
Howard back in marginal territory

November 10, 2007 - 12:14PM

John Howard returned to the battler heartland of Penrith for the second day running, hinting at a plan to tackle housing affordability problems and warning that Labor could not handle money.

With his wife Janette and Liberal candidate Karen Chijoff by his side, the prime minister promised a $5 million upgrade for a regional sporting centre in the western Sydney area.

In an illustration of the coalition plan to win the election one marginal seat at a time, Mr Howard has spent the past two days in Lindsay, held for the past 11 years by Liberal Jackie Kelly.

Mrs Kelly, a former sports minister and a Howard favourite, is retiring.

But Mr Howard said Labor was making a mistake to assume it would win Lindsay, which has a margin of 2.9 per cent.

"They've tended to say, 'Well, this one will go into our list,' simply because the very popular sitting member is retiring," Mr Howard told reporters.

"The Labor Party is taking Lindsay for granted. I want to say they're mistaken in doing that."

Labor leader Kevin Rudd also appears headed for Lindsay, telling reporters in Adelaide that "I'm sure I'll be in western Sydney before long".

Mingling with parents and children during a Saturday morning basketball session, Mr Howard received a warm reception.

One small girl sat on the prime minister's lap, while Mrs Howard commiserated with two girls whose team had lost that morning.

Local mother Liz Chester told Mr Howard that he would win, despite polls showing Labor heading for victory on November 24.

Mrs Chester said the country could not afford a Labor government.

"I bought my house in 1989 and the interest rate was 18 per cent," she said.

"To this day I still remember that figure."

Saturday's appearance was more restrained than Friday's chaotic shopping centre walk which left a woman on the ground.

However, police made one arrest, taking serial protester Lucy the Sheep to the Penrith police station.

Lucy - animal welfare activist Jodi Ruckley in a sheep costume - was manhandled out of the Penrith Valley Regional Sports Centre by two of Mr Howard's federal police guards, losing her sheep shoes and big woolly head in the process.

An AFP spokesman said she was released on Saturday afternoon without charges, pending further inquiries.

Mr Howard appealed to voters to return his government, saying the big question was which side of politics was better able to manage the economy.

Mr Howard said the state Labor governments would rack up $80 billion in debt between them over the next three years, and a federal Labor government could match that.

"Labor has a track record of not being able to manage the economy. Labor never manages money well," Mr Howard said.

Last week's interest rate rise should remind people of the need for good economic management as the economy entered a more challenging phase, he said.

Mr Howard is expected to use his speech at the coalition's official campaign launch in Brisbane on Monday to outline major promises, including a plan to tackle the housing affordability crisis.

"We'll be addressing the housing affordability issue before the election," Mr Howard said.

"But I would say to people who have mortgages either in western Sydney or indeed anywhere else in Australia that interest rates under the former Labor government were much higher than they are at present, and that Labor's policies will produce higher interest rates than the policies of the coalition."

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