
It’s Going Down is a media platform for revolutionary anarchist, anti-fascist and autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements. We publish original content alongside anonymous submissions and repost articles from other websites which share our perspectives. We do not and have not called for events. Our news network is made up of friends and comrades across so-called North America whose mission is to uplift and build capacity for a wide range of social struggles by providing news and analysis of when it goes down: riots, strikes, sabotage, occupations, expropriations, rebellion, revolt, insurrection, whether together or alone – we support liberatory revolt.

We also maintain active Twitter, Instagram and Facebook social media accounts.

On Content:

  • We accept submissions.
  • Content may be reviewed and edited by the editorial collective at It’s Going Down. You can read our guidelines here.
  • We ask projects that are also asking for money (like Unicorn Riot, Submedia.tv, Indigenous Action Media, Gods and Radicals,  etc…) for permission to repost their work.
    • If you are an author of re-posted content to which we have failed to get in touch with you and you would like us to edit or remove our rebroadcast, please email us at info [at] itsgoingdown [dot] org.

On Submissions:

  • We accept original content that shares perspective and intentions with It’s Going Down.
  • Examples of contributions are communiques, editorials, first hand accounts, interviews, documentaries, report-backs, essays, original research, etc.
  • Photos, tweets, and videos are strongly encouraged.

Types of Posts:

  • Articles that originate from outside of IGD are marked at the top of the post linking to the original website. If you do not wish IGD to repost your content, email us at: info [at] itsgoingdown [dot] org.  
  • Articles that are submitted to the website, meaning that an anonymous person submits their article to IGD for review for possible posting, is marked, Submitted to It’s Going Down. These articles are only found on IGD but are not written by the collective.
  • Articles, columns, and podcasts that are created by the IGD collective are marked, Originally published to It’s Going Down. These articles come from IGD itself and represent overall the sentiment of the project.

Regional Breakdown:

With the understanding that States are an arbitrary concept with real implications we did our best to create categories that reflect the complex cultural trends inside the anarchist movement. We recognize there are implications of being from a certain place and that affinities may not follow the lines we have created.


  • Northwest (Oregon, Washington, Idaho)
  • Southwest (California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico)
  • Central (Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas)
  • Midwest (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, Arkansas)
  • Northeast (Maine, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware)
  • Southeast (Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland, DC, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida)
  • Pacific (Hawaii, Alaska)


  • Northern Mexico (Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Sinoloa, Chihuahua
    Coahuila de Zaragoza, Nuevo León, Tamulipas, San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas, Durango, Nayarit, Aguascalientes, Guanajuto, Queretaro de Artega, Hidalgo)
  • Southern Mexico (Mexico City, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán, Guerrero, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Morelos, Oaxaca, Chiapas)
  • Gulf States (Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatán, Quintana Roo)


  • British Columbia
  • Prairies (Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba)
  • Ontario
  • Quebec
  • Maritimes (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Foundland)


Legal Notice:

IGD publishes original work, anonymous submissions, along with material from other websites for educational purposes only. We do not condone or promote illegal, violent, and unlawful behavior or actions, or acts of intimidation against individuals or groups.

IGD is not a political organization. We do not organize protests, demonstrations, or other actions, although we do give space for various groups to report, build, and create capacity for various actions as they relate to social manifestations and movements.

Copyright and/or abuse claims can be made to:  legal [at] itsgoingdown [dot] org

Special message to the Bourgeois News Media:

IGD does not organize demonstrations/protests/riots, etc… therefore we cannot represent something we did not organize. All we can do is provide a series of images and text for you to read. Additionally we are not a neutral and unbiased agency (neither are you). We are not interested in doing your journalistic research for you, or playing in to your editor’s, or investor’s, game.


IGD accepts monetary donation via the anonymous digital currency bitcoin and and through regular Credit or Debit Card / PayPal. Your donation helps to keep this site running and can help provide monetary support to authors for original contribution and direct reporting. Please sign up to become a monthly sustainer of the project.



Why do we ask for money?:

Sadly we have not freed ourselves from capitalism. We too need to eat and pay the bills.

IGD is not a hobby or a part time project, we have never and will never accept grants, advertisement revenue, payments, or donations from any organization or wealthy billionaire.

IGD is a daily commitment of volunteers. Your donations monetarily support the work of full time Editors, Podcasters, Technical Engineers as well as the Artists who design and print t-shirts, booklets, magazines, and so on. Your donations help send reports to uprisings and rebellions in so-called North America. $2,500 a month is our bare minimum budget to sustain the work of these individuals.

You’ll also notice that sites that we repost from, we don’t put an ad at the bottom, out of respect for the featured project. Plus, we try and post all of the calls for funds for political prisoners, autonomous spaces, and other projects we can get our hands on. A lot of what IGD does is signal boosting for smaller sites that don’t have as large an audience.

IGD Magazine:

In the Winter/Spring of 2016, IGD came together to publish a magazine documenting the first 6 months of the website and collected some of the most powerful articles that we published and re-published. Below are links to the PDF, both in color and in black and white, as well as the video which promoted the crowdfunding campaign which helped give life to the project. We encourage people to print out copies and share. Check out our promotional video that was made thanks to the help of our friends at the Final Straw and SubMedia.Tv!

Issue #1

Issue #2