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AYA: AWAKENINGS DVD global edition 2014

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 Aya: Awakenings (2014, Director's Cut).

The critically acclaimed visionary documentary into the heart of Amazonian shamanism is now available globally. 90 minutes feature length film plus exclusive DVD extras not accesible anywhere else: deleted scenes, trailers, Seeds deleted 15 min chapter,The Experiment at La Rosacita raw footage, Dr Juan's interview EEG results and more...


Watch on Video On Demand or buy the DVD

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The Terence Mckenna OmniBus 2012 - Discography and TRAINER

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During 2012 Headspace Studios released more than two hours of previously unseen Terence Mckenna footage.

The complete Discography - Screening now - http://cognitionfactor.net/cinema.html

Screen 1 "Who am I?" - 1/12 - Your trip into the mind of Mckenna begins.

Screen 2 "Who are they?" - 2/12 - Terence Mckenna connects the dots to illuminate 'them'.


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UNDERGROWTH.ORG is proud to partner with THE SUSTAINABLE LIVING FESTIVAL for the second annual Transitions Film Festival, Australia’s largest solutions-focused sustainability film event from the 15th to the 23rd of February inMelbourne, Autralia.

 After 12 months of scouring the globe for the most inspirational cutting-edge sustainability documentaries, we are proud to present the 2013 festival program, featuring an amazing line-up of films including Matt Damon's Promised Land, The Sundance Institute's A Fierce Green Fire and the highly anticipated Chasing Ice. The festival will run from the 15th to the 23rd of February, 2013 at Federation Square, ACMI and Cinema Nova showcasing 6 national premieres, 15 feature films and documentaries and over two dozen short films.

The Biological Advantage of Awe > Jason Silva

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This video was created by @JasonSilva and shot and edited with my friends at Bravo Media, and is non-commercial and for educational and inspirational purposes only. Full credits and clip attributions can be found below. This video was inspired by three big ideas:
1) The ideas of psychologist Nicholas Humphrey who has written of "THE BIOLOGICAL ADVANTAGE OF BEING AWESTRUCK". Basically, our ability to awe was biologically selected for by evolution because it imbues our lives with sense of cosmic significance that has resulted in a species that works harder not just to survive but to flourish and thrive...
"Humphrey refers to consciousness as a magic show that you stage for yourself inside your head, which lights up the world and makes you feel special and transcendent... this magical theater provides a reason to live, a love of occupying the present moment, and a desire to sustain it into the future, that over time has proved stronger than anything else, and accounts for humanity’s swift and triumphant success--
Humphrey says “being enchanted by the magic of experience, rather than being just an aid to survival, provides an essential incentive to survive.”
"We relish just being here. We feel “the yen to confirm and renew, in small ways or large, our own occupancy of the present moment, to go deeper, to extend it, to revel in being there, and when we have the skill, to celebrate it in words..”
Our desire to understand brings exquisite pleasure... and feeds our exploratory voyage, our scientific inquiry, our technological development, and even our poetic self-regard..
More: online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703858404576214771893335998.html
2) The Stanford study that found that AWE is clinically good for you, expanding perception of time, increasing compassion and empathy and promoting well being:
More: theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/07/study-awe-inspiring-experiences-change-our-perception-of-time/260138/
3) Ross Andersen's rapturous meditation on the ontological awakening of our psyches provided by the Hubble Space Telescope: "At first glancing the Deep FIELD “one might mistake it for gemstones scattered across black velvet, but a closer look reveals that each smudge of light, 2,600 in all, is a galaxy dense with billions of star-fired worlds, pinwheeling in deep time. … To that point, astronomy had imaged objects only four billion light years away, and poorly at that. Here a telescope reached 11 and a half billion light years into space and delivered an image legible to the layman: an unprecedented expansion of human vision."
More: lareviewofbooks.org/article.php?id=331
**Music by John Murphy - "Kaneda's Death Pt 2" from Sunshine Soundtrack
**Featuring Stock Footage from Shutterstock
Still images courtesy of THE IMAGINARY FOUNDATION - imaginaryfoundation.com/
And clips from Knate Myers' "ISS at Night" featuring NASA images: vimeo.com/45878034
Camera: Liam O' Sullivan
Edited by Jess Betz and Jason Silva 
Shot and edited at BRAVO MEDIA - bravomediainc.com/


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A special music video trailer of the new Undergrowth produced documentary project AYA: AWAKENINGS featuring the track 'Ever Decreasing Circles' by beats maestro TIPPER. Video edited by the films Co-Director, Timothy Parish of Verb Studios

AYA: Awakenings is a narrative documentary into the world and visions of ayahuasca shamanism, adapted from the cult book 'Aya: a Shamanic Odyssey' by Rak Razam. By blending narration directly from the book with video footage, interviews with practicing curanderos, samples of traditional icaros or magic songs, photographs and cutting edge special effects, Aya: Awakenings reproduces the inner landscape of the visionary state in unprecedented detail, invoking a spiritual awakening in the viewer.


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http://www.thejuicemedia.com Juice Rap News - Episode 17: The War on Terra. It's 2013 and the world did not end by meteorite or by Mayan calendar. But fear not: we might just be able to get the job done ourselves. Join Robert Foster as he sets out to discover where Civilisation™ is making the fastest progress towards annihilation. In this edition of the Civilisation Report, Robert learns about Australia and Canada - two oft-neglected pioneers of peace, progress and prosperity - in conversation with our antipodean colonial correspondent Ken Oathcarn and his Canuck counterpart, Fagin Heighbard. Dear viewers, consider this a fair warning that in terms of language and affront to the dominant culture this could get fucking messy.

- Written & created by Giordano Nanni & Hugo Farrant in a suburban backyard home-studio in Melbourne, Australia - on Wurundjeri Land.

- Gratitude to our donors whose generosity has made this episode possible. SUPPORT the creation of new episodes of Juice Rap News, an independent show which relies on private donations: ‪http://thejuicemedia.com/donate

** CONNECT with us:

- Website: ‪http://thejuicemedia.com

- Twitter: ‪http://twitter.com/juicerapnews

- Farcebook: ‪https://www.facebook.com/rapnews


- FREE MP3: http://thejuicemedia.com/video
- LYRICS available here: ‪http://thejuicemedia.com/video/lyrics


- Main Beat: the appropriately titled "Dangerous Times" by Red Skull: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpC1WEmmBYU
- Orchestral compositions: Adrian Sergovich (a legend)
- Alien Song performed by Jonathan Dreyfus (another legend) and AC/Dickelback, with Justin Olsson (drums). Based on "Englishman in New York" by Sting. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Jez Giddings and Craig Harnath at Hothouse Audio St. Kilda. Produced by Jez Giddings and Jonathan Dreyfus.
- Tar Sands video footage: our deepest thanks to Chris of Tundra Punks for putting us in touch with the awesome film-makers who are raising awareness about Mordo...err the Tar Sands and whose footage was used in this episode: Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee, Elias and Adrianne from globalonenessproject.org (Cinematography: Emily Topper; Rob Humphries; Editing: Elias Koch; Footage courtesy of Elemental The Film LLC http://www.elementalthefilm.com); Eriel Deranger of Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation; H2Oil animations are courtesy of Shannon Walsh; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOk0Fyov_2A (Animations by James Braithwaite, Dale Hayward & Sylvie Trouves: http://www.h2oildoc.com)
- Thanks to the one and only Franklin Lopez of http://submedia.tv (and Maude) for Canuck cultural consultation and advice. Make sure you check out his 'git'-wrenching film, END:CIV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hx-G1uhRqA
- Video and music editing: Giordano
- Image and website assistance: Zoe Tame http://visualtonic.com.au
- Props: Zoe Umlaut for creating our correspondents' microphones; and Sam for lending us his guitars.
- Thanks to Lucy for assistance with filming and all-round production tasks!
- Captions: Merci to Koolfy from la Quadrature du Net for creating the sync'd English captions for our episodes!

- If you'd like to translate this episode into your language, please contact us via our website ‪http://thejuicemedia.com/contact

History is happening! Here is information about what some humans are doing right now to help save what's left of our relationship with this planet.
For more info about Tar Sands, Idle No More; the Kimberleys and Lock the Gate struggles:

if you're optimistic, make sure you watch this documentary:
END:CIV: http://www.submedia.tv/endciv-2011/

The War on Terra: http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/War_on_Terra

Nahko Bear (Medicine for the People) ღ Aloha Ke Akua

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