
Four years later, still a graveyard of Chinese youth

Foxconn suicides continue

In 2014, on the eve of China’s national day celebrations, scenes recalling those of four years ago appeared in Chinese headlines. Foxconn became known to the world four years ago when thirteen of its young workers jumped to their deaths in quick succession. The death of young Foxconn worker and poet Xu Lizhi reminded us that in this Fortune 500 company that produces some 40% of the world’s electronics, the cruelty and hopelessness of workers' situation has not changed. But most of us are unaware that Xu is not alone. At least five other workers, and likely more than that, have joined him this year. Many other workers have taken their own lives since the famous 13.

Land grabs in contemporary China

land grab

Translation of article summarizing original research about land grabs in China since the 1990s, concluding that this ongoing expropriation of peasants is more severe and violent than the peak of Britain's enclosures in the early 19th century.

"Professor Xu": Laid-off plastics worker becomes China's Walter White

the cool way to smoke meth in china

Repost of a story of interest less for its similarity to "Breaking Bad," and more for what this similarity (and differences) reveal about capitalist development, increasing precarization and exclusion of "surplus" proletarians, and how criminality enables a few proles to prosper at the expense of many others, in a vicious circle of class cannibalism.

Another shoe strike in the Pearl River Delta: Lide, Guangzhou

lide strike gz 2014

Translation of a brief report on a strike of 2,500 workers at a shoe factory in Guangzhou that began today. As with the strike of about 50,000 workers at another company's shoe factories in the Pearl River Delta several months ago, one focus of this strike is on the company's non-payment of social security, along with factory relocation.

Sold on promises: China's intra-working class exploitation

An interview recorded from memory. This blog is about the upsurges that occur, the cracks that appear in China’s system. But sometimes the picture we give out of a China in revolt is rosy in a way that misses the very deep scarring in this society—the kind of fracturing of trust within the working class, between friends and family, in the relationships that underlie organization.

Ba Jin and the “Arshinov Platform”

Ba Jin.

A short article on the connection of the great Chinese novelist and anarchist Ba Jin with the Organisational Platform of the Libertarian Communists

The margins and the centre: for a new history of the Cultural Revolution

Second Shanghai Riot

Repost of an informative reflection on the lessons to be learned from China's "Cultural Revolution" in light of China's grim political situation circa 2014, centered on a review of Yiching's Wu's pathbreaking new book, Cultural Revolution at the Margins.

Gender, temporality, and the reproduction of labour power. Women migrant workers in South China

dagongmei in South China

This excellent article by Hannah Schling on migration and gender in China was just published by the periodical Sozialgeschichte.

Shanghai on strike: the politics of Chinese labor

cover of shanghai on strike

Classic book by Elizabeth Perry on working-class formation during the industrialization of Shanghai from 1839 to 1949, including insight into the strike wave and insurrections of 1926-1927.

The poetry and brief life of a Foxconn worker: Xu Lizhi (1990-2014)

xu lizhi

Translations of poems by Xu Lizhi (许立志), the Foxconn worker who took his own life on 30 September 2014, at the age of 24, in Shenzhen, China. Also includes an obituary with some explanatory notes.