

Comparing comparison sites – they don't

The "lazy tax" is the excess amount paid for mortgages/credit cards/insurance/utilities by people who don't shop around for the best deal. The "tax" is worth billions of dollars and most of us pay it in one form or another. We get taken for a ride by the institutions we'd like to be able to trust.

But you're sick of needlessly subsidising shareholders and other consumers so you do the obvious thing of clicking on one of the several comparison sites that promise to effortlessly do the shopping around for you. D'oh – odds are you've just been taken for another ride.

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Cheaper credit cards

Will consumers be smart enough to use new, cheaper credit cards coming out, or will they be caught by the "lazy tax?" Michael Pascoe comments.

Most of the comparison sites are primarily sales channels for the banks and insurers that pay to be listed and/or pay a commission when a punter clicks through to buy a product.

It's no surprise then that the cheapest products, the best deals, often don't feature on those sites because they're kept cheap by not paying fat commissions and spending heaps on advertising. Yes, Comparethemarket's cute meerkats and Finder's neat surveys and media releases come at a price.

A quick example: with the Big Four banks under fire over eye-watering credit-card interest rates, ANZ generated considerable publicity by launching a card charging 11.49 per cent.  I wanted to check what was already available. The Choice Compare, Ditch & Switch site threw up half-a-dozen sub-10 per cent offerings. Not one of them turned up on, or

The new ANZ card looked like a comparative bargain on those sites – it's not. Try 8.99 per cent from Community First Credit Union with 55 days interest free, or 6.99 per cent with no interest-free period from Police Credit Union.


The exception to the rule is – companies don't pay to be listed. Canstar makes a living by selling subscriptions, advertising and licensing its gold star awards for marketing. It gets some payments from click-throughs but it examines the vast majority of products in the markets it covers.

The story is the same with insurance products. A Choice investigation in 2014 found Canstar to be the only comparison site worth visiting. Some sites have their own insurance brands. One was owned by an insurance company. 

(It's another story again that making sense of competing insurance policies is hard work given the policy details and exclusions, or in the case of health insurance, near impossible. The power of marketing means consumers are more likely to know how many frequent flyer points they're offered for many thousands of dollars' worth of health insurance than the details of what they're actually buying.)

There inevitably is disclosure somewhere on the coverage-deficient sites that not all products are compared, but that's not the impression given by their advertising. Google "low credit-card interest rates" and up pops "2017's Top Low Interest Cards" from creditcardcompare and Finder's "Top 10 Credit Cards 2017 – Hand-Picked by Our Experts". Actually, they're not.

It would be more honest to declare: "Here are comparisons of some products we've been paid to advertise and/or will earn us commission if you buy. There's a good chance the best product for you is not mentioned." Happy shopping.