
Slandering of the workers' movement will not be permitted

December 3, 2015, over 20 Guangzhou and Foshan labor activists were apprehended by police, launching a crackdown that has as of the latest updates put 4 activists under arrest and closed down several prominent labor organizations in the Pearl River Delta. This piece by labor activist 工弩 is one of the first critiques the limits of the labor movement response thus far to the crackdown and demands a more thoughtful, organized response by worker activists, beginning with the voicing of a clear labor movement position in the current fight.

4 of the Guangdong labor activists formally charged, 2 released - day 37

Today (Jan 8 2016) is the 37th day of the criminal detention of Guangzhou-Foshan labor activists Zeng Feiyang, Zhu Xiaomei, He Xiaobo, Deng Xiaoming, Meng Han and Peng Jiayong. According to law, this is the maximum permissible length of criminal detention. Tang Jian, who was not criminally detained, has also been out of contact for 37 days.

[Newest updates on the Dec 3 Guangzhou-Foshan labor arrests incident] Activsts Under Arrest

Today (Jan 8 2016) is the 37th day of the criminal detention of Guangzhou-Foshan labor activists Zeng Feiyang, Zhu Xiaomei, He Xiaobo, Deng Xiaoming, Meng Han and Peng Jiayong. According to law, this is the maximum permissible length of criminal detention. Tang Jian, who was not criminally detained, has also been out of contact for 37 days.

American caught up in China's crackdown on labor activists

HK left politician "Longhair" in rally to free the Guangdong 6

Interview with US-based labor activist Ellen Friedman about her interrogation during recent visit to China to visit friends from Chinese labor circles, the December 3 crackdown on the Guangdong Six, and the changing contours of class struggle in China.

The Guangdong Six and the rule of law (of value): Preliminary theses on the December 3 crackdown

the Guangdong Seven

Comrades have been asking questions such as, 'why should we focus on supporting “reformist NGO staff” when workers and peasants are regularly arrested, beaten and sometimes killed for participation in forms of resistance more likely to improve their conditions or lead to more transformative movements?' In response to these questions, we wrote the following theses.

Day 13 in Detention: “Mom did nothing wrong, she will be fine, we should just wait for her at home.”

An account of Zhu Xiaomei's arrest and the trials her family are undergoing, based on an interview with the family. Xiaomei is one of the Six Guangzhou labor activists criminally detained in a crackdown on December 3. She remains in criminal detention at the Guangzhou No. 1 Detention Center.

In defense of Zeng Feiyang: a critique of the smear campaign

zeng feiyang

On Dec. 22, Chinese state media launched a smear campaign against Zeng, one of the seven labor rights activists criminally detained in a sweep of four worker-support organizations and at least 40 affiliated individuals since Deccember 3. The state has yet to confirm Zeng's whereabouts or criminal charges, but he may be charged with "inciting the subversion of state power," which could result in 15 years in prison.

The December 3 crackdown is class struggle

Factory owners openly ‘assemble crowds’ to break laws for production, whereas workers are prohibited from assembling, and organizations helping them are suppressed—this is class struggle: the bourgeoisie’s legal and political struggle against the proletariat.

Updates on the Guangdong Six: December 9 through 16

Fifth & sixth labor activists Peng Jiayong & Meng Hen confirmed to be under criminal detention, one still missing; families and friends still being harassed and interrogated; mainland workers and activists initiate their own petition and other low-key solidarity actions; call for global solidarity actions on Monday, December 21

The diary of Zhu Xiaomei’s husband (part 1): Our happy family was devastated on December 3rd

Zhu Xiaomei, a young nursing mother, is among the activists currently detained in China for their work helping workers to claim their legal rights. In this diary, Zhu Xiaomei's husband speaks out about what the family has gone through, and updates on their current condition. This is the first of his diary entries.