and are well worth the read

Mapping the disruptions on January 20th.

Interested in what was organized on #J20? Scroll down, to see vibrant communities taking action using an array of tactics.
F*ck Yea We Disrupted It
Featured Blog Post
On the day of Inauguration, DisruptJ20 had 12 direct actions: one at each of the security checkpoints leading onto the inaugural parade route and the commencement ceremony.

At seven of these checkpoints, activists’ explicit goal was to prevent people from passing through, and they achieved that goal. In total, we estimate that more than 2,400 folks were willing to risk arrest that morning to prevent folks from peacefully attending the inaugural ceremonies. At noon, more than 5,000 people marched from Union Station to McPherson Square, where DisruptJ20 had an ongoing presence all day, including 30 local organizations tabling under our warming tent. These numbers do not include the numerous autonomous actions that happened throughout DC, including the anti-capitalist bloc, Workers World Party marches, a march by Refuse Fascism blocking Route 395, and many others....

Read the full post
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Labor Justice Checkpoint Blockade
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Labor Justice Checkpoint Blockade
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Labor Justice Checkpoint Blockade
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Labor Justice Checkpoint Blockade
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Labor Justice Checkpoint Blockade
Labor Justice Checkpoint Blockade

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Climate Justice Checkpoint Blockade
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Climate Justice Checkpoint Blockade
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Climate Justice Checkpoint Blockade
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Climate Justice Checkpoint Blockade
Climate Justice Checkpoint Blockade

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Movement for Black Lives Checkpoint Blockade
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Movement for Black Lives Checkpoint Blockade
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Movement for Black Lives Checkpoint Blockade
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Movement for Black Lives Checkpoint Blockade
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Movement for Black Lives Checkpoint Blockade
Movement for Black Lives Checkpoint Blockade

Sorry for the inconvenience but this checkpoint is shut the fuck down!

A video posted by Emmelia Talarico (@emmelia_talarico) on

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Showing Up For Racial Justice Checkpoint Blockade
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Showing Up For Racial Justice Checkpoint Blockade
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Showing Up For Racial Justice Checkpoint Blockade
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Showing Up For Racial Justice Checkpoint Blockade
Showing Up For Racial Justice Checkpoint Blockade

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Qockblockade Brigade: Queer Checkpoint Blockade
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Qockblockade Brigade: Queer Checkpoint Blockade
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Qockblockade Brigade: Queer Checkpoint Blockade
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Qockblockade Brigade: Queer Checkpoint Blockade
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Qockblockade Brigade: Queer Checkpoint Blockade
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Qockblockade Brigade: Queer Checkpoint Blockade
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Communities Under Attack Checkpoint Blockade
Communities Under Attack Checkpoint Blockade

As right-wing extremists descend onto the Nation’s Capital to celebrate the inauguration of Donald Trump and his dangerous policies, communities targeted by his campaign and supporters will come together to resist.

At a time when the soon-to-be President openly talks about banning Muslims from entering this country, elected officials seek to speed up deportations and Neo-Nazi’s threaten to stage armed marches through Jewish communities, a wall of solidarity is needed to protect those most at risk in the new administration. By standing together and loudly proclaiming resistance to these threats, we will fight back and build a new, welcoming future together.

Drawing inspiration from rich, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic traditions, we will creatively and nonviolently confront those celebrating the victory of a campaign based on the persecution and dehumanization of Muslims, Immigrants, Jews and others. This action will lay the groundwork for four years of resistance to the politicians and policies that threaten to tear these communities apart.

Our existence is proof of our resistance, and we will make our presence heard.

We are committed to nonviolence, and are inspired by Martin Luther King’s 6 principles of nonviolence. Learn more here: http://www.thekingcenter.org/king-philosophy

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The Future is Feminist Checkpoint Blockade
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The Future is Feminist Checkpoint Blockade
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The Future is Feminist Checkpoint Blockade
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The Future is Feminist Checkpoint Blockade
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The Future is Feminist Checkpoint Blockade
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The Future is Feminist Checkpoint Blockade
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The Future is Feminist Checkpoint Blockade
The Future is Feminist Checkpoint Blockade

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View from McPherson
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Festival Of Resistance
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Festival Of Resistance
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Festival Of Resistance
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Festival Of Resistance
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Festival Of Resistance
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Festival Of Resistance
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Festival Of Resistance
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Festival Of Resistance
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Festival Of Resistance
Festival Of Resistance

All of this was made possible by contributors like you!

DisruptJ20 is both a call to action and a warning: We will not tolerate the existence of systems that harm us and our communities now or after the first executive order. This January, we want to be prepared to bring the numbers and keep everyone safe while sending the message that we will not back down. Our future depends on the support from friends and allies like you. Please donate to DisruptJ20 today to forge a better tomorrow.