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Declarations and Resolutions
(Special Sessions)

  • Program-budget of the Organization for 2017 (Adopted at the plenary session held on October 31, 2016, and subject to review by the Style Committee) AG/RES. 2 (LI-E/16) rev. 2

  • Comprehensive Strategic Plan of the Organization (Adopted at the plenary session held on October 31, 2016, and subject to review by the Style Committee) AG/RES. 1 (LI-E/16)

  • Program-budget of the Organization for 2016 (Adopted at the plenary session held on October 23, 2015, and reviewed by the Style Committee) AG/RES. 1 (L-E/15) rev. 1

  • Program-budget of the Organization for 2015-2016 (Adopted at the plenary session held on October 29, 2014, and reviewed by the Style Committee) AG/RES. 1 (XLVIII-E/14) rev. 1

  • Guidelines and Objectives of the Strategic Vision of the Organization of American States (Adopted at the plenary session held on September 12, 2014, and reviewed by the Style Committee) AG/RES. 1 (XLVII-E/14) rev. 1

  • Reflections and Guidelines to Formulate and Follow up on Comprehensive Policies to address the World Drug Problem in the Americas (Adopted at the first plenary session held on September 19, 2014, and reviewed by the Style Committee) AG/RES. 1 ((XLVI-E/14) rev. 1

  • Vote of thanks to the people and Government of the Republic of Guatemala (Adopted at the second plenary session held on September 19, 2014, and reviewed by the Style Committee) AG/RES. 2 ((XLVI-E/14) rev. 1

  • Program-Budget of the Organization for 2014 (Adopted at the plenary session held on October 30, 2013, and reviewed by the Style Committee) AG/RES. 1 (XLV-E/13) rev. 1

  • Results of the Process of Reflection on the Workings of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights with a View to Strengthening the Inter-American Human Rights System (Adopted at the plenary session, held on March 22, 2013, and reviewed by the Style Committee) AG/RES. 1 (XLIV-E/13) rev. 1

  • Program-Budget of the Regular Fund of the Organization for 2012 and contributions to FEMCIDI (Adopted at the plenary session, held on October 31, 2011 and subject to revision by the Style Committee) AG/RES. 1 (XLII-E/11)

  • Program-Budget of the Regular Fund of the Organization for 2011, quota assessments and contributions to FEMCIDI (Adopted at the plenary session, held on September 30, 2010 and subject to revision by the Style Committee) AG/RES.1 (XL-E/10) corr. 1

  • Program-Budget of the Regular Fund of the Organization for 2010, quota assessments and contributions to FEMCIDI for 2010 (Adopted at the plenary session, held on September 30, 2009 and subject to revision by the Style Committee) AG/RES.1 (XXXVIII-E/09)

  • Resolution on the Political Crisis in Honduras (Adopted at the plenary session, held on July 1, 2009 and reviewed by the Style Committee) AG/RES. 1 (XXXVII-E/09) rev. 1

  • Resolution on the Suspension of the Right of Honduras to participate in the OAS (Adopted at the second plenary session, held on July 4, 2009, and reviewed by the Style Committee) AG/RES. 2 (XXXVII-E/09) rev. 1

  • Program-budget of the Regular Fund of the Organization for 2009, quota assessments and contributions to FEMCIDI for 2009 AG/RES. 1 (XXXVI-E/08) rev. 1

  • Establishment of the Secretariat for Legal Affairs and the Secretariat for External Relations AG/RES. 1 (XXXV-E/08)

  • Methodology for Calculating the Scale of Quota Assessments to Finance the Regular Fund of the Organization  AG/RES.1 (XXXIV-E/07) rev. 1

  • Financing of the Regular Fund Program-Budget of the Organization for 2008 AG/RES. 1 (XXXIII-E/07) rev. 1

  • Statutes of the Inter-American Defense Board - AG/RES. 1 (XXXII-E/06)

  • Scale of Regular Fund quota assessments and ceiling of the 2007 budget - AG/RES. 1 (XXXI-E/06)

  • Support for democracy in Venezuela - AG/RES. 1 (XXIX-E/02)

  • Declaration of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States - AG/DEC. 1 (XXVIII-E/01)

  • Inter-American Democratic Charter - AG/RES. 1 (XXVIII-E/01)

  • Vote of thanks to the Government of the Republic of Peru -  AG/RES. 2 (XXVIII-E/01)

  • The program-budget of the Organization for 2001, quotas and contributions to the Voluntary Fund for 2001 - AG/RES. 1 (XXVII-E/00)

  • Measures for improving the administration, structure, budgeting process, and financial management of the Organization - AG/RES. 2 (XXVII-E/00)

  • Statute of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas - AG/RES. 1 (XXVI-E/99)

  • Election of the members of the Board of Directors of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas - AG/RES. 2 (XXVI-E/99)

  • Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development - AG/RES. 3 (XXVI-E/99)

  • The program-budget of the Organization for 1999, quotas and contributions to the Voluntary Fund for 1999 - AG/RES. 1 (XXV-E/98)

  • Study of the scale of quota assessments - AG/RES. 2 (XXV-E/98)

  • Quota payments - AG/RES. 3 (XXV-E/98)

  • Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials (CIFTA) - AG/RES. 1 (XXIV-E/97)

  • Extension of the mandate of CIAV/OAS - AG/RES. 1 (XXIII-E/96)


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