
Police raid worker-support organizations in Guangdong, criminally detaining leaders

Most thorough English article so far about the latest wave of repression against Chinese workers and their supporters, which began with the December 3 raids of four organization, in which 25 staff and workers were taken away for questioning, at least five being detained on criminal charges. This article provides more background about the prisoners, their organizations, and the context of this repression.

Xi's Orwellian state in action: a report from He Xiaobo's lawyer

When He Xiaobo, the director of Nanfeiyan - a center helping workers seek compensation for workplace injuries in Foshan - was criminally detained on December 3 (along with 20 other labor activists), his lawyer immediately asked the police to arrange a meeting with He, but all kinds of excuses and methods have been used to prevent the meeting from taking place.

Updates on the Dec 3 Guangzhou-Foshan labor NGO repression

Updates as of Dec 9 on the situation of detained Chinese labor activists from the Dec 3 wave of arrests. Lawyers continued to be denied access to activists, charges updated.

Background on the suppression of Guangdong Six

Probably the most detailed English background on the December 3 crackdown on Chinese labour activists so far, with updates by the translators.

Deng Xiaoming’s criminal detention confirmed, number of criminally detained from "12/3 incident" rises to four

According to lawyers, it has been confirmed that Deng Xiaoming, staff member at Haige Labor Service Center (海哥劳工服务部) is under criminal detention. As of Dec. 7, there are four Guangdong labor NGO activists criminally detained. [This is in addition to 5 others still missing or held without charges after the Dec. 3 apprehension of 25 labor activists. - trans.]

The true meaning of "Constitution Day"

The arrests of labor and environmental activists on December 3 turned “Constitution Day” into a “Fuck the Constitution Day” (让宪法日成了日宪法). This may be the best illustration of what “the law” and “the constitution” really mean.

Zeng Feiyang: 14 years of pioneering service, and the making of a labour NGO

Biography of Zeng Feiyang, one of the 21 Chinese labour activists detained on December 3 - the latest wave in the criminalisation of labour actions, and general repression of social resistance in China since 2012.

Sweeping the house clean—clean of labor NGOs

It is as if someone is cleaning out his house and takes a break to visit some friends. He puts down whatever he's doing, closes the door, and leaves the house. After fulfilling his social obligations, he returns home and with one hand, sets his machine to the “clean” function, and with the other, throws out the pre-packed garbage.

China supply chain inquiry report-back

Yue Yuen strike Dongguan, China 2014

In mid-November 2015 we facilitated two Supply Chain Inquiry Workshops in major cities in China. What follows are the presentation materials and report-backs from breakout discussions after the workshop.

Guangzhou labour activists arrested en masse

December 3rd, one day before China’s Legal Governance Promotion Day, at least 21 activists were apprehended from their homes and offices. At least ten are still being held by the police.