wildcat strikes

Wildcat strikes break out at Canadian airports

Ground Crew at Toronto and Montreal Airports have walked off the job in support of three colleagues who were suspended for heckling a government minister. The government respond by threatening to use the police to break up the strike.

Report on the recent South African miners' strike

Report on the recent 6 week wildcat strike at Impala Platinum's Rustenberg operation, the biggest platinum mine in the world, including a timeline and a bit of background information.

Kenyan Government fires 25,000 striking nurses

The Kenyan Government has sacked 25,000 striking nurses who refused to return to work after their trade union called off the official strike.

Armageddon at Implat's wildcat strike? Mine eruptions escalate in South Africa

Protesting miners throw rocks at police near Impala Platinum's Rustenburg mine.

22 February 2012. South African miners are in the fifth week of a wildcat strike that has paralysed the Rustenburg mine of Impala Platinum, the biggest producer of platinum in the world. The last few days have seen antagonism erupt into increasingly militant action.

Attack on electricians' contracts wobbles as Balfour Beatty folds

Sparks are celebrating a major breakthrough in their battle to stop a co-ordinated attempt by some of Britain's biggest construction firms to deskill their jobs and impose pay cuts of up to 35% after main player Balfour Beatty threw in the towel.

Fighting and firings at Canada Post

In this post, Phinneas Gage tells a story about action on the job, management retaliation, and workers’ responses.

Hospital workers across Edmonton walk out on wildcat strike

A crowd of hundreds of wildcat strikers surrounds the Royal Alexandra Hospital

Hundreds of support workers at the Royal Alexandra and University of Alberta hospitals in Canada walked out this morning in a dispute over pay and conditions.

War on the waterfront - Peter Cole

drawing of IWW dockers

Chapter 4 of "Wobblies on the waterfront-interracial unionism in progressive-era Philadelphia" by Peter Cole, an excellent text about the American IWW in the early 20th century, and interestingly about some Wobblies' support of World War I.

Non-unionised Seattle truckers organise against the bosses

Over 600 non-unionised workers at dock in Seattle walk out in protest against horrendous working conditions. What started at one company has now spread to over a dozen. The workers are not going back to work until the bosses give into their demands.

Tomato harvest in Nardo, Apulia: The first self organised strike of the day labourers

An account and analysis by Devi Sacchetto and Mimmo Perrotta of a July 2011 strike by ultra-precarious migrant agricultural workers in Italy.